
Defines functions getpctmin

Documented in getpctmin

#' @title Example of Calculating Percent Minority if Raw Counts Available
#' @description This is only an example & only useful if you already have x data in the proper format,
#'   as from \code{\link[UScensus2010]{UScensus2010}}.
#'   It is a simple example of calculating a derived variable from raw counts if those have been obtained.
#' @param x Dataset of blocks data that must be in data within x and must have fields P0050003 and P0010001
#' @return Would be a vector as long as P0010001
#' @seealso \code{\link[UScensus2010]{UScensus2010}}
#' @examples
#' # Example of how to get calculated variable like pctmin from delaware.blk10, or other data
#' # from package called UScensus2010blk
#' # (not from this UScensus2010blocks package):
#' \dontrun{
#'    require(UScensus2010)
#'    install.blk("osx")  # if on OSX
#'    data("delaware.blk10")
#'    x=delaware.blk10
#'    #  pctmin <- getpctmin(x)
#'    # hist(pctmin, 100)
#' }
#' @export
getpctmin <- function(x) {
  print('Function should be this:')
  print('with(x@data, ifelse(P0010001>0, 1 - (P0050003 / P0010001), 0 ) )')
ejanalysis/UScensus2010blocks documentation built on April 2, 2024, 10:10 a.m.