analyze.stuff: Basic Tools for Analyzing Datasets

analyze.stuffR Documentation

Basic Tools for Analyzing Datasets


This R package provides some useful tools for analyzing data in matrices and data.frames, such as functions to find the weighted mean of each column of data, add leading zeroes, or find what percent of rows are above some cutoff for each column.


Key functions include:

  • change.fieldnames(): Change many fieldnames using map of current to new ones

  • calc.fields(): Create many new calculated fields from data.frame fields by specifying a list of formulas.

  • similar.p(), setdiff2(): Compare two datasets or sets

  • rows.above.count(), rows.above.pct(): How many rows have values above a cutoff?

  • cols.above.count(), cols.above.pct(): How many cols have values above a cutoff?

  • rowMaxs(), colMaxs(), rowMins(), colMins(): Max or min of each row or col in data.frame or matrix (but note that matrixStats package has similar functions)

  • wtd.rowMeans(), wtd.colMeans(): Weighted mean of each row or col

  • pctiles(), wtd.pctiles(): See a table of values at 100 percentiles, for each field.

  • na.check(), length2(): How many NA or non-NA values in each column?

  • mem(): What objects are taking up the most memory?

  • dir2(), dirr(), dirdirs(): Directory listing with wildcards, just R-related files, subfolders, etc.

May add later:

  • cols.below.count

  • cols.below.pct

  • cols.below.which

  • rows.above.count

  • rows.above.pct

  • rows.above.which

  • rows.below.count

  • rows.below.pct

  • rows.below.which



The matrixStats package provides versions of rowMins, rowMax, colMins, colMaxs and related functions. This package replaces them with slower but more flexible versions that work on data.frames. Source: Henrik Bengtsson (2015). matrixStats: Methods that Apply to Rows and Columns of a Matrix. R package version 0.13.1-9000.

See Also

Useful links:

ejanalysis/analyze.stuff documentation built on Dec. 11, 2024, 2:16 p.m.