cols.above.count: Number of Columns with Value (at or) above (or below) Cutoff

View source: R/cols.above.count.R

cols.above.countR Documentation

Number of Columns with Value (at or) above (or below) Cutoff


Find what number of columns have a value at or above some cutoff(s).


  or.tied = FALSE,
  na.rm = TRUE,
  below = FALSE,
  one.cut.per.col = FALSE



Data.frame or matrix of numbers to be compared to cutpoint value.


The numeric threshold(s) or cutpoint(s) to which numbers are compared. Default is arithmetic mean of row (or mean of column, if one.cut.per.col = TRUE). Usually one number. Can be a vector of same length as number of rows (if one.cut.per.col=FALSE), in which case each row can use a different cutpoint Or, if one.cut.per.col = TRUE, then cutpoint should be vector as long as the number of columns, and each column is compared to its own cutpoint


Logical. Default is FALSE, which means we check if number in x is greater than the cutpoint (>). If TRUE, check if greater than or equal (>=).


Logical value, optional, TRUE by default. Defines whether NA values should be removed before result is found. Otherwise result will be NA when a row has an NA value in any column.


Logical. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, uses > or >= cutpoint If FALSE, uses < or <= cutpoint


Default is FALSE, which means there is just 1 cutoff same for all cases, or cutoff is vector with one per row. If TRUE then cutoff is vector with 1 per column.


For a matrix with a few cols of related data, find what number of columns are at/above (or below) some cutoff(s). Returns a vector of number indicating how many of the columns are at/above the cutoff(s). Can be used in identifying places (rows) where some indicator(s) is/are at/above one or more cutpoints, threshold values.


Returns a vector the same size as the number of rows in x.

See Also

count.above() pct.above() pct.below() to see, for each column, the count or percent of rows that have values above or below a cutoff.

cols.above.count() cols.above.which() cols.above.pct() to see, for each row, the count or which or fraction of columns with numbers at/above/below cutoff.

colcounter_summary() colcounter_summary_cum() colcounter_summary_pct() colcounter_summary_cum_pct() tablefixed()


out <- cols.above.count(x<-data.frame(a=1:10, b=rep(7,10), c=7:16), cutoff=7)
out # default is or.tied=FALSE
out <- cols.above.count(data.frame(a=1:10, b=rep(7,10), c=7:16),
  cutoff=7, or.tied=TRUE, below=TRUE)
out <- cols.above.count(data.frame(a=1:10, b=rep(7,10), c=7:16) )
 # Compares each number in each row to the row's mean.

ejanalysis/analyze.stuff documentation built on Dec. 11, 2024, 2:16 p.m.