pop.cdf2: Overlay Two PDFs as Weighted Histograms

View source: R/pop.cdf2.R

pop.cdf2R Documentation

Overlay Two PDFs as Weighted Histograms


Use plotrix::weighted.hist to see overlay of two weighted histograms.


pop.cdf2(e, dcount, refcount, etxt, dtxt, brks = 10, ...)



Environmental or other indicator values vector


Vector of weights for the demographic group of interest, such as population counts of Hispanics by Census tract.


Vector of weights for the reference group, such as population counts of individuals who are not Hispanic, by Census tract.


Character string to name e in graph


Character string to name d in graph


Default is 10. Passed as breaks param to plot function


passed to plotrix::weighted.hist()


Does not handle NA values well yet. Assumes you have weights for each and are comparing values in one group vs another.


Creates a plot

See Also

pop.cdf() pop.cdf2() pop.ecdf() pop.cdf.density()


## Not run: 
# can get a dataset for examples
load("~/../../Dropbox/EJSCREEN/R analysis/bg 2015-04-22 Rnames plus subgroups.RData")
# # to do this manually
# require(plotrix)
#weighted.hist(bg$proximity.rmp, bg$pop*bg$pctmin,
# main='pop hist for pctmin of RMP score', xlim=c(0,1.8),freq=FALSE,breaks=c(0:18)/10,col='red')
# main='pop hist for pctmin of RMP score', xlim=c(0,1.8),freq=FALSE,breaks=c(0:18)/10,add=TRUE)

  bg <- ejscreen::bg22[, c(ejscreen::names.d, 'pop', ejscreen::names.e, 'REGION')]

e <- bg$pm[!is.na(bg$pm)]
dpct <- bg$pctmin
dcount   <- bg$pop[!is.na(bg$pm)] *      dpct[!is.na(bg$pm)]
refcount <- bg$pop[!is.na(bg$pm)] * (1 - dpct[!is.na(bg$pm)])
brks <- 0:17
etxt <- 'PM2.5'
dtxt <- 'Minorities'

pop.cdf(        e, pcts = dpct, pops = bg$pop)
pop.cdf2(       e, dcount, refcount, etxt, dtxt, brks)
pop.cdf.density(e, dcount, refcount, etxt, dtxt )

pop.cdf(scores = e, pcts = bg$pctmin, pops = bg$pop,
 main='PM2.5 distribution within each group (minority vs other)',
  ylab='Density (percentage of group population)')

## End(Not run)

ejanalysis/ejanalysis documentation built on April 2, 2024, 10:12 a.m.