flagged.only.by: flagged.only.by

View source: R/flagged.only.by.R

flagged.only.byR Documentation



Flag which cells are the only one in the row that is at/above a threshold (find rows that meet only 1 of several criteria).


flagged.only.by(x, threshold = 8, or.tied = FALSE, below = FALSE)



Data.frame or matrix of numbers to be compared to threshold value.


The numeric threshold or threshold to which numbers are compared. Default is 8! Usually one number, but can be a vector of same length as number of rows, in which case each row can use a different threshold.


Logical. Default is FALSE, which means we check if number in x is greater than the threshold (>). If TRUE, check if greater than or equal (>=).


Logical. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, uses > or >= threshold. If FALSE, uses < or <= threshold.


For a data.frame with a few cols of related data, find which cells are the only one in the row that is at/above some threshold. This can find rows that meet only 1 of several criteria, for example. Returns a logical matrix or data.frame, with TRUE for each cell that meets the test. Can be used in EJ analysis in identifying places (rows) that were only flagged because one of the indicator(s) is at/above a threshold, threshold value. For example, if there were four criteria to be met in flagging a location, this function identifies places that met only one of the criteria, and can show which one was met.


Returns a logical matrix the same size as x.


Future work: these functions could have wts, na.rm, & allow cutpoints or benchmarks as a vector (not just 1 number), & have benchnames.

See Also

flagged.by or cols.above.which to see which cells are at/above/below some threshold

cols.above.count to see, for each row, how many columns are at/above some threshold

cols.above.percent to see, for each row, what fraction of columns are at/above some threshold


  out <- flagged.only.by(x<-data.frame(a=1:10, b=rep(7,10), c=7:16), threshold=7)
  x;  out # default is or.tied=FALSE
  out <- flagged.only.by(data.frame(a=1:10, b=rep(7,10), c=7:16), threshold=7,
  or.tied=TRUE, below=TRUE)
  out <- flagged.only.by(data.frame(a=1:10, b=rep(7,10), c=7:16) )
  # Compares each number in each row to the default threshold.

ejanalysis/ejanalysis documentation built on Oct. 10, 2024, 6:44 p.m.