
Defines functions flagged.only.by

Documented in flagged.only.by

#' @title flagged.only.by
#' @description Flag which cells are the only one in the row that is at/above a threshold (find rows that meet only 1 of several criteria).
#' @details For a data.frame with a few cols of related data, find which cells are the only one in the row that is at/above some threshold.
#'   This can find rows that meet only 1 of several criteria, for example.
#'   Returns a logical matrix or data.frame, with TRUE for each cell that meets the test.
#'   Can be used in EJ analysis in identifying places (rows) that were only flagged because one of the indicator(s) is at/above a threshold, threshold value.
#'   For example, if there were four criteria to be met in flagging a location, this function identifies
#'   places that met only one of the criteria, and can show which one was met.
#' @param x Data.frame or matrix of numbers to be compared to threshold value.
#' @param threshold The numeric threshold or threshold to which numbers are compared. Default is 8! Usually one number, but can be a vector of same length as number of rows, in which case each row can use a different threshold.
#' @param or.tied Logical. Default is FALSE, which means we check if number in x is greater than the threshold (>). If TRUE, check if greater than or equal (>=).
#' @param below Logical. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, uses > or >= threshold. If FALSE, uses < or <= threshold.
#' @return Returns a logical matrix the same size as x.
#' @seealso flagged.by or cols.above.which to see which cells are at/above/below some threshold
#' @seealso cols.above.count to see, for each row, how many columns are at/above some threshold
#' @seealso cols.above.percent to see, for each row, what fraction of columns are at/above some threshold
#' @keywords EJ
#' @examples
#'   out <- flagged.only.by(x<-data.frame(a=1:10, b=rep(7,10), c=7:16), threshold=7)
#'   x;  out # default is or.tied=FALSE
#'   out <- flagged.only.by(data.frame(a=1:10, b=rep(7,10), c=7:16), threshold=7,
#'   or.tied=TRUE, below=TRUE)
#'   out
#'   out <- flagged.only.by(data.frame(a=1:10, b=rep(7,10), c=7:16) )
#'   # Compares each number in each row to the default threshold.
#'   out
#' @note Future work: these functions could have wts, na.rm, & allow cutpoints or benchmarks as a vector (not just 1 number), & have benchnames.
#' @export
flagged.only.by <- function(x, threshold=8, or.tied=FALSE, below=FALSE) {
  above <- flagged.by(df.bins=df.bins, threshold=threshold, or.tied=or.tied)
  onlyby <- above
  onlyby[rowSums(onlyby) > 1, ] <- 0
ejanalysis/ejanalysis documentation built on April 2, 2024, 10:12 a.m.