Man pages for ejanalysis/ejscreen
EJScreen Tools for US EPA Environmental Justice (EJ) Mapping and Screening

add_metadatahelper function for package to set attributes of a dataset
bg22blockgroup data from the EPA EJScreen dataset (ACS 2016-2020,...
bg22DemographicSubgroups2016to2020Demographic subgroups of race/ethnicity by block group
change.fieldnames.ejscreen.csvChange colnames of csv file on EJSCREEN FTP site to nicer...
ejformulaSee formula(s) used for EJSCREEN variable(s)
ejscreenTools for EJSCREEN, US EPA's Environmental Justice (EJ)...
ejscreen.acs.calcCreate Calculated EJSCREEN Variables
ejscreen.acsgetDownload ACS tables EJSCREEN uses, but with more race...
ejscreen.acs.renameRename Fields of ACS Data for Use in EJSCREEN
ejscreen.createReplicate or Create EJSCREEN-like dataset from your own...
ejscreen.downloadDownload the EJSCREEN Dataset csv for use in R and rename...
ejscreenformulasEJSCREEN Formulas and Fieldnames
ejscreenformulasnoejEJSCREEN Formulas and Fieldnames Excluding EJ Index Formulas
ejscreen.lookuptablesCreate EJSCREEN Lookup Tables of Pop. Percentiles by Zone -...
ejscreen.rollupAggregate EJSCREEN Dataset at Lower Resolution (e.g., Tracts)
ejscreen.rollup.allAggregate EJSCREEN Dataset at Lower Resolutions (e.g., Tracts...
ejscreen.rollup.saveHelper for ejscreen.rollup.all, to save files of results
ejscreensignifarraySpecify Significant Digits for Each Column of EJSCREEN...
esigfigsHow many signif digits to show
ileile_plotScatter plot of median of Environmental score percentiles for...
lookupRegionsEPA-Region-level EJScreen percentile lookup tables
lookupStatesThe State-level latest version of the EJSCREEN percentile...
lookupUSAThe nationwide most recent version of the EJSCREEN percentile...
make.popup.dMake text to be shown in popups on Demographic data map
make.popup.eMake text to be shown in popups on Envt data map
make.popup.ejMake text to be shown in popups on EJ map
MeansByGroup_and_Ratiosaverage of each environmental indicator in each demographic...
names.dFieldnames of demographic columns in ejscreen package data
names.d.niceNicer names for demog fields in ejscreen data
names.eFieldnames of environmental indicator columns in ejscreen...
names.ejFieldnames of environmental justice indicator columns in...
names.e.niceNicer names for envt fields in ejscreen data
nicenamesConvert EJSCREEN R variable names to more descriptive labels...
pctileAsTextUtility function in showing a percentile as popup text
pjplot ej percentiles vs percentiles from EJSCREEN data
popupunitsUnits of measurement for environmental indicators
RRS.countyRatios of mean indicator values across demographic groups by...
RRS.REGIONSRatios of mean indicator values across demographic groups by...
RRS.STRatios of mean indicator values across demographic groups by...
RRS.USRatios of mean indicator values across demographic groups
tract22DemographicSubgroups2016to2020Demographic subgroups of race/ethnicity by Census Tract -...
ustotalsGet US Totals and Percentages Overall for EJSCREEN Fields
ejanalysis/ejscreen documentation built on Jan. 1, 2025, 10:04 a.m.