lookupRegions: EPA-Region-level EJScreen percentile lookup tables

lookupRegionsR Documentation

EPA-Region-level EJScreen percentile lookup tables


 WARNING: **** As of 2022-07, EJScreen did not include these lookup tables
  for download as csv files on FTP site.

 The nationwide most recent version of the EJSCREEN percentile lookup table.
  Lookup table with one column per indicator; rows 0-100 show percentiles,
  and last two rows show mean and standard deviation.

  Note the 2021 version of EJSCREEN (to be released late 2021 ??)
    actually uses ACS2019, which is from 2015-2019 (released late 2020).
  Note the 2020 version of EJSCREEN (confusingly released mid 2021)
    actually uses ACS2018, which is from 2014-2018 (released late 2019).
  Note the 2019 version of EJSCREEN (released late 2019)
    actually uses ACS2017, which is from 2013-2017 (released late 2018).
  Note the 2018 version of EJSCREEN (released late 2018)
    actually uses ACS2016, which is from 2012-2016 (released late 2017).

  This is from the EJSCREEN dataset from the ftp site but with
  fields renamed for easier use in the ejscreen package.
  It can be used with for example
  ejanalysis::lookup.pctile(13, varname.in.lookup.table = 'pm', 
  lookup = lookupUSA)
  It shows what the cutpoints are for each variable at percentiles 
  0,1,2 through 99, 100.
  For example, if the traffic.score is 1000 in a given location,
  you can look where that falls in the percentiles and see that 81
  the US population had lower scores:
  ejanalysis::lookup.pctile(1000, varname.in.lookup.table = 'traffic.score', 
   lookup = lookupUSA)


See lookupUSA for details.

See Also

lookupUSA lookupRegions lookupStates ejanalysis::lookup.pctile()


varname.in.lookup.table = 'traffic.score',  lookup = lookupUSA)
    ejanalysis::lookup.pctile(c(1000, 3000), 
    varname.in.lookup.table = 'traffic.score',
      lookup = lookupStates, zone = 'NY')
      # Those traffic scores are at the 62d and 83d percentiles 
      within NY State (83 percent
      # of the NY State population had a traffic score lower than 3000).
   ## Not run: 

    bg <- bg20[ sample(1:NROW(bg20), 100), ]

    state.pctile.pm <- ejanalysis::lookup.pctile(myvector = bg$pm, 
    varname.in.lookup.table = 'pm',
       lookup = lookupStates, zone = bg$ST)
    plot(state.pctile.pm, bg$pctile.pm, pch = '.')
    text(state.pctile.pm, bg$pctile.pm, 
    labels = paste(bg$ST, round(bg$pm,1)), cex = 0.8)
    lookupStates[lookupStates$PCTILE == 'mean', c('REGION', 'pm')]
    lookupUSA[lookupUSA$PCTILE == 'mean', c('REGION', 'pm')]
## End(Not run)

ejanalysis/ejscreen documentation built on Jan. 1, 2025, 10:04 a.m.