make.popup.d: Make text to be shown in popups on Demographic data map

View source: R/make.popup.d.R

make.popup.dR Documentation

Make text to be shown in popups on Demographic data map


Takes raw values and what percentiles they are at, and presents those as a text field to be used as the text in a popup window on a map


make.popup.d(d, pctile, prefix = "pctile.text.", basenames)



raw demographic values, 0-1 (such as 0.3345 where roughly 33 percent of the local population is under age 5)


required integers 0 to 100, representing the percentile(s) at which the raw value(s) fall(s).


optional, default is 'pctile.text.' This is a text string specifying the first part of the desired resulting fieldname in outputs.


optional, default is colnames(d). Defines colname(s) of outputs, which are the prefix plus this.


Note d should be a (vector? or) data.frame of exact demographic percentages from 0 to 1, not 0 to 100 BUT pctile should be INTEGER 0 to 100, NOT 0 to 1! Because that is how EJSCREEN data are stored In EJSCREEN, there are three types of pctile.text fields: E (text varies), D, EJ: 'pctile.text.cancer' "55 lifetime risk per million (91 'pctile.text.pctmin' "13 'pctile.text.EJ.DISPARITY.cancer.eo' "36


Returns character vector or data.frame, same shape as first input parameter.

See Also

make.popup.d make.popup.e make.popup.ej pctileAsText


 # inputs are test0 and test1, and desired output is like test2
   # (except note how prefix is added to each basename)
 test0 <- structure(list(
   VSI.eo = c(0.185525372063833, 0.174428104575163, 0.485647788983707),
   pctmin = c(0.131656804733727, 0.111928104575163, 0.671062839410395),
   other = c(NA, NA, 0.02)),
   .Names = c("VSI.eo", "pctmin", "other"),
   row.names = c(NA, 3L), class = "data.frame")
 # VSI.eo    pctmin other
 # 1 0.1855254 0.1316568    NA
 # 2 0.1744281 0.1119281    NA
 # 3 0.4856478 0.6710628  0.02

  test1 <- structure(list(
    pctile.VSI.eo = c(27.1991395138354, 24.6836238179206, 72.382419748292),
    pctile.pctmin = c(30.2662374847936, 26.761078397073, 78.2620665123235),
    other = c(NA, NA, 4)),
    .Names = c("pctile.VSI.eo", "pctile.pctmin", "other"),
    row.names = c(NA, 3L), class = "data.frame")
 #   pctile.VSI.eo pctile.pctmin other
 # 1      27.19914      30.26624    NA
 # 2      24.68362      26.76108    NA
 # 3      72.38242      78.26207     4

  test2 <- structure(list(
    pctile.text.VSI.eo = c("19% (27%ile)", "17% (24%ile)","49% (72%ile)"),
    pctile.text.pctmin = c("13% (30%ile)", "11% (26%ile)", "67% (78%ile)"),
    other = c(NA, NA, 4)),
    .Names = c("pctile.text.VSI.eo","pctile.text.pctmin", "other"),
    row.names = c(NA, 3L), class = "data.frame")
 #   pctile.text.VSI.eo pctile.text.pctmin other
 # 1       19% (27%ile)       13% (30%ile)    NA
 # 2       17% (24%ile)       11% (26%ile)    NA
 # 3       49% (72%ile)       67% (78%ile)     4

make.popup.d(test0, test1)
 #   pctile.text.VSI.eo pctile.text.pctmin pctile.text.other
 # 1       19% (27%ile)       13% (30%ile)              <NA>
 # 2       17% (24%ile)       11% (26%ile)              <NA>
 # 3       49% (72%ile)       67% (78%ile)        2% (4%ile)

ejanalysis/ejscreen documentation built on Jan. 1, 2025, 10:04 a.m.