qpcr: Gene expression from real-time quantitative PCR

qpcrR Documentation

Gene expression from real-time quantitative PCR


Gene expression levels from real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) experiments on two different plant lines. Each line was used for 7 experiments each with 45 cycles.


A data frame with 630 observations on the following 4 variables.

flour numeric Fluorescence level
line factor Plant lines rnt (mutant) and wt (wildtype)
cycle numeric Cycle number for the experiment
transcript factor Transcript used for the different runs


Data provided by Kirsten Jorgensen <kij@life.ku.dk>.
Added by Claus Ekstrom <ekstrom@life.ku.dk>


Morant, M. et al. (2010). Metabolomic, Transcriptional, Hormonal and Signaling Cross-Talk in Superroot2. Molecular Plant. 3, p.192–211.



# Analyze a single run for the wt line, transcript 1
run1 <- subset(qpcr, transcript==1 & line=="wt")

model <- nls(flour ~ fmax/(1+exp(-(cycle-c)/b))+fb,
             start=list(c=25, b=1, fmax=100, fb=0), data=run1)


plot(run1$cycle, run1$flour, xlab="Cycle", ylab="Fluorescence")
lines(run1$cycle, predict(model))

ekstroem/MESS documentation built on July 28, 2023, 4:02 a.m.