knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", cache = TRUE) # warning = FALSE

The primerdesignR package is designed to make it easy to develop primers for a gene of interest. It will take a gene sequence, create and parse input files to programs used in a typical primer design workflow. It is designed to work for MacOSX and Linux. If you would like help using primerdesignR, please email with any queries.

The minimum requirements are two input files:

  1. Genome of interest (.fasta and blast database)
  2. A query sequence of interest

It is also important that the following programs are installed.

BLAST+ executables: good tutorial for installing executables and running BLAST
bedtools: installation guidelines
primer3: manual including installation guidelines

You can use devtools to install primerdesignR


# other requirements

1. Directory stucture.

primerdesignR functions work mainly by loading and parsing files in specified directories. Therefore it is important that you stick to the following (or similar) recommended project directory structure:

data/seqs: query gene sequence(s) of interest in a closely related species
data/primers: example primers used for amplifying gene of interest in a closely related species
data/genome_db: directory for genome and formatted blast database
output/blast_out: directory for blast output
output/bedtools_out: directory for bedtools output
output/primers: directory for final primer3 output

We will design primers for sequencing the MC1R gene in the Antarctic fur seal genome. You will need to download the full draft fur seal genome from Dryad and format it into a BLAST database using the following command: makeblastdb -in final.assembly.ArcGaz001_AP3.fasta -dbtype nucl -out genome/furseal.

2. Retrieving query sequences

It is possible to use a gene sequence or PCR primers to identify the location of the target gene in your species of interest. You should save a fasta file of your gene of interest from at least one closely related species into data/seqs. You might also have some primers from a published paper which you can should store in data/primers. It is best to save these as a fasta file where the two primers are on one line, separated by Ns (see below).

Example data

Two example sequences are included in primerdesignR: the MC1R sequence of the dog and PCR primers designed to amplify the MC1R in the Kermode bear.




Let's save these sequences as fasta files into the data/seqs and data/primers. It is important to store gene sequences and primer sequences in separate directories.

get_fasta <- function(x, outdir){
  name <- getAnnot(c.lupus_mc1r_seq)
  name <- data.frame(paste(">", name, sep = ""))
  fasta <- cbind(name, x[[1]][1])
  fasta <- as.vector(t(fasta))
  fasta <-
  write.table(fasta, paste(outdir,substitute(x), ".fasta", sep = ""), 
              quote = F, col.names = F, row.names = F)

get_fasta(c.lupus_mc1r_seq, "data/seqs/")
get_fasta(u.americanus_mc1r_primers, "data/primers/")

Two files, c.lupus_mc1r_seq.fasta and u.americanus_mc1r_primers.fasta will have been created in data/seqs and data/primers respectively.

You can also download sequences of interest from GenBank using the function download_query_seqs. You must specify the accession numbers (accessions =) and the ouput directory and filename (output =).

download_query_seqs(accessions = c("XM_546772", "AB725456", 
                                   "NM_001114534", "JN575070"), 
         output = "data/seqs/mc1r_seqs.fasta")

A files, mc1r_seqs.fasta containing the sequences associated with all of the above accession numbers will have been created in data/seqs.

2. Blasting a query sequence against the genome.

This is done using the function blastseq2genome and requires the path to a directory containing the query sequence or sequences (indir =), the path and name of your genome database (genomepath =), the output directory (outdir =) and the full path to the blastn executable (blastpath =). The function will search for and blast all files ending in .fasta in the specified directory. Let's run this on both the dog MC1R sequence and the sequences downloaded from GenBank.

blastseqs2genome(indir = "data/seqs/", 
                 genomepath = "data/genome_db/furseal", 
                 outdir = "output/blast_out/",
                 blastpath = "~/programs/blastn")

In the directory output/blast_out, two output files mc1r_seqs2genome and c.lupus_mc1r_seq2genome will have been created.

To map primer sequences to a genome it is normally necessary to use less stringent blast parameters. Let's see where the set of Kermode bear MC1R primers map to the fur seal genome.

blastprimers2genome(indir = "data/primers/", 
                 genomepath = "genome_db/furseal", 
                 outdir = "output/blast_out/",
                 blastpath = "~/programs/blastn")

Let's load in all the blast output files:

blastout_files <- paste0("output/blast_out/", 
                         list.files(path = "output/blast_out/"))

import_files <- function(file){ 
        if (!file.size(file) == 0) {
  file <- read.table(file)
  names(file) <- c("Query", "Subject", "PercentIdentity", 
                   "QueryLength", "AlignmentLength", "Mismatches", 
                   "GapOpening", "QueryStart", "QueryEnd", 
                   "SubjectStart", "SubjectEnd", "Evalue", "BitScore")

blast_out <- lapply(blastout_files, import_files)

3. Extract target location

You will have to determine the target location by looking at the blast output, specifically, columns Subject, QueryStart, QueryEnd,SubjectStart, and SubjectEnd.


In this case, the MC1R seqeunces are clearly mapping to the same region on scaffold00610. The primer sequences resulted in no mappings. From looking at the SubjectStart, and SubjectEnd coordinates of the first alignment, it looks like the region between base pairs 197544:198489 is what we are interested in.

We will now generate a .bed file to parse to the program bedtools getfasta which will extract the target region from the fur seal genome as a fasta file allowing an additional 300 base pairs on either side for primer design.

You must specify:
1. The chromosome, scaffold or contig ID (Subject in blast_out, chr =)
2. Start and end coordinates (+ and - 300 bp) making sure that the start is less than the end (start = and end =). In this case, the query sequence 'gi|62122762|ref|NM_001014282.1|' mapped in reverse so the SubjectEnd is actually our SubjectStart.
3. Output directory (outdir =)
4. Full path to the bedtools executable (bedtoolspath =)
5. Path to your genome file (genomepath =)

extract_target_location(chr = "scaffold00610",
                        start = 197244,
                        end = 198789,
                        outdir = "output/bedtools_out/",
                        bedtoolspath = "/Users/emilyhumble/programs/bedtools",
                        genomepath = "data/genome_db/submission.assembly.fasta")

In the directory output/bedtools_out, an intermediate file target_region.bed and an output file target_region.fasta will have been created.

4. Primer design

We can now load the resulting fasta file and prepare it for primer3 by highlighting the target region with square brackets. You may then now choose to run Primer3 through its web interface or through the command line. It is important to note that the default parameters for the web interface and the command line version are not the same and therefore ther resulting primers will differ depending on which you use. We have succesfully designed primers using both.

Primer3 web interface

Simply run the following and copy the output sequence into the input box of the web interface.

target_web <- read.fasta("output/bedtools_out/target_region.fasta", 
                         as.string = T, forceDNAtolower = F) %>%
  lapply(function(x) x[[1]]) %>%
  as.character(unlist(.)) %>%
  insert_str(c("[", "]"), c(300, str_length(.)-300))


Command line

Running the command line version of primer3 can enable more flexibility. The package primerdesignR provides functions to prepare input files for running the the program with 3 sets of parameters. create_primer3_input_A specifies a few basic input parameters, create_primer3_input_B specifies a longer list of parameters that we have used to succesfully design primers for microsatellites and create_primer3_input_C specifies the input parameters used in primer3 web version 0.4.0. It is up to you which of these you would like to use. You may also be interested in adding functions to the package for different parameters.

Create the input files by specifying the name of your sequence (seqID =), the object in which your target sequence is stored (target =), the full path to the primer3 installation directory (primer3path =) and the output directory (outdir =)

target <- read.fasta("output/bedtools_out/target_region.fasta", 
                     as.string = T, forceDNAtolower = F) %>%
  lapply(function(x) x[[1]]) %>%

create_primer3_input_A(seqID = "MC1R_A", 
                       target = target, 
                       primer3path = "/Users/emilyhumble/programs/primer3-2.3.7", 
                       outdir = "output/primers/")

create_primer3_input_B(seqID = "MC1R_B", 
                       target = target, 
                       primer3path = "~/programs/primer3-2.3.7", 
                       outdir = "output/primers/")

create_primer3_input_C(seqID = "MC1R_C", 
                       target = target, 
                       primer3path = "/Users/emilyhumble/programs/primer3-2.3.7", 
                       outdir = "output/primers/")

Now you can run primer3 on the resulting files. You must specify the directory containing your input file (indir =), the name of your input file (input =), the full path to the primer3_core executable (primer3_corepath =) and the ouput directory (outdir =).

run_primer3(indir = "output/primers/",
            input = "primer3in_A",
            primer3_corepath = "~/programs/primer3_core",
            outdir = "output/primers/")

An output file primer3in_A_OUT should have been generated in output/primers.
Two additional files: MC1R_A.for and MC1R_B.rev will also have been generated in the top level working directory. These are a list of all primers that primer3 considered.

elhumble/primerdesignR documentation built on May 16, 2019, 2:59 a.m.