Man pages for elipousson/overedge
Assorted Functions For Easier Map Making

address_to_sfUse tidygeocoder to convert an address or data frame with an...
area_unit_optionsArea units (vector)
as_pointConvert an sf, numeric, or other object to a POINT (sfg) or...
as_sfConvert an object to a simple feature or bounding box object
convert_dist_scaleConvert distance from scale to actual units
convert_dist_unitsConvert distance (and area) values between different units
count_featuresCount simple feature objects
dist_unit_optionsDistance units (vector)
dist_unitsDistance units (data frame)
format_dataFormat data frames and simple features using common...
get_admin_dataGet U.S. State and County boundary data for a location
get_aspGet aspect ratio from string or based on specific paper and...
get_coordsGet coordinates for a simple feature or bounding box object
get_data_dirCheck data directory and create if needed
get_esri_dataUse esri2sf to get data from an ArcGIS FeatureServer or...
get_flickr_photosUse FlickrAPI to get geotagged photos for a location
get_locationGet location of a specified type based on name, id, or...
get_location_dataGet data for a location
get_marginGet margins for a ggplot2 plot or map based on style or...
get_measurementsGet measurements for simple feature objects
get_open_dataGet data from an open data portal (Socrata) for a location
get_osm_dataUse osmdata to get Open Street Map data for a location
get_paperGet standard paper and image sizes
get_scaleGet standard scales and convert to scale distances
get_social_imageGet social media image size to match platform and format
get_static_mapboxUse mapboxapi to get a static Mapbox map image
get_wiki_dataGet Wikipedia articles for a location
ggsave_extSave a ggplot2 plot or gt table to file and update file EXIF...
is_dist_unitsGeneral utility functions for working with distance units...
is_geom_typeWhat geometry type is this feature?
is_ggCheck ggplot objects and ggplot lists
is_sfWhat is the class or spatial attributes of this feature?
labs_extAdd labels to a ggplot2 location map
layer_frameCreate map layer with shape framing a simple feature object
layer_iconAdd a SVG icons to a ggplot2 plot based on a simple feature...
layer_location_dataLayer location data into a ggplot2 map
layer_mapboxUse mapboxapi to make a Mapbox static map layer
layer_markersCreate a ggplot2 layer with map markers or numbered markers
layer_maskCreate a mask layer based on a simple feature object
layer_neatlineSet map limits to a simple feature or bounding box with a...
layer_scaledCreate a ggplot2 layer scaled to a paper and orientation for...
location_filterFilter, crop, or trim data to a location
make_filenameMake file name and path with optional label, prefix, or...
make_location_data_listMake a list of data and corresponding locations
make_location_gridMake a grid over a location bounding box
make_location_mapMake a ggplot map using layer_location_data
make_markersMake map markers from a simple feature object
map_iconsMap icons
mapview_extUse mapview to interactively explore spatial data
number_featuresSort and number features by coordinates or distance
osm_building_tagsOpenStreetMap building tags
overedge-packageoveredge: Assorted Functions For Easier Map Making
paper_sizesStandard paper and image sizes
read_sf_exifRead location data from images to a simple feature object...
read_sf_extRead spatial data in a bounding box to a simple feature...
scale_group_dataCreate discrete fill and color scales for grouped data
set_access_tokenSet or get an access token or API key to/from environment...
set_overedge_optionsSet overedge packge options
sf_bbox_miscMeasure, transform, and convert bounding boxes
sf_to_dfConvert between simple feature and data frame objects
standard_scalesStandard map, architectural, and engineering scales
st_bbox_extGet a bounding box buffered to match an aspect ratio
st_buffer_extBuffer a simple feature or bounding box object
st_cast_extCast geometry to another type
st_clipClip the side or corner of a simple feature or bounding box...
st_eraseErase an area of a simple feature object
st_miscModify the geometry of a simple feature or bounding box...
str_miscUse the stringr package to help make consistent file names
st_transform_extTransform or convert coordinates of a simple feature or...
theme_extModify the text, margins, or legend for a ggplot theme
us_countiesU.S. County boundaries (1:5 mi scale, bbox and wkt)
us_statesU.S. State boundaries (1:5 mi scale, bbox and wkt)
write_sf_extWrite or cache a simple feature object to a file
elipousson/overedge documentation built on Aug. 13, 2022, 7:41 p.m.