st_erase: Erase an area of a simple feature object

View source: R/st_erase.R

st_eraseR Documentation

Erase an area of a simple feature object


An extended version of sf::st_difference that uses the flip parameter to optionally call sf::st_intersection and combines and unions the second object by default. st_trim is st_erase with flip set to TRUE.


st_erase(x, y, flip = FALSE, union = TRUE)

st_trim(x, y, union = TRUE)


x, y

sf objects


If TRUE, use st_intersection; if FALSE use st_difference, Default: FALSE


If TRUE, use sf::st_combine and sf::st_union on y before applying difference/intersection, Default: FALSE

elipousson/overedge documentation built on Aug. 13, 2022, 7:41 p.m.