parks_mat <- cbind(c(62, 71, 66), c(115, 201, 119), c(4000, NA, 2000))
rownames(parks_mat) <- c("Leslie", "Ron", "April")
colnames(parks_mat) <- c("Height", "Weight", "Income")
parks_df <- data.frame(
  "Name" = c("Leslie", "Ron", "April"), "Height" = c(62, 71, 66),
  "Weight" = c(115, 201, 119), "Income" = c(4000, NA, 2000)
L <- list(
  matrix(1:6, nrow = 2, ncol = 3), 
  list(1:5, matrix(1:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 3))
names(L) <- c("Vector", "Matrix", "Data Frame", "List")
which_median <- function(x) {
  which(x == median(x))

```{js, echo=FALSE} $(function() { $('.ace_editor').each(function( index ) { ace.edit(this).setFontSize("20px"); }); })

## Learning Objectives {-}

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

* Install and load packages in R.

* Access and interpret the R Help Documentation for built-in objects and functions.

* Load datasets from packages.

* Create data frames and lists.

* Differentiate between matrices and data frames.

* Extract and assign values to data frames and lists.

* Understand the difference between the mode and the class of an object.

* Summarize an R object with `str()` and `summary()`.

* Understand how and when to use the `apply` family of functions: `apply()`, `lapply()`, `sapply()`, `vapply()`, `tapply()`.

## Using R Packages

### Installing and Loading R Packages

A **package** in R is a collection of functions, data, and documentation encapsulated into a single bundle. The initial download of R contains a few standard packages, collectively known as **base R**, that are loaded and available to use when you open a new R session. Some of the main packages in base R are the `base`, `stats`, `graphics`, and `datasets` packages. Other packages are stored on your computer in a **library**, a directory of the installed packages on your computer.

To load and access an installed package in an R session, we use the **`library()`** function and input the name of the package we want to use (without quotations). For example, to load the `MASS` package:


The library() function will throw an error if you try to load a package that has not been installed on your computer.


The search() function outputs R's current search path, which allows us to see what packages are currently loaded. Do this in the code chunk below:

Note: The packages and environments in the search path are where R will look into when trying to use objects and functions. If R tries to run a command and is unable to find an object or function in the search path, it will throw an error. The order of the search path is the order of the packages and environments in which R will search for objects. For example, the global environment ".GlobalEnv" is first in the search path, so R will always look for objects in the global environment first before trying to find objects in other packages. This is why assigning pi to a value will mask the built-in pi object in base R.

Many people have written functions and added datasets that expand on the functions and datasets initially downloaded when installing R. These contributions are encapsulated into R packages. Most of these specialized packages are not included in the initial download of R and need to be installed separately.

The biggest repository of R packages online is the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). The install.packages() function allows us to install packages from CRAN. Input the name of the package you want to install, either in single or double quotations. For example, to install the boot package:


You have to specify the CRAN mirror from which to download the package. The mirror at "USA (CA 1)" is at UC Berkeley.

You can also install packages in R or RStudio from the menu bar.

Note: Packages only need to be installed once (per computer). Once the package is installed on your computer, you need to tell R that you want to access the functions and data from it by using the library() function.

Caution: To use a function or dataset from a given package, you have to use library() every time you open a new R console. If you quit an R session and reopen R, you need to load the package again.

Getting Help

For help on a built-in function in R, use ? followed by the name of the function, or apply the help() function. Try this with the mean function below:

help(mean) # Same thing as ?

Help files in R, collectively called R documentation, are not always user friendly, but they are usually a great place to start understanding syntax and functionality.

If you do not know the name of the function, you can do a search with a double question mark ?? followed by the search term, or apply the function. The "fuzzy" search will search over all the available help files and return a list of any documentation that has an alias, concept, or title that matches the search term. For example:

??regression"regression") # Same thing as ??

Note: The single question mark ? will search for functions in the packages that are currently loaded. The double question mark ?? will search for any documentation in all of the packages installed on your computer.

To receive help on a specific package (that is already installed), use the help argument in the library() function, like in the example below:

library(help = "MASS")

The data() Function

Both built-in and contributed packages in R contain datasets. The data() function loads datasets from an available package currently in the search path and saves a copy to the workspace.

For example, there are many examples of datasets in the datasets package. The datasets package is part of base R, so the data objects actually can be used as if they are built-in objects in R (like pi). In particular, the objects can be called and used without loading them with the data() function. Other packages need to be loaded first with the library() function before data objects can be used.

data(trees) # Load the trees object
ls() # The trees object has been added to the workspace
question("How  can we find out what type of trees were measured for this dataset?",
         answer("help(trees)", correct = TRUE),
         answer("?trees", correct = TRUE),
         answer("Google it"),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)

The data() function has a second functionality that allows us to list the available datasets in a specific package. We can type the name of the package in the package argument of the data() function.

data(package = "MASS") # List the available datasets in the MASS package

The MASS package contains a dataset called geyser. We first load the package (if it has not yet been loaded for the current R session), then load the dataset.

library(MASS) # Load the MASS package (if it was not loaded already)
data(geyser) # Load the geyser object

Question: Which geyser was measured for this dataset? When was this data collected?

question("When was this data collected?",
         answer("1985", correct = TRUE),
         answer("None of the other options"),
         allow_retry = TRUE,
         random_answer_order = TRUE)

The head() and tail() Functions

It is generally helpful to print/return a dataset to get an idea of how the data is organized. For objects with many values (or datasets with many observations), it may not be useful to print the entire object. The head() function outputs the first few values of the input object. For vectors, head() will output the first few elements. For two-dimensional objects (like data frames and matrices), head() will output the first few rows.

head(trees) # Return the first few values of the trees object

The second argument in head() is the size n, which controls how many values to output. By default, n=6, so head() returns the first six values (or rows). A negative n argument will return all but the last n values.

head(trees, n = ) # Return the first 3 rows
head(1:20, n = ) # Return all values except the last 8
head(trees, n = 3) # Return the first 3 rows
head(1:20, n = -8) # Return all values except the last 8

Similarly, the tail() function outputs the last few values (or rows) of the input object. The syntax is analogous to head(): A positive n argument returns the last n values, and a negative n argument returns all but the first n values.


tail(geyser) # Return the last few (default is 6) rows
tail(1:20, n = -5) # Return all values except the first 5

Data Frames

Basic Definitions and Functions

Recall that all the values in a matrix object must be of the same type (i.e., all numeric, character, logical). Many datasets in statistics involve both numeric and categorical variables, so storing data in a matrix is often too restrictive.

Like a matrix, a data frame is also a two-dimensional array of values. However, data frames are more flexible objects in that each column of a data frame can be of a different type. Like how most data tables are organized in statistics, each column of a data frame generally corresponds to variables, and each row corresponds to observations.

Consider the table of data on the employees at the Pawnee Parks and Recreation Department, introduced in the previous chapter.

\begin{table}[htbp!] \centering \begin{tabular}{cccc} \hline Name & Height (inches) & Weight (pounds) & Income (\$/month) \ \hline Leslie & 62 & 115 & 4000 \ Ron & 71 & 201 & (Redacted) \ April & 66 & 119 & 2000 \ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table}

Recall that we used the matrix() function to create a matrix of the numeric values in the table.

parks_mat <- cbind(c(62, 71, 66), c(115, 201, 119), c(4000, NA, 2000))
rownames(parks_mat) <- c("Leslie", "Ron", "April")
colnames(parks_mat) <- c("Height", "Weight", "Income")

The data.frame() function inputs multiple vectors of the same length and outputs a data frame with each column corresponding to the vectors (in order). We can set column (variable) names by typing the name of the column in quotation marks.

parks_df <- data.frame(
  "Name" = c("Leslie", "Ron", "April"), "Height" = c(62, 71, 66),
  "Weight" = c(115, 201, 119), "Income" = c(4000, NA, 2000)

For the parks_df object, the Name variable is a column in the data frame, not the row name. The `Name column has a different type than the other columns.

We can also use data.frame() to convert (coerce) matrices into data frames. By converting parks_mat into a data frame, the row and column names are preserved. Try this below


Many of the same basic functions for matrices also work for data frames.


Note: Unlike the matrix() function that did not assign row or column names, notice that the default row names from data.frame() are the row numbers.

cbind(parks_df, "Age" = c(34, 49, 20))
## Create a data frame with a new observation
ron_dunn <- data.frame("Name" = "Ron", "Height" = 74, "Weight" = 194, "Income" = 5000)
rbind(parks_df, ron_dunn)

rbind(parks_df, list("Ron", 74, 194, 5000)) # Same thing

Question: What is different about the command rbind(parks_df, c("Ron", 74, 194, 5000))?

question("What is different about the command `rbind(parks_df, c('Ron', 74, 194, 5000))`?",
         answer("There is no difference"),
         answer("It will return an error"),
         answer("'Ron' will become 'NA'"),
         answer("Everything becomes numeric mode"),
         answer("Everything becomes character mode", correct=TRUE),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)

Extracting Data from Data Frames

Square Brackets

Since data frames are two-dimensional objects, we can use the same methods for extracting and reassigning values from matrices on data frames. In particular, we can use square brackets with an ordered pair of indices, corresponding to the row index and the column index, separated by a comma. For example, an index of [i, j] means to extract the entry in the ith row and jth column, also called the $(i,j)$th entry. Logical and named indices will also work as expected. Try this with parks_df below:

 # Extract the first row
 # Remove the first column
 # Remove the second row and extract the third column
 # Extract the Names column with named indices
 # Extract the third entry from the Income column with logical indexing for the third entry and named indexing for the Income column
parks_df[1, ] # Extract the first row
parks_df[, -1] # Remove the first column
 # Remove the second row and extract the third column
 # Extract the Names column with named indices
 # Extract the third entry from the Income column with logical indexing for the third entry and named indexing for the Income column
parks_df[1, ] # Extract the first row
parks_df[, -1] # Remove the first column
parks_df[-2, 3] # Remove the second row and extract the third column
parks_df[, "Name"] # Extract the Names column with named indices
 # Extract the third entry from the Income column with logical indexing for the third entry and named indexing for the Income column
parks_df[1, ] # Extract the first row
parks_df[, -1] # Remove the first column
parks_df[-2, 3] # Remove the second row and extract the third column
parks_df[, "Name"] # Extract the Names column with named indices
parks_df[c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), ] # Extract the third entry from the Income column with logical indexing for the third entry and named indexing for the Income column
parks_df[1, ] # Extract the first row
parks_df[, -1] # Remove the first column
parks_df[-2, 3] # Remove the second row and extract the third column
parks_df[, "Name"] # Extract the Names column with named indices
parks_df[c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), "Income"] # Extract the third entry from the Income column with logical indexing for the third entry and named indexing for the Income column
parks_df[1, ] # Extract the first row
parks_df[, -1] # Remove the first column
parks_df[-2, 3] # Remove the second row and extract the third column
parks_df[, "Name"] # Extract the Names column with named indices
parks_df[c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), "Income"] # Extract the third entry from the Income column with logical indexing for the third entry and named indexing for the Income column

Note: Data frames consist of columns of vectors. When the output contains multiple columns, the output remains a data frame (so it can still allow for columns of different types). When the output contains only one column, the output becomes a vector. To preserve the data structure when subsetting, include the argument drop = FALSE in the square brackets.

class(parks_df[, "Name"])
parks_df[, "Name", drop = FALSE] # The output will stay as a data frame
class(parks_df[, "Name", drop = FALSE])

The drop = FALSE argument also works when subsetting single rows or columns from matrix objects.

Caution: Notice that data frames, by default, will coerce character vectors into factors. In order to reassign a value in a factor column, we need to use the methods that we use for factors. We cannot just reassign a value with the assignment <- operator as we would for a character vector.

The data.frame() function has an optional argument called stringsAsFactors that controls whether to coerce characters (also called strings) into factors. By default, the argument is set to TRUE. To prevent the data.frame() function from coercing columns of characters into factors, set the argument stringsAsFactors = FALSE.

Double Square Brackets

There are many ways to extract data from objects in R, depending on the type of object. Data frames are internally stored in R as list objects whose components are the column vectors.

For data frames and lists, the columns/components can be extracted using double square brackets [[]], either referring to the components by numeric index or by name.

parks_df[[1]] # Extract the first column (which is Name)
parks_df[["Height"]] # Extract the Height column
parks_df[[3]][1] # Extract the first element of the third column (Weight)

The $ Operator

For data frames (and lists) where the columns of the object typically have names, the $ operator is an efficient way to extract a single column. The left side of the $ contains the data frame we want to extract from, and the right side contains the name of the column to extract.

parks_df$Height # Extract the Height column from parks_df
parks_df$Income # Extract the Income column from parks_df

When multiple data frames in the workspace have the same variable name inside, it becomes crucial to always know which variable you are using. The $ operator is helpful in keeping track of which data frame the variable comes from.

Note: The $ operator is also able to add a new column (of the same length) to an existing data frame. This can be an alternative to cbind().

parks_df # Does not have the Age variable
parks_df$Age <- c(34, 49, 20) # Add the Age variable to the parks_df object

The with() Function

When referring to a data frame many times, typing the name of the data frame every time may become too cumbersome.

The with() function allows us to reference variable names inside a data frame without brackets or the $ operator. The first argument of with() is the data frame we want to use, and the second argument is the command we want to run using the input data frame.

with(parks_df, Height) # Output the Height variable from parks_df

 # Which weights in parks_df are greater than 110? Answer as a logical vector

 # Compute the mean of the heights
with(parks_df, Height) # Output the Height variable from parks_df

with(parks_df, Weight > 110) # Which weights in parks_df are greater than 110? Answer as a logical vector

with(parks_df, mean(Height)) # Compute the mean of the heights

Side Note: Technically, the with() command evaluates expressions in a local environment constructed by the data frame we want to use. The local environment behaves in a similar way to the body of functions:

with(parks_df, {
  height_in_cm <- Height * 2.54 # Convert heights into cm
  tall_cm_index <- height_in_cm > 165 # Find the heights taller than 165 cm
  Name[tall_cm_index] # Output the names of the people who are taller than 165 cm
question("Which of the following objects remain after the above code chunk is run?",
         answer("parks_df", correct = TRUE),
         answer("None of these options"),
         answer("parks_mat", correct = TRUE),
         allow_retry = TRUE,
         random_answer_order = TRUE)

Modes and Classes

The class of an object determines how R will present the output to you when you call the object. For example, typing parks_df will present the data as a two-dimensional array with r nrow(parks_df) rows and r ncol(parks_df) columns, since parks_df is a data frame. Typing parks_df$Name will produce output of a factor object, which displays the vector of levels and the possible levels for the factor.

The mode of an object is how R internally stores the object. This is not the same as the class. For example, a matrix object is stored in R as a long vector. Data frames are actually stored as lists, where each column of the data frame is stored as a separate vector in the list. This is why the columns of a data frame are allowed to have different types, but entries in a matrix must have the same type.

It can be important to know both the class and mode of objects in R. Many functions expect certain modes as inputs and will give an error if you input an object with an incorrect mode. Some of the syntax we use to work with data frames (the $ notation, for example) is available to us because data frames are stored as lists. This is why the $ notation can be used with data frames and not matrices, and it is also why the $ notation will be used for other list objects with different classes (such as the lm object for linear regression models).

The class() function inputs any R object and outputs the class of the object. For vectors, the class() function will differentiate between integer and double (numeric) types.

## The class and mode of a data frame

## The class and mode of a matrix

## The class and mode of a factor

## The class and mode of an integer vector


Basic Definitions and Functions

A list is an ordered collection of objects. Lists are possibly the most flexible objects in R. Each component in a list can be any other object in R, including vectors, matrices, data frames, functions, and even other lists.

L <- list(
  matrix(1:6, nrow = 2, ncol = 3), 
  list(1:5, matrix(1:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 3))

Note: Conceptually, a vector is an ordered collection of values. In this sense, lists are vectors too, so lists are sometimes called recursive or generic vectors. The vector objects we have worked with so far are sometimes called atomic vectors, since their components cannot be broken down into smaller components.

Since lists are generic vectors, a few of the basic functions that work for vectors also work for lists.

char_vec <- c("Pawnee Rules", "Eagleton Drools")
c(L, list(char_vec))
# How many components are in list L? Use length().
# How many components are in list L? Use length().
names(L) <- c("Vector", "Matrix", "Data Frame", "List")

The names can also be set when creating a list by typing the names of each component in quotation marks.

list("Vector" = 1:10, "Matrix" = matrix(1:6, nrow = 2, ncol = 3))

Note: The names() function can also be used to add names to elements of vectors. For data frames, names() is interchangeable with colnames().

first_five <- 1:5
names(first_five) <- c("One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five")

names(parks_df) # Same as colnames(parks_df)
question("How do you change the names of the rows in parks_df?",
         answer("Add a column"),
         answer("Not possible"),
         answer("rownames()", correct = TRUE),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)

Extracting Data from Lists

The double square brackets [[]] and $ operator are two ways of extracting data that are specific to list objects (and classes of objects stored as lists, like data frames).

Double Square Brackets

The double square brackets [[]] denote the index of the top level components in the list object. Double square brackets can thus be used to extract individual components from a list.

L[[1]] # A vector of length 10
L[[2]] # A 2x3 matrix
L[[2]][, 1] # The first column of the 2x3 matrix
L[[4]] # A list with two components

Caution: The single index inside the double square brackets can be a single positive numeric value or a single character for a name of component. Double square brackets cannot be used to extract multiple top level components at a time.


Note: Notice that L[[4]], the fourth component of the list L, itself has a list nested inside. To access the components inside the nested list, we use two sets of double square brackets: The first set tells us which top level component object we are indexing, and the second set tells us which component of the inner list object to extract.

The first component of the L[[4]] list is a vector and the second component is a $3 \times 3$ matrix. To access the $3 \times 3$ matrix component, we would use [[2]], applied to the L[[4]] object:

L[[4]][[2]] # The 3x3 matrix inside the L[[4]] list
question("How can we extract the third column of the `L[[4]][[2]]` matrix?",
         answer("L[[4]][[2]][, 3]", correct = TRUE),
         answer("L[[4]][[2]][3, ]"),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)

If a list contains a list component inside, it is often called a recursive list. For recursive lists with many lists nested inside other lists, using multiple sets of double square brackets to access the nested list components can be confusing and cumbersome. We can instead use recursive indexing by inputting a vector index (of length greater than 1) in double square brackets. The $i$th element of the vector index will refer to the $i$th level component to extract.

## Extract the 2nd component of the 4th component of L
L[[c(4, 2)]] # Same as L[[4]][[2]]
L[[c(4, 2, 3)]] # Same as L[[4]][[2]][[3]]
question("Why does `L[[c(4, 2, 3)]]` not output the third column of `L[[c(4, 2)]]`?",
         answer("It gives the third row instead"),
         answer("It takes only the third element", correct = TRUE),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)

Using a recursive index with too many indices will result in an error.

L[[c(4, 2, 3, 1)]]

The $ Operator

When the components of a list have names, the $ operator can be used to extract a single component. The left side of the $ contains the list we want to extract from, and the right side contains the name of the component to extract.

L$`Data Frame`

Note: Notice that the name "Data Frame" contains a space, so using the $ with the full name requires backticks (or quotation marks) around the name.

For lists with many components, or components with long names, the first few letters of the component name can be used, as long as there is no ambiguity in which component is being referenced.

Since the name of every component of the L list starts with a different letter, then we only need to type the first letter for the $ operator to know which component to extract.

L$D # Data Frame
L$L # List

Caution: The two L's in L$L refer to different things. The left L refers to the list object L. The right L refers to the first letter of the component inside L called "List". In general, even if it is technically possible to use a single letter to reference a component, you should never shorten a component name more than is necessary. Clarity is more important than brevity.

Note: Just like for data frames (which are lists), the $ operator is also able to add a new component to an existing list.

L$Function <- mean
names(L) # Function has been added to the list

L$Function(L$Vector) # Compute mean of the Vector component using the Function component

To remove a component from a list (or a column from a data frame), set the component to NULL.

L$Function <- NULL

Single Square Brackets

As lists are generic vectors, single square brackets [] can also be used to subset from lists. One key difference between single square brackets [] and double square brackets [[]] is that the single square bracket always outputs a list object while the double square bracket outputs the component object inside.


Single square brackets behave the same way for lists as you would expect with (atomic) vectors. They allow you to subset multiple components of a list with numeric, character, or logical indices.

L[-c(1, 4)]
L[c("Vector", "List")]
question("What does L[[-c(1, 3)]] return?",
         answer("The matrix and the list within the list"),
         answer("An error", correct = TRUE),
         answer("The third element of every component of the list except the first vector"),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)

Vectorized Functions for Data Frames and Lists

Recall that a function in R is vectorized if applying the function to an object will automatically apply the function to individual components of the object. For (atomic) vectors, vector arithmetic is implements operations element-by-element.

c(1, 2, 3) + c(2, 3, 4)

For more complex data structures (like matrices, data frames, and lists), we may be interested in applying a function to each row, column, or component.

Vectorized Summary Functions

We will start with some generic vectorized functions that provide useful summaries for columns or components of R objects.

The str() Function

For a quick overview of any object in R, the str() function returns a compact display of the internal structure of the input object. As an example, we will apply this function to the trees data in the datasets package.

str(trees) # Display the structure of the trees object

The output of the str(trees) command shows that trees is a data frame with 31 observations and 3 variables. A brief summary of each component (column) in trees is given: Each component of trees is numeric (num), and the first few values from each component are printed.

The str() function is well suited for displaying the contents of nested lists (lists inside lists).

parks_df <- data.frame(
  "Name" = c("Leslie", "Ron", "April"), "Height" = c(62, 71, 66),
  "Weight" = c(115, 201, 119), "Income" = c(4000, NA, 2000)
L <- list(
  matrix(1:6, nrow = 2, ncol = 3), 
  list(1:5, matrix(1:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 3))
# Use str() on list L
# Use str() on list L

The summary() Function

We previously used the summary() function to compute a few standard summary statistics on numeric vectors.


The summary() function is an example of a polymorphic function in that it changes its output based on the type of input. Specifically, the output of summary() will depend on the class of the input object.

For data frames, the summary() function will compute summary statistics for each column in the data frame. If the column is a character or factor vector, the summary() output will adapt and return frequencies. For lists, the summary() function will return the length, class attribute, and mode of each component.

question("How can I see the mean value for each numeric column in parks_df?",
         answer("summary(parks_df)", correct = TRUE),
         answer("mean(parks_df, na.rm = TRUE)"),
         allow_retry = TRUE,
         random_answer_order = TRUE)

The apply Family of Functions

One of the most widely used features of R is the apply family of functions. The apply family consists of vectorized functions that minimize the need to use loops or repetitive code. The most common apply functions are apply(), lapply(), sapply(), vapply(), and tapply(), some of which we have covered in previous chapters. There are other functions in the same family (mapply(), rapply(), and eapply()), but these will not be covered.

The apply() Function

Recall that the apply() function is used to apply a function to the rows or columns (the margins) of matrices or data frames.

## Compute the mean of every column of the trees data frame
apply(trees, 2, mean)
## Compute the mean of every row of the trees data frame
apply(trees, 1, mean)
## Compute the range (min and max) of every column of the trees data frame
apply(trees, 2, range)

Note: Remember that the output of apply() will be a matrix if the applied function returns a vector with more than one element.


Caution: Use caution when using apply() to a data frame. Ideally, the columns of the data frame should all be of the same type. The apply() function is intended for matrices (and arrays, which are higher dimensional versions of matrices). Using apply() on a data frame will first coerce the data frame into a matrix with as.matrix() before applying the function in the FUN argument.

Question: What does apply(parks_df, 2, mean) output? Why does this command not give the results we intended? How can we find the mean of each of the numeric columns in parks_df using apply()?

apply(parks_df, 2, mean)
apply(parks_df[, -1], 2, mean)
apply(parks_df[, -1], 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)

Question: How is summary(trees) different from apply(trees, 2, summary)?

apply(trees, 2, summary)
class(apply(trees, 2, summary))

The lapply() Function

The lapply() function is used to apply a function to each component of a list (lapply is short for "list apply"). The output of lapply() will be a list.

The syntax of lapply() is lapply(X, FUN, ...), where the arguments are:

Note that there is no margin argument like in apply(), as lists have a single index.

## Return the class of each component in the L list
lapply(L, class)

Note: Since data frames are (stored as) lists, lapply() also works for data frames.

## Compute the range (min and max) of every column of the trees data frame
lapply(trees, range)

Question: How is apply(trees, 2, range) different from lapply(trees, range)?

apply(trees, 2, range)
lapply(trees, range)

The list output from lapply() is particularly useful when the result from each component may have a different length (or even a different dimension or class).


which_median <- function(x) {
  which(x == median(x))
lapply(trees, which_median)
question("Which type of objects can be used in both apply() and lapply()?",
         answer("data frame", correct = TRUE),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)

The sapply() Function

The output that is returned from lapply() is always a list, with the same number of components as the input list. In many cases, the output could be simplified to a vector or matrix.

The sapply() function is a wrapper function for lapply(), meaning that sapply() actually internally calls lapply() to apply a function to each component of a list. The only difference is that sapply() will try to simplify the output from lapply() whenever possible (sapply is short for "simplified [l]apply"). In particular:

By using lapply(), we found the class of each component of list L. Notice the difference when using sapply().

sapply(L, class)

The output of each application of the class() function is a single character value, so sapply() returns a vector.

Just like lapply(), sapply() also works for data frames.

sapply(trees, range)

Note: Notice that sapply(trees, range) gives the same output as apply(trees, 2, range). Since a data frame is stored as a list with the column vectors as its components, sapply() applies functions to the components of trees as a list, and apply() with MARGIN = 2 applies functions to the columns of the coerced matrix version of trees (as.matrix(trees)). The output is the same in this case. However, since lapply() and sapply() do not coerce data frames into having columns of the same type, certain functions may produce different results.

Question: How is apply(parks_df, 2, mean) different from sapply(parks_df, mean)?

apply(parks_df, 2, mean)
sapply(parks_df, mean)

The vapply() Function

Recall that the vapply() function applies a function to each element of an atomic vector. Since lists are generic vectors, the vapply() function can also be used to apply a function to each component of a list.

The vapply() function is similar to sapply(), except that it requires the FUN.VALUE argument that specifies the type of return value you expect the FUN function to output.

For example, since we know the class() function returns a single character value, we would set FUN.VALUE = character(1).

vapply(trees, class, character(1))

Since the range() function returns a numeric vector of length 2, we would set FUN.VALUE = numeric(2).

vapply(trees, range, numeric(2))

Remember that vapply() will throw an error if the FUN.VALUE is set to a return type that is not what we are expecting.

vapply(trees, mean, numeric(2))

A natural question that arises may be to ask why one would prefer vapply() over sapply(). At first glance, it appears that sapply() is more flexible and easier to use than vapply(). However, the flexibility of sapply() makes it dangerous when trying to ensure that your output has a specific length, dimension, and/or type.

The strictness of vapply() imposed by requiring the FUN.VALUE argument helps in making sure that your output has exactly the structure you expect. The error that vapply() can throw is meant to alert the user of unexpected results. When a function has a predictable output structure, it is generally safer and thus often preferred to use vapply() over sapply().

Final Chapter Quiz

question("How do I get the numbers 1, 2, 3?",
         answer("tail(1:10, -7)"),
         answer("head(1:10, -3)"),
         answer("head(1:10, 3)", correct = TRUE),
         answer("tail(10:1, 3)", correct = TRUE),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)
apply(trees, 2, which_median)
question("The which_median function and trees data frame are shown above. Which of the following answers produces the output underneath the data frame?",
         answer("apply(trees, 2, which_median)", correct=TRUE),
         answer("lapply(trees, which_median)", correct = TRUE),
         answer("sapply(trees, which_median)", correct = TRUE),
         answer("vapply(trees, which_median, numeric(2)"),
         allow_retry = TRUE,
         random_answer_order = TRUE)
question("How do I extract Leslie's weight from the data frame in list L?",
         answer("L[[3]][1, 3]", correct = TRUE),
         answer("L$`Data Frame`$Weight[1]", correct = TRUE),
         answer("L[[c(3, 3, 1)]]", correct = TRUE),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)

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