knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, tidy.opts = list(width.cutoff = 60), tidy = "styler", warning = TRUE, comment = "")
options(width = 80)

```{js, echo=FALSE} $(function() { $('.ace_editor').each(function( index ) { ace.edit(this).setFontSize("20px"); }); })

## Learning Objectives {-}

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

* Import and export R script files using `dump()` and `source()`.

* Import and export R objects using `save()` and `load()`.

* Differentiate between `.R` files and `.RData` files.

* Import datasets into R using `read.table()` and `read.csv()`.

* Export data tables using `write.table()` and `write.csv()`.

<!-- * Understand how to use the "apply" family of functions. -->

<!-- \newpage -->

<!-- # Data Input and Output -->

<!-- Recall that the working directory is the default folder (or directory) from which R reads and writes data. -->

<!-- ```r -->
<!-- getwd() # Returns the current working directory -->
<!-- setwd("~/Desktop") # Changes working directory to desktop -->
<!-- ``` -->

<!-- You can also get/set the working directory from the menu bar in R or RStudio. -->

<!-- One useful site for datasets is the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository ( -->

## Importing and Exporting R Script Files

Recall that an R script (or script file) is a text file containing a set of R commands (i.e., a program). Script files are often stored as .R files.

### The `dump()` Function

Suppose we have constructed an R object that we want to save and recall in a later R session. For example, we can create the `parks_df` data frame from the previous chapter.

parks_df <- data.frame(
  "Name" = c("Leslie", "Ron", "April"), "Height" = c(62, 71, 66),
  "Weight" = c(115, 201, 119), "Income" = c(4000, NA, 2000)

The dump() function will store the command necessary to create the input R object(s) in a text/script file on your computer's hard drive. The first argument, called list, is a character vector of object names to store in the file, whose name we specify in the second argument called file.

dump("parks_df", "parks.R")

The created file will be saved to your current working directory.

Question: How can we check what is the current working directory?

The source() Function

The source() function reads in the file name of an R script and executes all the commands inside the file. The input file for the source() function should only contain R code (so any comments should be on a line with #). This can be useful for transferring the code for functions and objects between people or computers. It can also be helpful to compartmentalize a long program into a few separate .R files and use source() to combine all the code together at the end.

The file argument in source() should contain the name of the script file in quotations. The file can either be in a local directory (i.e., on your computer) or online. If the file is in the current working directory, then the file name is sufficient. If the file is outside the current working directory, the whole path name (or website address) has to be specified. Specifying a file name without a path name that is not in the working directory will throw an error.


As an example, we can remove the parks_df object from the workspace and use source() to create the object from the saved parks.R file.


Caution: Running code using the source() function differs from entering code in the command line in a few ways.

As an example, suppose we write the following commands and save it in a .R file called example_script.R:

first_ten <- 1:10

first_five <- 1:5
print(first_five) # Print the first_five vector

mean_fn <- function(x) {
  sum(x) / length(x)

mean_vec <- mean_fn(first_five + first_ten)

By using source() to run the script file, only print(first_five) will be printed to the console, but all the objects created in the script will appear in the workspace.


Importing and Exporting R Data Files

Recall that all objects created and stored in an R session are collectively called the workspace or global environment. When quitting an R session, a popup will ask if you want to save an image of the current workspace. When saving the workspace image, a file called .RData wil be created in the current working directory that contains all the R objects in the workspace. If a new R session is opened in the same working directory, then the workspace will automatically be restored using the .RData file. If R is started in a different directory that does not contain a .RData file, we would need to manually load the workspace image.

The save() Function

In general, RData files are binary files that contain R objects. The save() function can be used to save specific R objects from the workspace into an RData file. The objects to be saved can be listed as separate arguments in the save() function. The file argument then specifies the name of the resulting RData file.

save(parks_df, first_ten, file = "chapter_8.RData")

To save all of the objects in the workspace (i.e., make a workspace image), we can use the save.image() function, which is an example of a wrapper function for save(). The save.image() function actually calls save() to save objects, but a few of the default arguments are changed to be more convenient for saving the entire workspace. In particular, save.image() runs the command save(list = ls(all.names = TRUE), file = ".RData", envir = .GlobalEnv).


The load() Function

The load() function reads in the file name of an RData file and loads the contained objects into the workspace. The path of the file name needs to be specified if the file is not in the current working directory.

rm(list = ls()) # Kaboom!
load("chapter_8.RData") # Load the parks_df and first_ten objects
load("workspace.RData") # Load the workspace image

Objects loaded from the RData file will be stored in the workspace, and any objects with the same name that were previously in the workspace will be overwritten.

Caution: RData files are not the same as R script files. Script files contain R commands which are read and executed. RData files contain R objects that can be directly loaded into the workspace. For long programs, it may be more efficient to just load the saved results from an RData file rather than rerunning the entire long program to recreate the same results.


Importing and Exporting Data Tables

The read.table() Function

Typing data directly into R can be cumbersome and prone to data entry errors. It is often useful to import data from files outside of R.

The read.table() function is used to import data that is stored in a table format (typically a plain text or tab delimited file). If possible, be sure to look at the data to see if there is a header (i.e., variable names) and how values are separated (spaces, commas, tabs, etc.). The output of read.table() is a data frame, so it allows for data with mixed types of variables.

The first argument of read.table() is file, which specifies the name and location of the file containing the data table. For online datasets, the file argument can input the complete web address (URL) in quotations.

The header argument inputs a logical value that specifies if the first line (row) of the data contains the names of the variables in the data. The default for read.table() is header=FALSE.

The sep argument inputs a character value that specifies the type of separator that is used to separate values within a line of the data table. The default value is sep = "", which is the "white space" separator, meaning values are separated by one or more spaces, tabs, newlines, or carriage returns. The tab separator is specified by the special character "\t".

As an example of an online dataset, we will use the LA ozone data found at:\

The documentation for this data is available at:\

By looking at the data, we see that the first line consists of variable names, so there is a header, and the values in each line are separated by commas.

## Read the data into R
oz <- read.table("",
  header = TRUE, sep = ","

Once the data is loaded into R, make sure that the data is loaded correctly. For example, make sure the dimensions of the data correspond to the proper number of observations and variables.


Question What happens if we do not specify header = TRUE? What about sep = ","?


Caution: The read.table() function expects that each row in the data has the same length (i.e., each line has the same number of values), and it will throw an error if some rows have a different length. This may occur if there are blank/missing values in the data. To allow for missing values, set the optional argument fill=TRUE, which will then fill in blank or missing fields as NA. If there are some rows with a different length, the count.fields() function counts the number of fields (separated by the sep value) in each line of the data table.

Suppose we downloaded the LA ozone dataset to our computer and placed the file in the current working directory. Then the following command will work:

oz <- read.table("", header = TRUE, sep = ",")

The read.csv() Function

Many datasets have fields that are separated by commas and saved as .csv files (CSV stands for comma separated values). The read.csv() function can be used to import data from .csv files.

The read.csv() function is a wrapper for read.table(). In particular, the standard default arguments are header = TRUE, sep = ",", and fill = TRUE.

The births.csv file contains data on sample of babies born in North Carolina. Suppose we downloaded the births.csv to our computer and placed the file in the current working directory.

births <- read.csv("births.csv")

There are other wrapper functions of read.table() with similarly convenient default arguments. Some common ones are read.csv2(), read.delim(), and read.fwf(), which import data tables from semicolon separated values, tab delimited data, and fixed width formatted files, respectively.

The write.table() Function

The write.table() and write.csv() functions are used to export a matrix or data frame object (i.e., a data table) from R into a plain text or CSV file. If the input is not a matrix or data frame, the object will be coerced into a data frame (which is likely not what you want).

The first argument, called x, is the matrix or data frame to write into a .txt or .csv file, whose name we specify in the second argument called file.

write.table(parks_df, "parks.txt")

The created file will be saved to your current working directory.

The parks.txt file will contain the following lines (if opened in a plain text editor):

"Name" "Height" "Weight" "Income"
"1" "Leslie" 62 115 4000
"2" "Ron" 71 201 NA
"3" "April" 66 66 2000

Notice that the row and column names of the data frame are preserved, and the default separator is a single space sep=" ". To exclude row or column names, set row.names = FALSE or col.names = FALSE. The separator can be set with the sep argument.

Question: How would you read the data from parks.txt into R?

The write.csv() Function

The write.csv() function, similar to read.csv(), is a wrapper function for CSV files.

write.csv(parks_df, "parks.csv")

The parks.csv file will contain the following lines:


Caution: By convention, CSV files include a blank column name for the row names, which helps with formatting the CSV file when read by spreadsheet software (like Excel). However, using read.csv() to import the parks.csv data into R will interpret the row names as the first column in the data.


One way to fix this is to set the argument row.names=1.

read.csv("parks.csv", row.names = 1)

Reading Other File Formats

Excel Files

Microsoft Excel is a widely used appliation for data entry, data manipulation, and basic data analysis that is ubiquitous in most industries. There are several packages that have functions to read and write Excel files. Some common packages are xlsx, gdata, XLConnect, and readxl. There may be optional arguments, such as sheet, that need to be specified to successfully import from .xls or .xlsx files.

The foreign and tidyverse Packages

The foreign package contains functions to read files from SPSS, Stata, SAS, Minitab, and other common statistical software programs.

Since the foreign package was written in 2000, newer versions of SPSS, Stata, and SAS may have incompatible file formats. The haven package, written in 2015, is able to handle newer files.

The haven package is part of the tidyverse, a system of R packages designed by Hadley Wickham (creator of ggplot2 and current Chief Scientist at RStudio), to improve data management, exploration, and visualization in R.

Quiz Time

question("Which of the following saves and reads RData files?",
         answer("save/load", correct = TRUE),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)
question("How can I use the read.table() code and optional arguments to function as read.csv()?",
         answer("Not possible"),
         answer("header = TRUE", correct = TRUE),
         answer("header = FALSE"),
         answer("fill = FALSE"),
         answer("fill = TRUE", correct = TRUE),
         answer("sep = ''"),
         answer("sep = ','", correct = TRUE),
         answer("sep = ';'"),
         answer("url = csv"),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)

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