
M <- 10000 # Number of repetitions
all_over_20 <- logical(M)
college <- read.table("CollegeMidwest.txt", header = TRUE)
n <- 30 # The sample size
N <- nrow(college) # The population size

phats <- replicate(M, {
  index <- sample(N, size = n)
  sample_i <- college[index, ]
  mean(sample_i$OnCampus == "Y")

```{js, echo=FALSE} $(function() { $('.ace_editor').each(function( index ) { ace.edit(this).setFontSize("20px"); }); })

## Learning Objectives {-}

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

* Understand that pseudorandom numbers are not truly random.

* Use the `sample()` function to simulate drawing random samples.

* Simulate sampling distributions.

* Simulate sampling from the uniform and normal distributions.

* Compute probabilities and quantiles from the normal distribution.

## Introduction

A scenario (or experiment) is called **random** if its outcome cannot be predicted with certainty. A **random variable** is a variable whose possible values are outcomes from a random scenario.

Even though random variables cannot be predicted with certainty, there are patterns that emerge when observing a random scenario multiple times. Through modeling and summarizing data from random variables, we are able to learn how often different values occur and get an idea of what values are more common (or "typical") and what values are unusual. More formally, a random variable is characterized by its **probability distribution**, which describes the probabilities of the possible values that the random variable can take.

A **statistic** is a numerical characteristic of a sample of data. Collecting measurements on a different sample will produce different data, so statistics are also outcomes from a random scenario. Thus statistics are themselves random variables. A **sampling distribution** is the probability distribution of a statistic.

When a statistic is used to estimate an unobserved parameter (of a population or of a statistical model), it is called an **estimator**. Much of the theory behind statistical inference revolves around understanding the sampling distribution of estimators.

* The margin of error for a confidence interval of a parameter (such as the population mean or population proportion) is computed using the standard error of the sampling distribution of its estimator (such as the sample mean or sample proportion).

* In hypothesis testing, the $p$-value of a sample is defined as the probability of observing a test statistic at least as extreme as the observed value, assuming the null hypothesis is true.

When certain conditions are met (or can be reasonably assumed), these quantities can be computed analytically (i.e., with mathematical formulas) or with large sample approximations (e.g., the Central Limit Theorem). In these cases, there are built-in functions in R that will do these computations for you. However, when theory cannot be reasonably applied, we can use computer-based approximation methods.

## Pseudorandom Number Generation

Simulations of random experiments rely on generating random numbers with a computer. However, in the strictest sense, computers cannot generate truly random numbers. Rather, computers follow a deterministic algorithm (hidden from the user) that generates **psuedorandom** numbers ("pseudo" means fake or false): Since we do not know the algorithm, the numbers appear random. If we knew the algorithm, the numbers would not be random at all.

In R (and other programs which generate random numbers), the hidden algorithm starts from an initial number (called the **seed**) and generates pseudorandom numbers from it. By default, R will generate the seed based on the current time. The user can specify (or **set**) the seed using the **`set.seed()`** function so that the "random" numbers that are generated from a given function are the same every time the function is run. Being able to set the seed allows researchers to reproduce simulation results.

Pseudorandom numbers are considered **statistically random**, in that they are "random enough" for statistical analysis and inference. We will use and refer to computer generated random numbers as if they are random, but it is implicitly understood that they are pseudorandom.

More on psuedorandomness: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudorandomness

## The `sample()` Function

The **`sample()`** function is used to choose a subset of values (i.e., *sample*) at random from a fixed set of values. The `sample()` function inputs a vector `x` from which it will draw a sample of a specified `size`, either with or without replacement. The output is a vector of values drawn from the input vector `x`.

The syntax for `sample()` is `sample(x, size, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)`, where the arguments are:

* `x`: The vector of values from which to sample.

> **Note**: If `x` is a numeric scalar (vector of length 1) greater than or equal to 1 (`x > 1`), then the sampling will be done on `1:x`.

* `size`: The number of values to draw from `x`. By default, `size` will be equal to the number of elements being sampled, so `sample()` will just rearrange the values in `x`.

* `replace`: A logical value that specifies whether to sample with or without replacement. The default setting is `replace = FALSE` (without replacement).

* `prob`: A vector that specifies the probability weights for each element being sampled.

## Set the seed for reproduceability
## Rearrange the numbers from 1 to 10.
sample(1:10) # Same as sample(10)

## Choose 5 numbers out of the numbers 1 to 10.
sample(1:10, size = )
## Set the seed for reproduceability
## Rearrange the numbers from 1 to 10.
sample(1:10) # Same as sample(10)

## Choose 5 numbers out of the numbers 1 to 10.
sample(1:10, size = 5)

Note: The sample() function uses a pseudorandom number generator to decide which values to choose, so running the same code multiple times will result in different values. Setting the seed with set.seed() before running sample() results in the same random numbers being chosen every time.

By default, the sample() function draws samples from the input vector without replacement. This is like drawing a card from a deck of playing cards and not putting it back in the deck: If you draw a second card from the remaining deck, you cannot draw the same card that you drew the first time. Sampling with replacement would mean that each time you draw a card, you return your previous draw(s) into the deck and reshuffle before drawing another card. To sample with replacement, set replace = TRUE.

## Choose 10 numbers out of the numbers 1 to 10, with replacement.
sample(1:10, replace = TRUE) # Values are repeated

The optional argument prob inputs a vector that specifies the probability weights for each entry in the input vector x. The $i$th entry of prob (prob[i]) corresponds to the probability of drawing the $i$th entry of x (x[i]). By default, the probability weights are the same for every entry in the input, so each entry has an equal chance of being drawn.

As a simple example, we illustrate how to simulate flipping a coin using the sample() function. We consider flipping a weighted coin, where the probability of heads is 0.8 and the probability of tails is 0.2. We denote heads by "H" and tails by "T". We flip the coin 20 times.

## Simulate flipping a weighted coin 20 times, where H is heads and T is tails.
coins <- sample(c("H", "T"), size = 20, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.8, 0.2))

## Summarize the results of the 20 coin flips.
question("In the preceding code chunk, if the first two flips are heads, what is the probability of tails on the third flip?",
         answer("20%", correct = TRUE),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)

Note: In order to flip 20 coins from a vector of length 2, we must specify replace = TRUE. This makes sense, since we always have the choices "H" or "T" for every flip. If replace = FALSE, R will throw an error.

sample(c("H", "T"), size = 20)

Question: How would you simulate rolling a fair six-sided die 12 times?

Simulating Random Processes

A random process is a random scenario that can be repeated under identical conditions. Coin flips, die rolls, and lottery draws can all be considered random processes. The sample() function can be used to simulate one instance (outcome) of the random process. By repeatedly simulating the random process many times, we can estimate the probability (long-run proportion) of particular outcomes occurring.

The replicate() Function

The replicate() function is used to repeat (replicate) the execution of a command or set of commands a fixed number of times.

The syntax for replicate() is replicate(n, expr, simplify = "array"), where the arguments are:

The replicate() function behaves similar to the with() function:

Note: The replicate() function is actually a wrapper for sapply(), so the output of replicate() is flexible depending on the last command in the expr argument. In particular:

The most common use of replicate() is to replicate random number generation to simulate random processes.

replicate(n = 5, sample(10, size = 3))
replicate(n = 20, {
  sample_i <- sample(10, size = 5)
replicate(n = 2, which(sample(10, size = 8) > 5))
question("If the function returns six values for each repetition (i.e. the output of expr is a length-6 vector) and we repeat it 12 times (n = 12), what is the final output?",
         answer("a length-6 list"),
         answer("a length-12 list"),
         answer("a matrix with 6 columns and 12 rows"),
         answer("a matrix with 12 columns and 6 rows", correct = TRUE),
         answer("a length-6 vector"),
         answer("a length-12 vector"),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)

Example: MEGA Millions

MEGA Millions is a nationwide lottery game in which players pick five numbers from 1 to 70 and one MEGA number from 1 to 25. The six winning numbers are drawn at random, and a player wins the grand prize if all six numbers are chosen correctly.

M <- 10000 # Number of repetitions
all_over_20 <- logical(M)

## Set the seed for reproduceability
set.seed(9999) # Always set the seed OUTSIDE the for loop. (Why?)

for (i in seq_len(M)) {
  winning <- c(sample(70, size = 5), sample(25, size = 1))
  all_over_20[i] <- all(winning > 20)

table(all_over_20) / M

From the 10000 simulated draws of the lottery, we see that the winning numbers from MEGA Millions are all above 20 about r mean(all_over_20)*100% of the time.

Side Note: This probability can be computed theoretically to be equal to $10593800/302575350$, or roughly about r round((choose(50, 5)*choose(5, 1)) / (choose(70, 5) * choose(25, 1)), 3).

Question: How can this for() loop be modified to store the winning numbers from each simulated draw?

The above for() loop can be written using the replicate() function:

M <- 10000
all_over_20 <- replicate(n = M, {
  winning <- c(sample(70, size = 5), sample(25, size = 1))
  all(winning > 20)
table(all_over_20) / M

Question: How can this replicate() command be modified to store the winning numbers from each simulated draw?

M <- 10000
all_over_20 <- replicate(n = M, {
  winning <- c(sample(70, size = 5), sample(25, size = 1))
  all(winning > 20)
table(all_over_20) / M
M <- 10000
all_over_20 <- replicate(n = M, {
  c(sample(70, size = 5), sample(25, size = 1))
table(all_over_20) / M
M <- 10000
all_over_20 <- replicate(n = M, {
  c(sample(70, size = 5), sample(25, size = 1))
M <- 10000
all_over_20 <- replicate(n = M, {
  c(sample(70, size = 5), sample(25, size = 1))
M <- 10000
all_over_20 <- replicate(n = M, {
  c(sample(70, size = 5), sample(25, size = 1))

Simulating Random Sampling

Simple Random Sampling

Simple random sampling is a method of sampling from a finite population in which every sample of size $n$ is equally likely to be selected.

To take a simple random sample, we start with a sampling frame, which is a list of all the observations in the population.

As an example, consider the dataset found at:\ http://www.math.hope.edu/isi/data/chap3/CollegeMidwest.txt.

The data\footnote{The dataset comes from the textbook {\em Introduction to Statistical Investigations} by Tintle et al., 2016.} contains two variables gathered from the registrar at a small midwestern college on all students at the college in spring 2011. The variables are:

Since this is data on all students at the college, we will treat the students observed in this data to be the population.

college <- read.table("CollegeMidwest.txt", header = TRUE)

How many students are in this data set?


To implement simple random sampling with the sample() function, we will use two steps:

(1) We will use sample() to randomly select $n$ numbers between 1 and r dim(college)[1] (the number of students in the population). This represents choosing the students based on ID numbers.

(2) We then use the selected numbers from Step (1) as an index for the rows of observations in the college data frame that we want to extract as our sample.

As an example, we take a simple random sample of size 5 from the \texttt{college} data frame.

sample_index <- sample(2919, size = 5)
college[sample_index, ]

Question: How would you compute the proportion of college students in the sample (i.e., the sample proportion) who live off campus?

college$OnCampus == "N"
mean(college$OnCampus == "N")
mean(college$OnCampus == "N")

Simulating Sampling Distributions

We want to illustrate the sampling variability (also called sample-to-sample variability) of the sample proportion. That is, when we take different random samples, how does the sample proportion of students who live on campus vary from sample to sample?

We can use a for() loop or replicate() to simulate sampling many (10000) random samples of size 30 from the population of students in the college data. For each random sample, we will compute the proportion of the sample who live on campus.

## We first create objects for common quantities.
n <- 30 # The sample size
N <- nrow(college) # The population size
M <- 10000 # Number of samples/repetitions

phats <- replicate(M, {
  index <- sample(N, size = n)
  sample_i <- college[index, ]
  mean(sample_i$OnCampus == "Y")

The distribution of the phats vector is an approximation to the sampling distribution of the sample proportion for samples of size $n = 30$.

  prob = TRUE, breaks = 25, xlab = expression(hat(p)),
  main = "Histogram of Sample Proportions", col = "blue", density = 30

Question: How can the above code be modified to simulate the sampling distribution of the mean cumulative GPA for the students at the College of the Midwest? Add a blue vertical line for the mean of the sampling distribution and a red vertical line for the true mean GPA.

## We first create objects for common quantities.
n <- 30 # The sample size
N <- nrow(college) # The population size
M <- 10000 # Number of samples/repetitions

phats <- replicate(M, {
  index <- sample(N, size = n)
  sample_i <- college[index, ]
  mean(sample_i$OnCampus == "Y")
  prob = TRUE, breaks = 25, xlab = expression(hat(p)),
  main = "Histogram of Sample Proportions", col = "blue", density = 30
## We first create objects for common quantities.
n <- 30 # The sample size
N <- nrow(college) # The population size
M <- 10000 # Number of samples/repetitions

phats <- replicate(M, {
  index <- sample(N, size = n)
  sample_i <- college[index, ]
  mean(sample_i$OnCampus == "Y")
  prob = TRUE, breaks = 25, xlab = expression(hat(p)),
  main = "Histogram of Sample Proportions", col = "blue", density = 30
abline(v = mean(phats), col = "blue")
abline(v = mean(college$CumGpa), col = "red")
## We first create objects for common quantities.
n <- 30 # The sample size
N <- nrow(college) # The population size
M <- 10000 # Number of samples/repetitions

phats <- replicate(M, {
  index <- sample(N, size = n)
  sample_i <- college[index, ]
  prob = TRUE, breaks = 25, xlab = expression(hat(p)),
  main = "Histogram of Sample Proportions", col = "blue", density = 30
abline(v = mean(phats), col = "blue")
abline(v = mean(college$CumGpa), col = "red")

Simulating From Probability Models

The sample() function allows us to choose at random from a list of objects. To sample from more complicated scenarios (such as sampling over a range or interval of values), we need other functions.

A probability model is a description of how we think data is generated. It represents a summary of the unobservable data generating mechanism. A probability model is not actually how the data is generated (this is why it is called a model), but it is used as a reasonable description for how the data appears to vary. For example, there are many factors that contribute to a person's height, including genetics, environmental factors, and diet. However, by combining all of those factors and only observing the end result (the height) of each person, we see that the variation in heights of many people follows a bell-shaped pattern.

The Uniform Distribution

A random variable has a uniform distribution if all possible outcomes are equally likely.

As we have seen in the previous section, the sample() function with replace = TRUE can be used to generate samples from discrete uniform distributions.

The runif() function generates samples from continuous uniform distributions. The command runif(n, min, max) generates n random uniform numbers between min and max. The default values are min = 0 and max = 1.

## Generate 10 uniform numbers between 0 and 1.

## Generate 20 uniform numbers between -5 and 5.
runif(20, min = , max = )
## Generate 10 uniform numbers between 0 and 1.

## Generate 20 uniform numbers between -5 and 5.
runif(20, min = -5, max = 5)

Example: Waiting for the Bus

Suppose a local bus arrives every 12 minutes. If you arrive at the bus stop at a randomly chosen time (independent of the bus schedule), then the number of minutes you wait for the bus can be modeled by a continuous uniform distribution on the interval $[0,12]$.

Assuming the same conditions every day, we can simulate 10000 days of waiting for the bus using runif() and plot the results in a histogram.

## Set the seed for reproduceability
## Generate 10000 uniform numbers between 0 and 12.
wait_times <- runif(10000, 0, 12)
## Plot the wait times on a histogram.
hist(wait_times, prob = TRUE, xlab = "Waiting Times (in minutes)", col = "purple")

Question: How can we estimate the probability of waiting between 4 and 10 minutes for the bus? Use the variable wait_times.

## Set the seed for reproduceability
## Generate 10000 uniform numbers between 0 and 12.
wait_times <- runif(10000, 0, 12)

mean(wait_times >=4 & wait_times<=10)
## Set the seed for reproduceability
## Generate 10000 uniform numbers between 0 and 12.
wait_times <- runif(10000, 0, 12)

mean(wait_times >=4 & wait_times<=10)
## Set the seed for reproduceability
## Generate 10000 uniform numbers between 0 and 12.
wait_times <- runif(10000, 0, 12)

mean(wait_times >=4 & wait_times<=10)


The Normal Distribution

The normal distribution (or model or curve) is a probability model that is used to describe many real-life variables which exhibit a (symmetric and unimodal) bell-shaped curve in their distributions. The shape of the normal distribution is completely determined by two parameters: its mean and standard deviation.

The rnorm() Function

The rnorm() function generates a random sample of a given size from a normal distribution with specified mean and standard deviation. This is analogous to drawing samples from a population, where the population can be well represented by a normal model.

The command rnorm(n, mean, sd) generates a random sample of size n from the normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation sd. The default mean is mean = 0 and the default standard deviation is sd = 1.

For example, we can simulate drawing a sample of 20 heights from a population that follows a normal distribution with a mean height of 68 inches and a standard deviation of 2 inches.

## Set the seed for reproduceability
## Sample 20 random numbers from N(68,2).
rnorm(n = 20, mean = 68, sd = 2)

The dnorm() Function

The probability density function for a normal random variable $X$ is given by $$f(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\right)^2},$$ where $\mu$ is the mean of $X$ and $\sigma$ is the standard deviation of $X$. A standard normal random variable has mean $\mu = 0$ and $\sigma = 1$.

The dnorm() function evaluates the normal density function. The syntax for the main arguments of dnorm() is dnorm(x, mean, sd). The function inputs a numeric value (or vector) in the x argument and computes the value of the normal density function at x when the mean is mean and the standard deviation is sd. The default mean is mean = 0 and the default standard deviation is sd = 1.

The dnorm() function can be used to visualize the normal density curve. It is particularly useful to superimpose the normal density curve over a histogram of observed values from a normal distribution.

Suppose we simulate drawing a sample of 500 weights from a population that follows a normal distribution with a mean weight of 127 pounds and a standard deviation of 11.6 pounds. We can plot the histogram of the weights in the sample and superimpose the normal density curve over it.

## Set the seed for reproduceability
## Sample 500 random numbers from N(127,11.6).
weights <- rnorm(500, , )
## Plot the weights on a histogram.
hist(weights, prob = TRUE,
     xlab = "Weights (in pounds)", main = "Histogram of Normal Weights"
## Add the N(127,11.6) density curve.
curve(dnorm(x, , ), lwd = 2, col = "blue", add = TRUE)
## Set the seed for reproduceability
## Sample 500 random numbers from N(127,11.6).
weights <- rnorm(500, 127, 11.6)
## Plot the weights on a histogram.
hist(weights, prob = TRUE,
     xlab = "Weights (in pounds)", main = "Histogram of Normal Weights"
## Add the N(127,11.6) density curve.
curve(dnorm(x, 127, 11.6), lwd = 2, col = "blue", add = TRUE)

Note: The curve() function is a high level plot function that draws a curve corresponding to a function over a specified interval. The syntax for curve() is curve(expr, from, to, n, ...), where the expr argument is a vectorized numeric function in terms of x. The expr function is evaluated at n equally spaced points over the range [from, to]. Like hist(), the curve() function has an optional add argument that superimposes a curve to an existing plot.

The pnorm() Function

The function that computes the cumulative (left-tail) area under the probability density curve of a random variable is called the cumulative distribution function (CDF) or simply distribution function of the random variable. The pnorm() function is the distribution function for normal random variables. More simply put, pnorm() computes probabilities from a normal distribution with specified mean and standard deviation.

The syntax for the main arguments of pnorm() is pnorm(q, mean, sd, lower.tail). The function inputs a numeric value (or vector) in the q argument and computes the probability that a value drawn from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation sd will be less than or equal to q. The default mean is mean = 0 and the default standard deviation is sd = 1.

The optional argument lower.tail inputs a logical value and changes the direction of the probability. The default is lower.tail = TRUE, so the pnorm() function will compute the probability that a value drawn from the normal distribution will be less than or equal to q. If we set lower.tail = FALSE, then the pnorm() function will compute the probability that a value drawn from the normal distribution will be greater than or equal to q.

## The probability of drawing a value less than 1.96 from N(0,1).

## The probability of drawing a value between 66.5 and 69 from N(68,2).
pnorm(69, 68, 2) - pnorm(66.5, 68, 2)

Question: For any normal distribution, what is the probability of drawing a value within 2 standard deviations of the mean?

question("For any normal distribution, what is the probability of drawing a value within 2 standard deviations of the mean?",
         answer("0.9545", correct = TRUE),
         answer("It depends on the mean and standard deviation"),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)

Note: The pnorm() function computes the area under the dnorm() density curve. The plot below visualizes the output of pnorm(). The goldenrod shaded region is pnorm(q, mean, sd), which is the area under dnorm(x, mean, sd) to the left of the value q.

## Shade the dnorm(x,0,1) curve from -4 to 1.5 in goldenrod.
## The type="h" argument draws vertical lines ("h" stands for "height").
## The xaxt="n" argument suppresses the labels on the x-axis.
  from = -4, to = 1.5, type = "h", col = "goldenrod",
  xlim = c(-4, 4), ylab = "dnorm(x, mean, sd)", xaxt = "n"
## Add the dnorm(x, 0, 1) curve in blue.
curve(dnorm, from = -4, to = 4, lwd = 2, col = "blue", add = TRUE)
## Add a horizontal line segment at q (q = 1.5 for illustration purposes).
segments(1.5, -1, 1.5, dnorm(1.5), lty = 2)
## Add the label "q" on the x-axis at x = 1.5.
axis(1, at = 1.5, labels = "q")
## Add text to explain that the shaded region is pnorm(q, mean, sd).
text(0, dnorm(0) / 3, "pnorm(q, mean, sd)")

The qnorm() Function

The $q$ quantile of a probability distribution is the value where $q$ probability lies to the left and $1-q$ probability lies to the right. The $q$ quantile is also called the $100q$th percentile. For example, the 0.99 quantile of a distribution is the same as the 99th percentile. The first, second, and third quartiles are, respectively, the 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 quantiles.

The qnorm() function is the quantile function for the normal distribution. The syntax for the main arguments of qnorm() is qnorm(p, mean, sd). The function inputs a probability value (or vector) in the p argument and computes the quantile for that probability from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation sd. The default mean is mean = 0 and the default standard deviation is sd = 1.

## The 0.975 quantile of N(0,1)
## The 0.05 and 0.95 quantiles of N(68,2)
qnorm(c(0.05, 0.95), mean = 68, sd = 2) # Can input a vector of probabilities

For example, we can compute the 0.99 quantile (i.e., the 99th percentile) and 0.13 quantile (i.e., the 13th percentile) for the weights of a population that follows a normal distribution with a mean of 127 pounds and a standard deviation of 11.6 pounds.

## The 0.99 quantile and 0.13 quantile of N(127,11.6)
## The 0.99 quantile and 0.13 quantile of N(127,11.6)
qnorm(c(0.99, 0.13), , )
## The 0.99 quantile and 0.13 quantile of N(127,11.6)
qnorm(c(0.99, 0.13), 127, 11.6)
## The 0.99 quantile and 0.13 quantile of N(127,11.6)
qnorm(c(0.99, 0.13), 127, 11.6)

Side Note: The pnorm(q, mean, sd) and qnorm(p, mean, sd) functions are inverses of each other. The pnorm() function inputs quantiles q and outputs left-tail probabilities p. The qnorm() function inputs left-tail probabilities p and outputs quantiles q.


Note: The quantile() function computes (sample) quantiles for an input vector of numeric data. The syntax for the main arguments is quantile(x, probs, na.rm), where:

By default, quantile(x) computes the five-number summary.

quantile(trees$Height, 0.85)
quantile(trees$Height, c(0.05, 0.95))
question("Which of the following would yield the same result as quantile(data)?",
         answer("quantile(data, c(0.05, 0.12))"),
         answer("quantile(data, c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1))", correct = TRUE),
         answer("quantile(data, c(1, 2, 3, 4))"),
         answer("quantile(data, c(0.68, 0.95, 0.997))"),
         answer("quantile(data, c(-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3))"),
         answer("quantile(data, c(0.0015, 0.025, 0.16, 0.84, 0.975, 0.9985))"),
         allow_retry = TRUE,
         random_answer_order = TRUE)

Simulating from Other Known Distributions

As one might expect, parametric families of probability distributions that are commonly used in statistics have built-in functions in base R for their densities, distribution functions, quantile functions, and for generating random numbers from them.

We have previously introduced the rnorm(), dnorm(), pnorm(), and qnorm() functions for the normal distribution:

In each of these functions, we need to specify the mean and sd parameters.

It turns out that the r, d, p, and q prefixes specify the analogous functions for other common parametric families of distributions. The syntax used for each function naturally follows the same syntax as the corresponding norm version.

For the $\bm{t}$-distribution:

In each of these functions, we need to specify the df parameter (df stands for degrees of freedom).

For the binomial distribution:

In each of these functions, we need to specify the size and prob parameters, where size is the number of trials and prob is the probability of success on each trial.

There are also r, d, p, and q functions for unif (uniform), chisq (Chi-squared), f (F), exp (Exponential), pois (Poisson), gamma (Gamma), and other parametric families.

Side Note: r stands for random, d stands for density, p stands for probability (distribution function), and q stands for quantile.

Chapter Quiz

question("If I want to create a sampling distribution of means that does NOT need to be replicable, which functions / flow statements would I use?",
         answer("sample()", correct = TRUE),
         answer("for()", correct = TRUE),
         answer("replicate()", correct = TRUE),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)
question("Which two functions act as 'inverses' of one another?",
         answer("pnorm()", correct = TRUE),
         answer("qnorm()", correct = TRUE),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)
question("If I want to create a 95% confidence interval for a population mean from a sample size of greater than 30, which of the following functions, if any, would I use?",
         answer("qt()", correct = TRUE),
         answer("No function needed"),
         random_answer_order = TRUE,
         allow_retry = TRUE)

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