dcshift: Direct-Current shift removal

dcshiftR Documentation

Direct-Current shift removal


The direct-current offset (DC-shift) is estimated and removed from every trace individually. For a given trace, the DC-shift is estimated by a user supplied function applied on few trace samples, normally the samples before time-zero (e.g., the average of the samples before time-zero). Then, the DC-shift is substracted from the trace.


## S4 method for signature 'GPR'
dcshift(x, u = NULL, FUN = mean, ..., track = TRUE)



[GPR class] An object of the class GPR.


[integer] Index of the trace samples used to evaluate for every trace the DC-shift. If u = NULL, the function takes for each trace 90% of the samples before time-zero (the number of samples can vary from trace to trace).


[function] A function to apply on the u trace samples (default is mean; alternatively, median could be of interest because it is more robust but slower to compute).


[ANY] Further arguments to be passed to FUN.


The direct-current offset (or DC-shift) is a constant bias over time that slightly shifts the signal amplitude. The DC-shift is best observed on the trace samples recorded before the signal was emitted.

Modified slots

  • data: DC-shift removed (data dimensions unchanged).

  • proc: updated with function name and arguments.


[GPR class] An object of the class GPR.


x <- frenkeLine00
x1 <- dcshift(x, u = 1:100, FUN = median)
plot(x - x1)
x2 <- dcshift(x)
plot(x - x2)

emanuelhuber/RGPR documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 6:13 a.m.