declip: Declip the GPR signal

declipR Documentation

Declip the GPR signal


Use constrained least squares. Based on the code of Ivan Selesnick: "we minimize the energy of the the third derivative. This encourages the filled in data to have the form of a parabola (second order polynomial), because the third derivative of a parabola is zero.". A constraint on the declipped data range was added (i.e., constrained least squares) like in


declip(x, xclip = NULL, xrange = NULL, lambda = 1, mu = 0)

## S4 method for signature 'GPR'
declip(x, xclip = NULL, xrange = NULL, lambda = 1, mu = 0)





[matrix(m,n)] The clipped values, a matrix with the Same dimension as x, with 1 for the positively clipped values, -1 for the negatively clipped values and 0 everywhere else. If xclip = NULL, the clipped values are estimated with the function clippedValues.


[numeric(2)] the desired range of the declipped values (for the negatively and positively clipped values) used as a constraint whose strength depends on the value of lambda. If xrange = NULL, the desired range is set equal to the clipped data range +/- 10%.


[numeric(1)] Positive value that add some noise to stabilize the matrix inversion used in the least-square approach (could be useful if the matrix to invert is singular, use small value, e.g., 0.00001 of the signal amplitude).



emanuelhuber/RGPR documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 6:13 a.m.