
Defines functions get_parameters.fp_zscore preprocess_data.fp_zscore fp_zscore

Documented in fp_zscore

#' A feature preprocessor (FP) that z-score normalizes the data
#' This feature preprocessor object finds the mean and standard deviation using
#' the training data. The preprocessor then z-score transforms the training and
#' test data using this mean and standard deviation by subtracting the mean and
#' dividing by the standard deviation.
#' @details This feature preprocessor object applies z-score normalization to
#' each feature by calculating the mean and the standard deviation for each
#' feature using the training data, and then subtracting the mean and dividing
#' by the standard deviation for each feature in the training and test sets.
#' This function is useful for preventing some classifiers from relying too
#' heavily on particular features when different features can have very
#' different ranges of values (for example, it is useful when decoding neural
#' data because different neurons can have different ranges of firing rates).
#' @examples
#' # The fp_zscore() constructor does not take any parameters. This object
#' # just needs to added to a list and passed to the cross-validator applied
#' fp <- fp_zscore()
#' @family feature_preprocessor
#' @export
fp_zscore <- function() {
  the_fp <- list()
  attr(the_fp, "class") <- "fp_zscore"

#' @export
preprocess_data.fp_zscore <- function(fp, training_set, test_set) {

  # separate the data from the labels
  train_labels <- select(training_set, -starts_with("site"))
  train_data <- select(training_set, starts_with("site"))

  test_labels <- select(test_set, -starts_with("site"))
  test_data <- select(test_set, starts_with("site"))

  # get the parameters and cale the rianing data (all in one line!)
  train_zscored <- scale(train_data, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)

  # apply the parameters from trianing data to scale the test data
  #  (much faster way to z-score the data compared to using the sweep function)
  test_zscored <- scale(test_data,
    center = attr(train_zscored, "scaled:center"),
    scale = attr(train_zscored, "scaled:scale")

  # set to 0 all InF and NAs that occur due to the sd of a site being 0
  train_zscored[is.na(train_zscored)] <- 0
  test_zscored[is.na(test_zscored)] <- 0
  train_zscored[is.infinite(train_zscored)] <- 0 # could deal with the Infs differently...
  test_zscored[is.infinite(as.matrix(test_zscored))] <- 0

  # return a list with the results (after adding the labels back to the data)
  processed_data <- list(
    training_set = cbind(train_zscored, train_labels),
    test_set = cbind(test_zscored, test_labels)


# since there are no parameters for the fp_zscore just return a data frame with
# fp_zscore.fp_zscore and a value of "No parameters"
#' @export
get_parameters.fp_zscore <- function(ndtr_obj) {
  data.frame(fp_zscore.fp_zscore = "does not have settable parameters")
emeyers/NDTr documentation built on Aug. 8, 2020, 3:41 p.m.