fixitable: Fix-it table.

View source: R/fixitable.R

fixitableR Documentation

Fix-it table.


Look-up table (aka dictionary table) to replace values in a data frame with those given in another data frame

Paraphrasing @ryantimpe – If you need to make one change, then use an ifelse (preferably dplyr::if_else). If you need to change a few values, then use dplyr::case_when. Everything else is a join.

Dictionary tables are a super useful concept when you need to make many changes to variables. This function allows you to use one data frame with a column of variable names, old values, and new values to recode and revalue columns in the data frame you are working with. One variable at a time, you can do this with a join. Here you can perform the task for many variables at one time after you have the lookup table set up.

To set up the dictionary table, it is recommended to use Excel or something to hand edit a table with a column var for variable name, old_value for the unique values currently in your data frame, and new_value for the values that you want to change the old ones to. Then use the outstanding package/addin by Miles McBain datapasta to paste as a tribble into your script.

Big thanks to Hilary Parker for this inspiration and idea.


fixitable(x, lookup)



Vector to modify


A data frame or tibble. Must contain columns var, old_value, and new_value.


A modified version of x that replaces the old_values with the new_values. Class is "character"; unfortunatley the original class is not preserved, but this is a minor sacrifice.




#### Example 1 --------------------------------

df <- tibble::tribble(
  ~foo, ~bar, ~baz,
  3L,  "a",  "A",
  1L,  "b",  "B",
  2L,  "c",  "C",
  2L,  "c",  "A",
  2L,  "c",  "A",
  3L,  "c",  "B",
  3L,  "a",  "B",
  1L,  "a",  "B",
  1L,  "d",  "C"

# Created in excel and pasted as tribble using the datapasta addin.
# NOTE: lookup must contain the columns named var, old_value, and new_value
lookup <- tibble::tribble(
  ~var, ~old_value, ~new_value,
  "foo",        "1",        "a",
  "foo",        "2",        "b",
  "foo",        "3",        "c",
  "bar",        "a",        "A",
  "bar",        "b",        "B",
  "bar",        "c",        "C",
  "baz",        "A",        "X",
  "baz",        "B",        "Y",
  "baz",        "C",        "Z"

df %>%
  mutate(new = fixitable(x = foo, lookup = lookup))

df %>%
  mutate(foo = fixitable(x = foo, lookup = lookup))

df %>%
  mutate(bar = fixitable(x = bar, lookup = lookup))

df %>%
  mutate_at(.vars = vars(foo:baz),
            .funs = funs(fixitable(., lookup = lookup)))

df %>%
  mutate(bar = factor(bar)) %>%
  mutate(bar = fixitable(x = bar, lookup = lookup))

#### Example 2 --------------------------------

mini_gap <- tibble::tribble(
  ~country, ~continent, ~year, ~lifeExp,
  "Belgium",   "Europe", 2002L,    78.32,
  "Belgium",   "Europe", 2007L,   79.441,
  "Canada", "Americas", 2002L,    79.77,
  "Canada", "Americas", 2007L,   80.653,
  "Mexico", "Americas", 2002L,   74.902,
  "Mexico", "Americas", 2007L,   76.195,
  "United States", "Americas", 2002L,    77.31,
  "United States", "Americas", 2007L,   78.242

lookup <- tibble::tribble(
  ~var,      ~old_value, ~new_value,
  "country",       "Belgium",   "waffle",
  "country",        "Canada",  "poutine",
  "country", "United States",  "Twinkie",
  "year",          "2002",       "02",
  "year",          "2007",       "07",
  "continent",        "Europe",      "Eur",
  "continent",      "Americas",     "Amer"

mini_gap %>%
  mutate(food = fixitable(x = country, lookup = lookup))

mini_gap %>%
  mutate(year = fixitable(x = year, lookup = lookup))

mini_gap %>%
  mutate(continent = fixitable(x = continent, lookup = lookup))

mini_gap  %>%
  mutate_at(.vars = vars(country, continent, year),
            .funs = funs(fixitable(x = ., lookup = lookup)))

emilelatour/lamisc documentation built on May 20, 2024, 2:42 a.m.