st_sum: Summarize survival-time data

View source: R/st_sum.R

st_sumR Documentation

Summarize survival-time data


An R flavored version of the Stata command stsum. Presents summary statistics: time at risk; incidence rate; number of subjects; and the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of survival time.


st_sum(data, time, event, type = "right", group)



A data frame


For right censored data, this is the follow up time. For interval data, the first argument is the starting time for the interval.


The status indicator, normally 0=alive, 1=dead. Other choices are TRUE/FALSE (TRUE = death) or 1/2 (2=death). For interval censored data, the status indicator is 0=right censored, 1=event at time, 2=left censored, 3=interval censored. For multiple enpoint data the event variable will be a factor, whose first level is treated as censoring. Although unusual, the event indicator can be omitted, in which case all subjects are assumed to have an event.


character string specifying the type of censoring. Possible values are "right", "left", "counting", "interval", "interval2" or "mstate".


Variable name (unquoted) to stratify on


A list



#### Example 1 --------------------------------

page_2 <- tibble::tribble(
  ~group, ~time, ~dead, ~st, ~d, ~t, ~t0,
  1,   143,     1,    1,   1, 143,    0,
  1,   164,     1,    1,   1, 164,    0,
  1,   188,     1,    1,   1, 188,    0,
  1,   188,     1,    1,   1, 188,    0,
  1,   190,     1,    1,   1, 190,    0,
  1,   192,     1,    1,   1, 192,    0,
  1,   206,     1,    1,   1, 206,    0,
  1,   209,     1,    1,   1, 209,    0,
  1,   213,     1,    1,   1, 213,    0,
  1,   216,     1,    1,   1, 216,    0,
  1,   220,     1,    1,   1, 220,    0,
  1,   227,     1,    1,   1, 227,    0,
  1,   230,     1,    1,   1, 230,    0,
  1,   234,     1,    1,   1, 234,    0,
  1,   246,     1,    1,   1, 246,    0,
  1,   265,     1,    1,   1, 265,    0,
  1,   304,     1,    1,   1, 304,    0,
  1,   216,     0,    1,   0, 216,    0,
  1,   244,     0,    1,   0, 244,    0,
  2,   142,     1,    1,   1, 142,    0,
  2,   156,     1,    1,   1, 156,    0,
  2,   163,     1,    1,   1, 163,    0,
  2,   198,     1,    1,   1, 198,    0,
  2,   205,     1,    1,   1, 205,    0,
  2,   232,     1,    1,   1, 232,    0,
  2,   232,     1,    1,   1, 232,    0,
  2,   233,     1,    1,   1, 233,    0,
  2,   233,     1,    1,   1, 233,    0,
  2,   233,     1,    1,   1, 233,    0,
  2,   233,     1,    1,   1, 233,    0,
  2,   239,     1,    1,   1, 239,    0,
  2,   240,     1,    1,   1, 240,    0,
  2,   261,     1,    1,   1, 261,    0,
  2,   280,     1,    1,   1, 280,    0,
  2,   280,     1,    1,   1, 280,    0,
  2,   296,     1,    1,   1, 296,    0,
  2,   296,     1,    1,   1, 296,    0,
  2,   323,     1,    1,   1, 323,    0,
  2,   204,     0,    1,   0, 204,    0,
  2,   344,     0,    1,   0, 344,    0

st_sum(data = page_2,
       time = time,
       event = dead,
       group = group)

#### Example 2 --------------------------------

sample_df <- tibble::tribble(
  ~exp, ~time, ~disease, ~st, ~d, ~t, ~t0,
     0,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     0,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     0,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     0,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     0,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     0,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     0,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     0,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     0,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     0,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     0,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     0,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     0,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     0,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     0,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     0,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     0,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     0,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     0,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     0,     3,        1,    1,   1,   3,    0,
     0,     3,        1,    1,   1,   3,    0,
     0,     4,        0,    1,   0,   4,    0,
     0,     5,        0,    1,   0,   5,    0,
     0,     5,        0,    1,   0,   5,    0,
     0,     5,        1,    1,   1,   5,    0,
     0,     6,        0,    1,   0,   6,    0,
     0,     7,        0,    1,   0,   7,    0,
     0,     7,        0,    1,   0,   7,    0,
     0,     8,        0,    1,   0,   8,    0,
     1,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     1,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     1,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     1,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     1,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     1,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     1,     1,        1,    1,   1,   1,    0,
     1,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     1,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     1,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     1,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     1,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     1,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     1,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     1,     2,        1,    1,   1,   2,    0,
     1,     3,        1,    1,   1,   3,    0,
     1,     3,        1,    1,   1,   3,    0,
     1,     4,        0,    1,   0,   4,    0,
     1,     4,        0,    1,   0,   4,    0,
     1,     4,        0,    1,   0,   4,    0,
     1,     4,        0,    1,   0,   4,    0,
     1,     4,        1,    1,   1,   4,    0,
     1,     5,        0,    1,   0,   5,    0,
     1,     5,        0,    1,   0,   5,    0,
     1,     6,        0,    1,   0,   6,    0,
     1,     6,        0,    1,   0,   6,    0,
     1,    10,        0,    1,   0,  10,    0,
     1,    12,        0,    1,   0,  12,    0

st_sum(data = sample_df,
       time = time,
       event = disease,
       group = exp)

st_sum(data = sample_df,
       time = time,
       event = (disease == 1),
       group = exp)

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