
#' Six Sigma Tools for Quality and Process Improvement
#' This package contains functions and utilities to perform Statistical Analyses in the Six Sigma way. 
#'  Through the DMAIC cycle (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control), you can manage several Quality Management 
#'  studies: Gage R&R, Capability Analysis, Control Charts, Loss Function Analysis, etc. Data frames used in 
#'  "Six Sigma with R" (Springer, 2012) are also included in the package.

#'  Use the package to perform Six Sigma Methodology tasks, throughout its
#'  breakthrough strategy: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC)\cr
#'  Define: Process Map (ss.pMap), Cause and effect Diagram
#'  (ss.ceDiag);\cr
#'  Measure: Gage R&R study (ss.rr); Capability Analysis (ss.study.ca); 
#'  Loss Function Analysis (ss.lfa)\cr
#'  Analyze: Confidence Intervals (ss.ci)\cr
#'  Control: Moving Average Control Chart\cr
#'  Soon: further functions
#' @note  
#' The current version includes Loss Function Analysis, Gage R&R Study, 
#' confidence intervals,
#'   Process Map and Cause-and-Effect diagram. We plan to regularly upload
#'   updated versions, with new functions and improving
#'   those previously deployed. The subsequent versions will cover 
#'   tools for the whole cycle:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item Define
#'   \item Measure
#'   \item Analyze
#'   \item Improve
#'   \item Control
#'     }
#' @docType package
#' @name SixSigma
#' @title Six Sigma Tools for Quality and Process Improvement
#' @author Emilio L. Cano, Javier M. Moguerza, Mariano Prieto Corcoba and Andrés Redchuk; 
#' Maintainer: Emilio L. Cano \email{emilio.lopez@urjc.es}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ss.pMap}}, \code{\link{ss.rr}}, \code{\link{ss.ceDiag}},
#' \code{\link{ss.ci}}, \code{\link{ss.heli}}, \code{\link{ss.lfa}}
#' @references 
#' Allen, T. T. (2010) \emph{Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Lean
#'   Six Sigma - Statistical Quality Control and Design of Experiments and
#'   Systems} (Second Edition ed.). London: Springer.
#' Box, G. (1991). Teaching engineers experimental design with 
#' 	a paper helicopter. Report 76, Center for Quality and 
#' 	Productivity Improvement. University of Wisconsin.
#' Cano, Emilio L., Moguerza, Javier M. and Redchuk, Andrés. 2012.
#' \emph{Six Sigma with {R}. Statistical Engineering for Process
#'   Improvement}, Use R!, vol. 36. Springer, New York.
#'   \url{https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4614-3652-2/}.
#' Cano, Emilio L., Moguerza, Javier M. and Prieto Corcoba, Andrés. 2015.
#' \emph{Quality Control with {R}. An ISO Standards approach}, Use R!, Springer, New York.
#' Chambers, J. M. (2008) \emph{Software for data analysis. Programming with
#'   R} New York: Springer.
#' Montgomery, DC (2008) \emph{Introduction to Statistical Quality Control}
#'   (Sixth Edition). New York: Wiley&Sons\cr
#' Wikipedia, \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_Sigma/}
#' @import grDevices stats graphics lattice ggplot2 testthat xtable
emilopezcano/SixSigma documentation built on April 19, 2023, 7:56 a.m.