peakr: Interactive tools for simple datasets

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peakr contains gadgets for common operations on data obtained in natural sciences (e.g. spectra and time series). The aim is to ease common operations that would otherwise need a lot of iterative refinements in an analysis script.

Hopefully peakr can also be used to make the transition into R easier and more attractive for beginners.

All functions try to encourage reproducibility by returning suggested code to produce the same result as in the gadget.

Gadgets (peak_<function>(df, x, y, ...))

All gadgets follows a common naming scheme peak_<function>(df, x, y, ...). df is a dataframe with a dataset, x and y specify columns in the dataset and ... can be a range of function specific parameters to fine-tune behaviour.

The following gadgets are available:

Reproducibility (add_<function>(df, ...), plot_<function>(df, x, y))

When doing interactive analysis in a gadget, the result should still be completely reproducible so that the same result is obtained the next time the script is run. For this reason all peak_*() functions return a line of R code with a corresponding add_*() function, that will produce the same result as the interactive analysis. This code is automatically copied to the clipboard, ready to be pasted into the analysis script.

The plot from the gadget can be reproduced with the corresponding plot_*() function.


peakr is not on CRAN yet. Install using devtools.


emiltb/peakr documentation built on May 28, 2019, 8:36 p.m.