Man pages for emmanuelparadis/sentinel

axisMapDraw axes on Maps
buildPOLYGONManage Geographical Polygons
conversion_coordinatesConversions of Coordinates
downloadGcloudDownload S2 MSI L1C Products From GoogleCloud
downloadProductsDownload Sentinel Products
fast2waytableFast Two-Way Contingency Tables
lonlat2ECEFConversions of Coordinates
pkmProbabilistic K-Means
processS2Post-processing of Sentinel-2 Raw Data
roseDraw a Compass
searchCopernicusSearch the Copernicus SciHub
summarySearchCopernicusSummarize Information from Copernicus Searches
wl2rgbWavelengths to Colours
emmanuelparadis/sentinel documentation built on May 2, 2024, 4:52 a.m.