searchCopernicus: Search the Copernicus SciHub

View source: R/sentinel.R

searchCopernicusR Documentation

Search the Copernicus SciHub


Search the Copernicus SciHub and returns the results in a data frame.


searchCopernicus(user, password, checkID = FALSE, ask = 1000,
                 POLYGON = NULL, productType = NULL, quiet = FALSE,
                 engine = "wget", startDate = NULL, endDate = NULL)



a character string.


a character string.


a logical value specifying whether to check the user and password identifiers; see details.


an integer: if the search finds more than ask products, the user is asked to continue or not (see details).


an object of class "POLYGON".


a character string giving the product type(s).


a logical value.


the program used to download the XML files.

startDate, endDate

start and end (ingestion) dates for the product search. These dates should be given in the ISO 8601 format (e.g., "2022-12-01"). The default is to search without time limits.


The user must be registered on Copernicus SciHub. If checkID = FALSE and there are two objects named user and password that R can found, these two are used as the first two arguments of the function.

The downloaded XML files contain information on 100 products each, so the default value of ask is equivalent to download not more than 10 XML files without asking the user. Note that the first XML file which contains the information on the number of found products is always downloaded.

A search without argument (i.e., searchCopernicus() providing user and password have been set as explained above) returns information on all Sentinel products available on Copernicus. As of today (2022-06-01), more than 50,100,000 products (with about one product added every minute). A full download will thus get 510,000 files each about 370 KB in size (total around 189 GB).


a data frame.


Emmanuel Paradis

See Also

summarySearchCopernicus, buildPOLYGON

emmanuelparadis/sentinel documentation built on May 2, 2024, 4:52 a.m.