
Defines functions downloadGcloud downloadProducts overlap areaPolygon lines.footprint plot.footprint .footprint2xy print.footprint getFootprint clearXMLcache overviewSearchCopernicus summarySearchCopernicus .getXfromSearch searchCopernicus .sec2str buildPOLYGON plot.POLYGON print.POLYGON as.POLYGON

Documented in as.POLYGON buildPOLYGON clearXMLcache downloadGcloud downloadProducts getFootprint lines.footprint overlap overviewSearchCopernicus plot.footprint plot.POLYGON print.footprint print.POLYGON searchCopernicus summarySearchCopernicus

## sentinel.R (2024-01-05)

##   Sentinel

## Copyright 2021-2024 Emmanuel Paradis

## This file is part of the R-package `sentinel'.
## See the file ../COPYING for licensing issues.

as.POLYGON <- function(x, y = NULL)
    if (is.null(y)) {
        if (is.list(x)) {
            y <- x$y
            x <- x$x
            if (length(x) != length(y))
                stop("x is a list with elements $x and $y of different lengths")
        } else if (is.matrix(x)) {
            if (ncol(x) < 2) stop("x is a matrix with less than two columns")
            y <- x[, 2]
            x <- x[, 1]
        } else stop("if y is not given, x should be a matrix or a list with  elements $x and $y")
    n <- length(x)
    if (length(y) != n) stop("x and y have different lengths")
    res <- paste(c(x, x[1]), c(y, y[1]), collapse = ", ")
    class(res) <- "POLYGON"
    attr(res, "n") <- n

print.POLYGON <- function(x, ...)
    cat("Object of class \"POLYGON\" with", attr(x, "n"), "points\n")

"[.footprint" <- function(x, ...)
    res <- NextMethod("[")
    class(res) <- class(x)

plot.POLYGON <- function(x, add = FALSE, col = rgb(1, 1, 0, 0.25), xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, around = 1, ...)
    n <- attr(x, "n")
    x <- strsplit(gsub(",", " ", x), " +")[[1]]
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    dim(x) <- c(2, n)
    x <- t(x)
    if (!add) {
        if (is.null(xlim)) {
            xlim <- range(x[, 1])
            xlim <- xlim + c(-around, around)
        if (is.null(ylim)) {
            ylim <- range(x[, 2])
            ylim <- ylim + c(-around, around)
        repeat {
            o <- try(maps::map("worldHires", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
                               xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude"),
                     silent = TRUE)
            if (!inherits(o, "try-error")) break
            message("expanding 'xlim' and 'ylim' to avoid error from map()")
            xlim <- xlim + c(-1, 1) * diff(xlim)/2
            ylim <- ylim + c(-1, 1) * diff(ylim)/2
    polygon(x, col = col, ...)

buildPOLYGON <- function(bottomleftcorner, toprighcorner, interactive = FALSE,
                         xlim = c(-180, 180), ylim = c(-90, 90))
    if (interactive) {
        maps::map("worldHires", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
        cat("Click on points to define polygon. Right-click when finished\n")
        xy <- locator()
    x0 <- bottomleftcorner[1]
    y0 <- bottomleftcorner[2]
    x1 <- toprighcorner[1]
    y1 <- toprighcorner[2]
    res <- paste(paste(x0, y0), paste(x0, y1), paste(x1, y1),
                 paste(x1, y0), paste(x0, y0), sep = ", ")
    class(res) <- "POLYGON"
    attr(res, "n") <- 5L

.sec2str <- function(pt) # pt: processing time in seconds
    S <- round(pt %% 60, 1)
    res <- paste(S, "sec")
    if (pt < 60) return(res)
    M <- pt %/% 60
    if (M >= 60) {
        H <- M %/% 60
        M <- M %% 60
        res <- paste(M, "min", res)
    } else return(paste(M, "min", res))
    if (H >= 24) {
        D <- H %/% 24
        H <- H %% 24
        res <- paste(H, "hr", res)
    } else return(paste(H, "hr", res))
    paste(D, "d", res)

searchCopernicus <- function(user, password, checkID = FALSE, ask = 1000,
            POLYGON = NULL, productType = NULL, quiet = FALSE, engine = "wget",
            startDate = NULL, endDate = NULL)
    isNo <- function(x)
        toupper(substr(sub("[[:blank:]]+", "", x), 1, 1)) == "N"
    if (missing(user)) {
        if (!exists("user", envir = .GlobalEnv) || !exists("password", envir = .GlobalEnv)) checkID <- TRUE
        else {
            user <-  get("user", envir = .GlobalEnv)
            password <-  get("password", envir = .GlobalEnv)
    if (checkID) {
        enter <- function(what) {
            cat("Please enter ", what, ": ", sep = "")
            readLines(n = 1)
        if (exists("user", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
            user <- get("user", envir = .GlobalEnv)
            cat("Found user name: ", user, "\nDo you want to use it? [Y/n] ", sep = "")
            ans <- readLines(n = 1)
            if (isNo(ans)) {
                user <- enter("user name")
                password <- enter("password")
            } else {
                if (exists("password", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
                    password <- get("password", envir = .GlobalEnv)
                    cat("Found password: ------------\nDo you want to use it? [Y/n] ", sep = "")
                    ans <- readLines(n = 1)
                    if (isNo(ans)) password <- enter("password")
        } else {
            user <- enter("user name")
            password <- enter("password")
    od <- setwd(tempdir())
    STATS <- get("searchCopernicusStats", envir = .sentinelEnv)
    prefix <- paste0("sentinel_search", nrow(STATS) + 1L, "_")

    s1 <- paste0(engine, " -q --no-check-certificate --user=", user, " --password='", password, "' --output-document=", prefix)
    s2 <- paste0(".xml 'https://scihub.copernicus.eu/dhus/search?q=")
    if (is.null(POLYGON) && is.null(productType)) {
        s2 <- paste0(s2, "*")
    } else {
        if (!is.null(POLYGON)) s2 <- paste0(s2, "footprint:\"Intersects(POLYGON((", POLYGON, ")))\"")
        if (!is.null(productType)) {
            list.of.product <-
                c("SLC", "GRD", "OCN", "S2MSI1C", "S2MSI2A", "S2MSI2Ap",
                  "SR1_SRA___", "SR1_SRA_A_", "SR1_SRA_BS", "SR2_LAN___",
                  "OL_1_EFR___", "OL_1_ERR___", "OL_2_LFR___", "OL_2_LRR___",
                  "SL_1_RBT___", "SL_2_LST___", "SY_2_SYN___", "SY_2_V10___",
                  "SY_2_VG1___", "SY_2_VGP___")
            if (! productType %in% list.of.product)
                stop(paste("option 'productType' must be one of:",
                           paste(list.of.product, collapse = ", ")))
            s2 <- paste0(s2, "+producttype:", productType, "&")
### https://scihub.copernicus.eu/userguide/FullTextSearch
    if (!is.null(startDate) || !is.null(endDate)) {
        if (is.null(startDate)) startDate <- "2014-01-01"
        if (is.null(endDate)) endDate <- "NOW"
        timespan <- paste0("+ingestiondate:[", startDate, "T00:00:00.000Z TO ", endDate, "T00:00:00.000Z]")
###        s2 <- paste0(s2, timespan, "&&start=")
        s2 <- paste0(s2, timespan, "&")

    }# else {
    s2 <- paste0(s2, "&start=")
###    }
    s3 <- "&rows=100'"

    t0 <- proc.time()[3]
    ## loop to get all the metadata files
    i <- 1
    repeat {
        cmd <- paste0(s1, i, s2, (i - 1) * 100, s3)
        fl <- paste0(prefix, i, ".xml")
        if (i == 1) {
            x <- scan(fl,  what = "", sep = "\n", skip = 2, n = 1, quiet = TRUE)
            N <- as.numeric(gsub("total.*$", "", gsub("^.*of", "", x)))
            if (!length(N) || is.na(N)) {
                message("found no result in your query")
            Nfiles <- ceiling(N/100)
            if (!quiet)
                cat("\nDownloading metadata on", N, "Sentinel products...\n\n")
        if (N > ask) {
            cat("There are more than", ask, "products in your query.\nDo you want to continue? [Y/n] ")
            ans <- readLines(n = 1)
            if (isNo(ans)) {
                Nfiles <- 1
            } else ask  <- Inf
        i <- i + 1
        if (i > Nfiles) { # <- this limit is found on line 3 of each file
            if (!quiet) cat("\r100 %\n")
        if (!quiet) cat("\r", round(100*i/Nfiles), "%")
    t1 <- proc.time()[3]
    if (!quiet) cat("\nProcessing time:", .sec2str(t1 - t0), "\n")
    if (is.na(Nfiles)) Nfiles <- 0
    if (is.na(N)) N <- 0
    STATS <- rbind(STATS, data.frame(Nfiles, N))
    assign("searchCopernicusStats", STATS, envir = .sentinelEnv)

.getXfromSearch <- function(search) {
    od <- setwd(tempdir())
    fls <- dir(pattern = paste0("^sentinel_search", search, "_.*\\.xml"))
    if (!length(fls)) return(NULL)
    X <- character()
    for (fl in fls)
        X <- c(X, scan(fl, what = "", sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE))

summarySearchCopernicus <- function(search = 1, level = 1)
    if (!level %in% 1:4) stop("'level' should be 1, 2, 3, or 4")
    X <- .getXfromSearch(search)
    if (is.null(X)) {
        warning(paste("no file found for search", search, "(maybe the cache was cleaned)"))
    i <- grep("</summary>", X)
    Z <- gsub("<(/|)summary>", "", X[i])
    cat(Z, file = "Z", sep = "\n")
    Z <- read.csv("Z", header = FALSE)
    ncolZ <- ncol(Z)
    names(Z) <- if (ncolZ == 4) c("DateTime", "Instrument", "Satellite", "Size") else c("DateTime", "Instrument", "Mode", "Satellite", "Size")
    Z$DateTime <- as.POSIXct(Z$DateTime, format = "Date: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS",
                             tz = "UTC")
    ZInstrument <- gsub(" Instrument: ", "", Z$Instrument)
    Z$Satellite <- gsub(" Mode: ", "", Z$Satellite)
    if (ncolZ == 5) Z$Mode <- gsub(" Satellite: ", "", Z$Mode)
    Z$Size <- gsub(" Size: ", "", Z$Size)

    if (level == 1) return(Z)

    getVar <- function(name, type) {
        ##ix <- grep(name, X)
        ix <- grep(paste0("<", type, " name=\"", name, "\">"), X)
        strg <- paste0("<", type, " name=\"", name, "\">|</", type, ">")
        VAR <- gsub(strg, "", X[ix])
        if (type != "str") VAR <- as.numeric(VAR)
        n <- nrow(Z)
        if (length(VAR) == n) return(VAR)
        def <- switch(type, "double" = NA_real_, "int" = NA_integer_, "str" = NA_character_)
        if (!length(VAR)) return(rep(def, n))
        if (length(VAR) > n) {
            warning("too many values found in XML files: return NULL")
        if (length(VAR) < n) {
            start.entry <- grep("<entry>", X)
            end.entry <- grep("</entry>", X)
            w <- sapply(ix, function(x) which(x > start.entry & x < end.entry))
            if (!is.atomic(w)) {
                warning("issues in XML files: return NULL")
            res <- rep(def, n)
            res[w] <- VAR

    Z$cloudcoverpercentage <- getVar("cloudcoverpercentage", "double")
    Z$landpercentage <- getVar("landpercentage", "int")
    Z$sensoroperationalmode <- getVar("sensoroperationalmode", "str")
    Z$producttype <- getVar("producttype", "str")

    ## get file sizes:
    tmp <- unlist(strsplit(Z$Size, " "))
    tmp <- matrix(tmp, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    ## in in GB:
    Z$filesize.GB <- as.numeric(tmp[, 1]) * ifelse(tmp[, 2] == "MB", 1e-3, 1)

    if (level == 2) return(Z)

    Z$uuid <- getVar("uuid", "str")
    if (level == 3) return(Z)

    Z$filename <- getVar("filename", "str")
    Z$granuleidentifier <- getVar("granuleidentifier", "str")
    Z$datastripidentifier <- getVar("datastripidentifier", "str")

overviewSearchCopernicus <- function()
    DF <- get("searchCopernicusStats", envir = .sentinelEnv)
    if (!nrow(DF)) cat("No previous research on Copernicus.\n") else DF

clearXMLcache <- function()
    od <- setwd(tempdir())

getFootprint <- function(search = 1)
    X <- .getXfromSearch(search)
    if (is.null(X)) {
        warning(paste("no file found for search", search, "(maybe the cache was cleaned)"))
    FOOT <- grep("<str name=\"footprint\">", X, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
    ## FOOT <- X[i]
    FOOT <- gsub("<str name=\"footprint\">", "", FOOT, fixed = TRUE)
    FOOT <- gsub("</str>", "", FOOT, fixed = TRUE)
    FOOT <- gsub("\\(*\\)*", "", FOOT)
    FOOT <- gsub("^ *", "", FOOT)
    FOOT <- gsub(" *$", "", FOOT)
    class(FOOT) <- "footprint"

print.footprint <- function(x, ...)
    cat("Footprint on", length(x), "products\n")

.footprint2xy <- function(x)
    foot <- as.numeric(strsplit(gsub(",", " ", x), " +")[[1]])
    matrix(foot, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

plot.footprint <- function(x, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, col = rgb(1, 1, 0, 0.1),
                           border = "black", around = 1, ...)
    xy <- lapply(x, .footprint2xy)
    if (is.null(xlim)) {
        xlim <- range(unlist(lapply(xy, function(x) x[, 1])))
        xlim <- xlim + c(-around, around)# * diff(xlim) / 2
    if (is.null(ylim)) {
        ylim <- range(unlist(lapply(xy, function(x) x[, 2])))
        ylim <- ylim + c(-around, around)# * diff(ylim) / 2
    maps::map("worldHires", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
    axis(1); axis(2); box()
    for (z in xy) polygon(z, col = col, border = border, ...)

lines.footprint <- function(x, col = rgb(0, 1, 0, 0.1), border = "black", ...)
    xy <- lapply(x, .footprint2xy)
    for (z in xy) polygon(z, col = col, border = border, ...)

points.footprint <- lines.footprint

## internal function only called below (x is a 2-col matrix)
areaPolygon <- function(x, y = NULL)
    xy <- .check2cols(x, y)
    tigers::area(xy$x, xy$y)

overlap <- function(POLYGON, footprint)
    foo <- function(x) {
        foot <- as.numeric(strsplit(x, ",* +")[[1]])
        matrix(foot, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    bar <- function(xy) {
        if (!is.clockwise(xy)) xy <- revPolygon(xy, FALSE)
        if (!is.open(xy)) xy <- xy[-nrow(xy), , drop = FALSE]
    A <- foo(POLYGON)
    A <- bar(A)
    Ach <- A[chullPolygon(A), ]
    n <- length(footprint)
    res <- numeric(n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
        B <- foo(footprint[i])
        B <- bar(B)
        Bch <- B[chullPolygon(B), ]
        ## get the intersection (Ach and Bch are clearly convex):
        C <- convexPolygonOverlap(Ach, Bch)
        res[i] <- areaPolygon(C)/areaPolygon(Ach) # should be <= 1

downloadProducts <-
    function(user = user, password = password, uuid, destdir = ".",
             engine = "wget", logfile = NULL, quiet = FALSE)
    od <- setwd(destdir)
    if (is.null(logfile)) {
        num <- 1L
        fls <- dir(pattern = "^Copernicus[0-9]{3}\\.txt$")
        if (length(fls))
            num <- max(as.integer(substr(fls, 11, 13))) + 1L
        logfile <- sprintf("Copernicus%03d.txt", num)
    ## https://scihub.copernicus.eu/userguide/DataRestoration
    ## HTTP codes are at the bottom of the above Web page.
    ## See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes
    cat("## ", date(), " This file can be read with read.table(\"", logfile, "\", header = TRUE)\n",
        "## Codes (column 'Result'):\n",
        "##   200: download successful\n",
        "##   202: successfully submitted to long-term archive (LTA) for retrieval\n",
        "##   403: quota exceeded (forbidden)\n",
        "##   404: not found\n",
        "##   416: already downloaded (nothing to do)\n",
        "##   500: internal server error\n",
        "##   503: service unavailable\n",
        "uuid\tResult\n", sep = "", file = logfile)
    s1 <- paste0("--content-disposition --continue --user=", user, " --password='", password, "' \"https://scihub.copernicus.eu/dhus/odata/v1/Products('")
    s3 <- "')/\\$value\""
    n <- integer(7)
    names(n) <- c("200", "202", "503", "403", "404", "416", "500")
    Nproducts <- length(uuid)
    k <- 0L
    if (!quiet) {
        cat(sprintf("Downloading %d %s from Copernicus SciHub...\n",
                    Nproducts, if (Nproducts > 1) "files" else "file"))
        if (!quiet) cat("\r", k, "/", Nproducts)
    for (i in uuid) {
        k <- k + 1L
        arg <- paste0(s1, i, s3)
        outcmd <- system2(engine, arg, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
        if (!quiet) cat("\r", k, "/", Nproducts)
        prefix <- "[[:space:]]*HTTP request sent, awaiting response...[[:space:]]*"
        lastHTTPcode <- tail(grep(prefix, outcmd, value = TRUE), 1)
        lastHTTPcode <- gsub("[[:space:]]*", "", gsub(prefix, "", lastHTTPcode))
        n[lastHTTPcode] <- n[lastHTTPcode] + 1L
        cat(sprintf("%s\t%s\n", i, lastHTTPcode), file = logfile, append = TRUE)
        if (lastHTTPcode == "500") Sys.sleep(20) # avoid too many requests error
    if (!quiet) cat("\n")
    cat(n["200"], " product(s) downloaded successfully (code 200)\n",
        n["202"], " product(s) successfully submitted to LTA for retrieval (code 202)\n",
        n["403"], " quota exceeded (code 403)\n",
        n["404"], " not found (code 404)\n",
        n["416"], " product(s) already downloaded (code 416)\n",
        n["500"], " internal server error (code 500)\n",
        n["503"], " service unavailable (code 503)\n",
        "Logfile: ", logfile, "\n", sep = "")

## https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/public-datasets/sentinel-2
downloadGcloud <- function(DF, bands, destdir = ".", engine = "wget", quiet = FALSE)
    od <- setwd(destdir)
    n <- nrow(DF)
    allbands <- c("B01", "B02", "B03", "B04", "B05", "B06", "B07",
                  "B08", "B09",  "B10", "B11", "B12", "B8A")
    if (missing(bands)) {
        bands <- allbands
    } else {
        if (is.numeric(bands)) {
            if (any(bands > 12) || any(bands < 1))
                stop("'bands' should be between 1 and 12")
            bands <- sprintf("B%02d", as.integer(bands))
        if (is.character(bands)) {
            bands <- toupper(bands)
            if (anyNA(match(bands, allbands))) {
                msg <- paste0("valid values for 'bands' are:\n",
                              paste(dQuote(allbands, '"'), collapse = " "))
    baseurl <- "https://storage.googleapis.com/gcp-public-data-sentinel-2/tiles/"
    Nfiles <- n * length(bands)
    k <- 0L
    if (!quiet)
        cat(sprintf("Downloading %d %s from GoogleCloud...\n",
                    Nfiles, if (Nfiles > 1) "files" else "file"))
    for (i in 1:n) {
        fl <-  DF$filename[i]
        GI <-  DF$granuleidentifier[i]
        DSI <- DF$datastripidentifier[i]
        if (is.na(fl) || is.na(GI) || is.na(DSI)) {
            warning(paste("cannot get files for row", i))
        j <- attr(gregexpr("^.*_T[0-9]{2}", fl)[[1]], "match.length")
        strip <- substr(fl, j - 1L, j)
        square <- substr(fl, j + 1L, j + 1L)
        square2 <- substr(fl, j + 2L, j + 3L)
        prefix <- substr(fl, j - 2L, j + 3L)
        midix <- gsub("^.*_", "", gsub(paste0("_", prefix, "_.*$"), "", GI))
        ##suffix <- gsub("\\.SAFE$", "", gsub("^.*_", "", fl))
        suffix <- gsub("_.*$", "", gsub("^.*_S", "", DSI))
        date <- gsub("_.*$", "", gsub("S2[AB]_MSIL1C_", "", fl))
        strtmp <- paste0(baseurl, strip, "/", square, "/", square2, "/",
                         fl, "/GRANULE/L1C_", prefix, "_", midix, "_",
                         suffix, "/IMG_DATA/", prefix, "_", date, "_")
        for (b in bands) {
            URL <- paste0(strtmp, b, ".jp2")
            o <- system2(engine, URL, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
            k <- k + 1L
            if (!quiet) cat("\r", k, "/", Nfiles)
    if (!quiet) cat("\n")
emmanuelparadis/sentinel documentation built on May 2, 2024, 4:52 a.m.