
This repository contains contains the files from two other repositories. The aim is to create an R package out of these two repositories:

  1. EnergyCalculatoR
  2. UvalR

!! The Documentation below refers to the repositories mentioned above not the package on this repository!!

How to build this package from source

R CMD build heat
R CMD INSTALL heat_1.0.tar.gz
R CMD check heat


The Energy Calculator consist of a single small scrip written in the R language, which provides a function that accepts a range or parameters. The script has to be run in order to make the function accessible. We can run the script via:


That means that the file 'Energy_Calculator.r' has to be on the working path of the main script. You could alternatively give an absolute path to the command, e.g:


see the folder ./Examples for some simple examples on how to use this function.

Some Examples:

(1) Computing the monthly heat demand of a building.

The following code shows a minimal example on how to compute the monthly heat demand of the base building:


temp.1 <- Energy_Calculator(Building.Orientation = 0,
                            Output.Type = "Month")
Qhm <- temp.1$Qhm

Notice the parameter Output.Type = "Month". The default value of this parameter is Output.Type = "Year". The default is set to Year.

fig: monthly heat demand

(2) Computing the heat demand for a set of buildings.

In this example we change some parameters iteratively and store them in a variable. This example show the heat demand variation for different U-values combinations:


Buildings.Number <- 9
U.Values <- matrix(c(
1.3,  1.0,  3.0,    # 01
1.2,    0.9,    2.7,    # 02
1.1,    0.8,    2.7,    # 03
1.0,    0.7,    2.7,    # 04
0.9,    0.6,    2.4,    # 05
0.8,    0.5,    2.1,    # 06
0.6,    0.4,    1.9,    # 07
0.5,    0.3,    1.6,    # 08
0.4,    0.2,    1.6),   # 09

Heat.Demand <- rep(0,Buildings.Number)
for (i in 1:Buildings.Number){
UvalW <- U.Values[1,i]
UvalR <- U.Values[2,i]
UvalWindow <- U.Values[3,i]
temp.2 <- Energy_Calculator(Building.UvalW = UvalW,
                            Building.UvalR = UvalR,
                            Building.UvalWindow = UvalWindow)
Heat.Demand[i] <- temp.2$Qhs


fig: uval

(3) Computing the effect of building orientation.

For a given building dimensions we want to compute the heat demand for all possible orientations, and plot the result in a polar plane. For the plot we use the ggplot2 library:


iter <- seq(0,360,1)
Heat.Demand = rep(0,length(iter))

for (i in 1:length(iter)){
    BO <- iter[i]
    temp.2 <- Energy_Calculator(Building.Orientation = BO)
    Heat.Demand[i] <- temp.2$Qhs

result <- data.frame(heat.demand = Heat.Demand,
                        orientation = iter)
doh <- ggplot(result, aes(orientation, heat.demand))
doh + geom_line(colour = "red", size = 1)  +
    coord_polar(direction = -1, start = -pi/2) +
    labs(title = "Heat demand for all posible building orientations") +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 360, 15))

fig: orientation ggplot


This simple script computes the U-Value for building components given the characteristics of the individual layers of the component. The script also has a small implementation which reads from an external file the properties of the individual layers given an specific name. In order to make the functions described on the main script 'Uval.R' you have to run in within your working session via:


This means that the main script 'Uval.R' has to be in the working path of your environment. You can't just call the script using an absolute path as the scrip will use the folder structure of the root folder. The easiest way to make sure that R finds the script is to point R into the right directory with the 'setwd()' command:


The root folder structure is as follows::

+ root
|---Data     # The script will look for a csv file containing materials data
|               in this directory. The csv name has to be 'materials.csv'
|---Examples # Some examples on how to run the script.
|---FIGURES  # The script will store the plots here.
|---TABLES   # And the corresponding result data here.

Some examples:

All the examples presented below are stores in the folder ./Examples/.

(1) Reinforced concrete.

# This example shows a simple use of the function
# from:
# Keller, B., & Rutz, S. (2010). Pinpoint: Key facts + figures for sustainable
# buildings. Basel: Birkhauser.

# Set the proper working directory

# Load local functions

Layers <- data.frame(
  name = c("External Plaster", "Expanded Polystyrene", 
           "Reinforced Concrete", "Internal Stuco"),
  Thicknes =     c(0.01, 0.18 , 0.25, 0.01),
  Conductivity = c(0.87, 0.038, 1.8,  0.7),
  Diffusion =    c(15, 30, 80, 6))

CalculateUval(Layers, k.t_e=-5,
              plottemp=TRUE, plotpress=TRUE,
              name="ReinforcedConcrete_", writetab=TRUE)

This script will output the value: 0.1973745, that the U value of the building component in [W/m2K]

It will also write two figures in folder ./FIGURES/

fig: reinforced concrete temperature fig: reinforced concrete pressure

(2) Light outside wall (Leichte Außenwand).

# This example shows a simple use of the function
# from DIN 4108-3
# Konstruktion: Leichte Außenwand mit hinterlüfteter Vorsatzschale

# Set the proper working directory

# Load local functions

# Layers from Outside to Inside Layer
Layers <- data.frame(
  name = c(
    "Vorgehängte Außenschale",
    "Belüftete Luftschicht",
    "Spanplatte V100",
    "Diffusionshemmende Schicht",
    "Spanplatte V20"),
  Thicknes = c(0.02, 0.03, 0.019, 0.16, 0.00005, 0.019),
  Conductivity = c(NaN, NaN, 0.127, 0.04, NaN, 0.127),
  Diffusion = c(NaN, NaN, 100, 1, 40000, 50))

CalculateUval(Layers, k.t_e=-5,
              plottemp=TRUE, plotpress=TRUE,
              name="leichteAussenwand_", writetab=TRUE)

This script will output the value: 0.2240037, that the U value of the building component in [W/m2K]

It will also write two figures in folder ./FIGURES/

fig: leichte aussenwand temperature fig: leichte aussenwand pressure

(3) Internal insulation (Innendämmung).

# This example shows a simple use of the function
# from DIN 4108-3
# B.5 Beispiel 4: Außenwand mit nachträglicher raumseitiger Wärmedämmung
# Konstruktion: Außenwand mit nachträglicher Innendämmung

# Set the proper working directory

# Load local functions

# Layers from Outside to Inside Layer
Layers <- data.frame(
  name = c(
  Thicknes = c(0.02,0.24,0.04,0.025,0.015),
  Conductivity = c(1,0.4,0.04,0.08,0.7),
  Diffusion = c(40,8,20,4,15))

CalculateUval(Layers, k.t_e=-5,
              plottemp=TRUE, plotpress=TRUE,
              name="Innendaemmung_", writetab=TRUE)

This script will output the value: 0.4719366, that the U value of the building component in [W/m2K]

It will also write two figures in folder ./FIGURES/

fig: innen daemung temperatures fig: innen daemung pressure

(4) Using an external data file.

This examples uses an external data file containing the properties of the different material layers.

# Reads some external data from a csv file and generates the layers to compute the U-val
# Reproduces the example 4 from DIN 4108-3, see ./Examples/Innendämmung.R

# Set the proper working directory

# Load local functions

MaterialsToget <- c(

Thicknes = c(0.02,0.24,0.04,0.025,0.015)

# Generate the Layers
Layers <- getLayers(MaterialsToget, Thicknes)

CalculateUval(Layers, k.t_e=-5,
              plottemp=TRUE, plotpress=TRUE,
              name="ExternalData_", writetab=TRUE)

This script will output the value: 0.4814479, that the U-value of the building component in [W/m2K].

It will also write two figures in folder ./FIGURES/

fig: external data temperatures

fig: external data pressure @ UvalR

emunozh/heat documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:11 a.m.