
The aim of the R package testmsim is to provide functions, data and documentation for the testing of spatial microsimulation. There is an extensive academic literature and body of applied applications that use spatial microdata (individual-level data allocated to geographical zones) but little testing of the methods used to generate the data data or the validity of the results.

The main focus of testmsim is on the process of population synthesis, which involves generating spatial microdata by allocating individuals from a survey to zones based on geographically-aggregated constraint variables.

Installing testmsim

The latest version of the package can be installed directly from the developers' GitHub accounts. The command install_github relies on the excellent devtools package:

install_github("emunozh/testmsim") # install Esteban's latest version
# or
install_github("robinlovelace/testmsim") # install Robin's latest version

Building the package from source

To build the package from source on Linux, follow the below script.

cd testsim
cd ..
R CMD build testsim
R CMD INSTALL testsim_1.0.tar.gz
R CMD check testsim

emunozh/testmsim documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:11 a.m.