Man pages for emunozh/testmsim
What the package does (short line)

censusMarginal totals
getChiTotal Chi-squared distance
getDistWeights Distance
getEDError in Distribution (ED)
getEMError in Margin (EM)
getMChiMean Chi-squared distance
getPearsonCorrelation Coefficient (Pearson Correlation)
getPSAEPercentage error (PSAE)
getRCoefficient of determination
getSAEStandardized absolute error (SAE)
getTADTotal absolute distance (TAD)
getTAETotal absolute error (TAE)
getTTestIndependent samples t-Test
testmsim-packageWhat the package does (short line)
emunozh/testmsim documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:11 a.m.