
Phylodynamic inference using birth-rate splines.

This package includes functions for semi-parametric inference of population size and reproduction numbers through time. Methods include MLE/MAP Parametric bootstrap * Bayesian MCMC

The data should take the form of a time-scaled phylogeny or multiple phylogenies. For estimation of birth-rates, it is important to also have prior knowledge of the death or removal rate. This can be a fixed value or it can be specified as a prior distribution.

To cite

Erik Volz, Ethan Romero-Severson, and Thomas Leitner, Phylodynamic inference across epidemic scales, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2017

Example usage

We demonstrate skysplines using a simulated genealogy from a stochastic HIV epidemic model. Each sampled lineage represents a single sampled patient who were sampled with 10% probability after 60 years.

Maximum likelihood

Load the tree

(tre <- readRDS( system.file( 'extdata', 'demo.skyspline.hiv0.bdt.rds', package='skyspline') ))
## Phylogenetic tree with 108 tips and 107 internal nodes.
## Tip labels:
##  15138_2, 13989_2, 11368_2, 14459_2, 14333_2, 14959_2, ...
## Rooted; includes branch lengths.

Let's see what it looks like

plot( tre , show.tip =F)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

We must have some prior knowledge about HIV death rates. Suppose the following:

GAMMA <- 1/10 

e.g. the infectious period lasts 10 years on average.

Fitting my maximum likelihood is accomplished using the following

fit <- tre 
  , death_rate_guess = GAMMA
  , R0guess = 2
## number splines points 1 rejected... incrementing...
## number splines points 2 rejected... incrementing...
## number splines points 3 rejected... incrementing...
## Number of spline points: 
## [1] 4
with( fit$demo.history, plot( times, pop.size, log = 'y', type = 'l' ))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4 Note that we can also fit by maximimum a posteriori by specifing a list of priors for R0 or death_rate or lny0 (the initial log population size). If a prior is specified for death_rate, then that parameter will also be estimated, such as in the following:

fit <- tre 
  , death_rate_guess = GAMMA
  , R0guess = 2
  , priors = list( death_rate = function(x) dlnorm( x, log(1/10), .5, log = T) )

Note that priors MUST return the log density.

fit$demo.history provides a table describing estimated size and reproduction number through time.

To estimate confidence intervals, we can use a parametric bootstrap approach

pbfit <- parboot.skyspline.mle(fit, nreps = 1e2)

This will take a couple minutes, so let's load the results

pbfit <- readRDS( system.file( 'extdata', 'demo.skyspline.hiv0.pbfit.rds', package='skyspline') )

Now we can visualise the results

plot.pbfit( pbfit, type = 'size' )

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

plot.pbfit( pbfit, type = 'R' )

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

Bayesian MCMC

A simple Metropolis Hastings sampler can be used to estimate parameters by Bayesian MCMC. This requires the user to specify the standard deviation of the proposal distribution for most parameters.

      , nsteps = 1e4 
      , sd_prop_lnR = log(3)/5 # scale for mvnorm proposal of R
      , sd_prop_logDeathRate = abs(log(GAMMA))/5 
      , sd_prop_lny0 = 1/4
      , start_lnR = log(2)
      , start_log_deathRate = log( GAMMA ) # user must define
      , start_log_Ne = log(2) # user must define 
      , start_log_y0 = log(1)
      , death_rate_logprior = function(x) dlnorm( x, log(1/8), .5, log=T) 
      , R0_logprior = function(x) dlnorm(x, log(2), 1, log=T)
      , y0_logprior = function(x) dexp(x, rate=1, log = T)
      , numberSplinePoints = 5
      , thin = 10
) -> fitmh

This takes a while, so load the results:

fitmh <- readRDS( system.file( 'extdata', 'demo.skyspline.hiv0.omh.rds', package='skyspline') )

fitmh$theta contains a trace of the Markov chain. We can visualise the results using the following. For these plotting functions, we must specify the start and end points of the time axis.

plot.mcmc.R.t( fitmh, t0=0, t1=60 )

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8

plot.mcmc.population.size( fitmh , t0=0, t1=60 )

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8

Note that in this example, the Markov chain was very short and effective sample sizes were low. Differences between this Bayesian fit and the parametric bootstrap are due both to the priors and that the Bayesian fit is not converged. You can use diagnostic tools like effectiveSize in the coda package.

Alternative coalescent models

A 'multi-scale' coalescent model is also included in this package, which allows you to estimate or specify a within-host effective population size. To use this model, specify cotype='mscom' in the fitting functions.


Please cite * E. Volz, Romero-Severson ERS, and Leitner TK, 'Phylodynamic inference across epidemic scales', in review 2016

Please contact the authors to request this paper, which also describes the simulated data set and multi-scale coalescent model.

emvolz-phylodynamics/skyspline documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:11 a.m.