# Tomado de R4DS by Hadley Wickham
contribs_all_json <- gh::gh("/repos/:owner/:repo/contributors",
owner = "endomer",
repo = "enftr",
.limit = Inf
contribs_all <- tibble(
login = contribs_all_json %>% map_chr("login"),
n = contribs_all_json %>% map_int("contributions")
contribs_old <- read_csv("contributors.csv", col_types = list())
contribs_new <- contribs_all %>% anti_join(contribs_old)
# Get info for new contributors
needed_json <- map(
~ gh::gh("/users/:username", username = .x)
info_new <- tibble(
login = map_chr(needed_json, "login", .default = NA),
name = map_chr(needed_json, "name", .default = NA),
blog = map_chr(needed_json, "blog", .default = NA)
info_old <- contribs_old %>% select(login, name, blog)
info_all <- bind_rows(info_old, info_new)
contribs_all <- contribs_all %>%
left_join(info_all) %>%
write_csv(contribs_all, "contributors.csv")
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