albMODIS: Schwaebische Alb MODIS NDVI

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Schwaebische Alb half-monthly 1-km MODIS NDVI (V006; 2012 to 2015).




This dataset contains half-monthly 1-km MODIS NDVI observations for parts of the Schwaebische Alb, south-western Germany (Jan 2012 to Dec 2015). For both the 16-day Terra (MOD13A1.006) and Aqua-MODIS composite layers (MYD13A1.006), preprocessing included

This was followed by the combination of the sensor-specific layers into half-monthly maximum value composites and, finally, the application of a modified Whittaker smoother to account for non-captured clouds and fill newly introduced data gaps.


Didan K, Barreto Munoz A, Solano R, Huete A (2015) MODIS Vegetation Index User's Guide (MOD13 Series). Version 3.00, June 2015 (Collection 6). Available online:

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