View source: R/estimate_truncation.R
estimate_truncation | R Documentation |
Estimates a truncation distribution from multiple snapshots of the same
data source over time. This distribution can then be used passed to the
argument in regional_epinow()
, epinow()
, and
to adjust for truncated data and propagate the
uncertainty associated with data truncation into the estimates.
See here
for an example of using this approach on Covid-19 data in England. The
functionality offered by this function is now available in a more principled
manner in the epinowcast
R package.
The model of truncation is as follows:
The truncation distribution is assumed to be discretised log normal wit a mean and standard deviation that is informed by the data.
The data set with the latest observations is adjusted for truncation using the truncation distribution.
Earlier data sets are recreated by applying the truncation distribution to the adjusted latest observations in the time period of the earlier data set. These data sets are then compared to the earlier observations assuming a negative binomial observation model with an additive noise term to deal with zero observations.
This model is then fit using stan
with standard normal, or half normal,
prior for the mean, standard deviation, 1 over the square root of the
overdispersion and additive noise term.
This approach assumes that:
Current truncation is related to past truncation.
Truncation is a multiplicative scaling of underlying reported cases.
Truncation is log normally distributed.
truncation = trunc_opts(LogNormal(meanlog = Normal(0, 1), sdlog = Normal(1, 1), max =
model = NULL,
stan = stan_opts(),
CrIs = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.9),
filter_leading_zeros = FALSE,
zero_threshold = Inf,
weigh_delay_priors = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
A list containing: the summary parameters of the truncation
distribution (dist
), which could be passed to the truncation
of epinow()
, regional_epinow()
, and estimate_infections()
, the
estimated CMF of the truncation distribution (cmf
, can be used to
adjusted new data), a <data.frame>
containing the observed truncated
data, latest observed data and the adjusted for
truncation observations (obs
), a <data.frame>
containing the last
observed data (last_obs
, useful for plotting and validation), the data
used for fitting (data
) and the fit object (fit
# set number of cores to use
old_opts <- options()
options(mc.cores = ifelse(interactive(), 4, 1))
# fit model to example data
# See [example_truncated] for more details
est <- estimate_truncation(example_truncated,
verbose = interactive(),
chains = 2, iter = 2000
# summary of the distribution
# summary of the estimated truncation cmf (can be applied to new data)
# observations linked to truncation adjusted estimates
# validation plot of observations vs estimates
# Pass the truncation distribution to `epinow()`.
# Note, we're using the last snapshot as the observed data as it contains
# all the previous snapshots. Also, we're using the default options for
# illustrative purposes only.
out <- epinow(
generation_time = generation_time_opts(example_generation_time),
truncation = trunc_opts(est$dist)
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