save_input: Save Observed Data

View source: R/epinow-internal.R

save_inputR Documentation

Save Observed Data


[Stable] Saves observed data to a target location if given.


save_input(data, target_folder)



A ⁠<data.frame>⁠ of disease reports (confirm) by date (date). confirm must be numeric and date must be in date format. Optionally this can also have a logical accumulate column which indicates whether data should be added to the next data point. This is useful when modelling e.g. weekly incidence data. See also the fill_missing() function which helps add the accumulate column with the desired properties when dealing with non-daily data. If any accumulation is done this happens after truncation as specified by the truncation argument.


Character string specifying where to save results (will create if not present).


No return value, called for side effects

epiforecasts/EpiNow2 documentation built on March 1, 2025, 1:29 a.m.