
Defines functions derive_summary_records

Documented in derive_summary_records

#' Add New Records Within By Groups Using Aggregation Functions
#' @description
#' It is not uncommon to have an analysis need whereby one needs to derive an
#' analysis value (`AVAL`) from multiple records. The ADaM basic dataset
#' structure variable `DTYPE` is available to indicate when a new derived
#' records has been added to a dataset.
#' @details
#' When all records have same values within `by_vars` then this function will
#' retain those common values in the newly derived records. Otherwise new value
#' will be set to `NA`.
#' @param dataset A data frame.
#' @param by_vars Variables to consider for generation of groupwise summary
#'   records. Providing the names of variables in [vars()] will create a
#'   groupwise summary and generate summary records for the specified groups.
#' @param filter Filter condition as logical expression to apply during
#'   summary calculation. By default, filtering expressions are computed within
#'   `by_vars` as this will help when an aggregating, lagging, or ranking
#'   function is involved.
#'   For example,
#'   + `filter = (AVAL > mean(AVAL, na.rm = TRUE))` will filter all AVAL
#'   values greater than mean of AVAL with in `by_vars`.
#'   + `filter = (dplyr::n() > 2)` will filter n count of `by_vars` greater
#'   than 2.
#' @param analysis_var Analysis variable.
#' @param summary_fun Function that takes as an input the `analysis_var` and
#'   performs the calculation.
#'   This can include built-in functions as well as user defined functions,
#'   for example `mean` or `function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)`.
#' @param set_values_to A list of variable name-value pairs. Use this argument
#'   if you need to change the values of any newly derived records.
#'   Set a list of variables to some specified value for the new observation(s)
#'   + LHS refer to a variable.
#'   + RHS refers to the values to set to the variable. This can be a string, a symbol, a numeric
#'   value or NA.
#'   (e.g.  `vars(PARAMCD = "TDOSE",PARCAT1 = "OVERALL")`).
#'   More general expression are not allowed.
#' @author Vignesh Thanikachalam, Ondrej Slama
#' @return A data frame with derived records appended to original dataset.
#' @keywords bds derivation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' adeg <- tibble::tribble(
#'   "XYZ-1001", 1, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Baseline", "2016-02-24T07:50", 385, "",
#'   "XYZ-1001", 2, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Baseline", "2016-02-24T07:52", 399, "",
#'   "XYZ-1001", 3, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Baseline", "2016-02-24T07:56", 396, "",
#'   "XYZ-1001", 4, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 2",  "2016-03-08T09:45", 384, "Placebo",
#'   "XYZ-1001", 5, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 2",  "2016-03-08T09:48", 393, "Placebo",
#'   "XYZ-1001", 6, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 2",  "2016-03-08T09:51", 388, "Placebo",
#'   "XYZ-1001", 7, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 3",  "2016-03-22T10:45", 385, "Placebo",
#'   "XYZ-1001", 8, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 3",  "2016-03-22T10:48", 394, "Placebo",
#'   "XYZ-1001", 9, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 3",  "2016-03-22T10:51", 402, "Placebo",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 1, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Baseline", "2016-02-22T07:58", 399, "",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 2, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Baseline", "2016-02-22T07:58", 410, "",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 3, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Baseline", "2016-02-22T08:01", 392, "",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 4, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 2",  "2016-03-06T09:50", 401, "Active 20mg",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 5, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 2",  "2016-03-06T09:53", 407, "Active 20mg",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 6, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 2",  "2016-03-06T09:56", 400, "Active 20mg",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 7, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 3",  "2016-03-24T10:50", 412, "Active 20mg",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 8, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 3",  "2016-03-24T10:53", 414, "Active 20mg",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 9, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 3",  "2016-03-24T10:56", 402, "Active 20mg",
#' )
#' # Summarize the average of the triplicate ECG interval values (AVAL)
#' derive_summary_records(
#'   adeg,
#'   by_vars = vars(USUBJID, PARAM, AVISIT),
#'   analysis_var = AVAL,
#'   summary_fun = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
#'   set_values_to = vars(DTYPE = "AVERAGE")
#' )
#' advs <- tibble::tribble(
#'   "XYZ-001-001", 1164, "Weight", 99,  "kg", "Screening", "2018-03-19",
#'   "XYZ-001-001", 1165, "Weight", 101, "kg", "Run-In",    "2018-03-26",
#'   "XYZ-001-001", 1166, "Weight", 100, "kg", "Baseline",  "2018-04-16",
#'   "XYZ-001-001", 1167, "Weight", 94,  "kg", "Week 24",   "2018-09-30",
#'   "XYZ-001-001", 1168, "Weight", 92,  "kg", "Week 48",   "2019-03-17",
#'   "XYZ-001-001", 1169, "Weight", 95,  "kg", "Week 52",   "2019-04-14",
#' )
#' # Set new values to any variable. Here, `DTYPE = MAXIMUM` refers to `max()` records
#' # and `DTYPE = AVERAGE` refers to `mean()` records.
#' derive_summary_records(
#'   advs,
#'   by_vars = vars(USUBJID, PARAM),
#'   analysis_var = AVAL,
#'   summary_fun = max,
#'   set_values_to = vars(DTYPE = "MAXIMUM")
#' ) %>%
#'   derive_summary_records(
#'     by_vars = vars(USUBJID, PARAM),
#'     analysis_var = AVAL,
#'     summary_fun = mean,
#'     set_values_to = vars(DTYPE = "AVERAGE")
#'   )
#' # Sample ADEG dataset with triplicate record for only AVISIT = 'Baseline'
#' adeg <- tibble::tribble(
#'   "XYZ-1001", 1, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Baseline", "2016-02-24T07:50", 385, "",
#'   "XYZ-1001", 2, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Baseline", "2016-02-24T07:52", 399, "",
#'   "XYZ-1001", 3, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Baseline", "2016-02-24T07:56", 396, "",
#'   "XYZ-1001", 4, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 2",  "2016-03-08T09:48", 393, "Placebo",
#'   "XYZ-1001", 5, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 2",  "2016-03-08T09:51", 388, "Placebo",
#'   "XYZ-1001", 6, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 3",  "2016-03-22T10:48", 394, "Placebo",
#'   "XYZ-1001", 7, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 3",  "2016-03-22T10:51", 402, "Placebo",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 1, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Baseline", "2016-02-22T07:58", 399, "",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 2, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Baseline", "2016-02-22T07:58", 410, "",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 3, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Baseline", "2016-02-22T08:01", 392, "",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 4, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 2",  "2016-03-06T09:53", 407, "Active 20mg",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 5, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 2",  "2016-03-06T09:56", 400, "Active 20mg",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 6, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 3",  "2016-03-24T10:53", 414, "Active 20mg",
#'   "XYZ-1002", 7, "QTcF Int. (msec)", "Visit 3",  "2016-03-24T10:56", 402, "Active 20mg",
#' )
#' # Compute the average of AVAL only if there are more than 2 records within the
#' # by group
#' derive_summary_records(
#'   adeg,
#'   by_vars = vars(USUBJID, PARAM, AVISIT),
#'   filter = dplyr::n() > 2,
#'   analysis_var = AVAL,
#'   summary_fun = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
#'   set_values_to = vars(DTYPE = "AVERAGE")
#' )
derive_summary_records <- function(dataset,
                                   filter = NULL,
                                   set_values_to = NULL) {
  analysis_var <- assert_symbol(enquo(analysis_var))
  filter <- assert_filter_cond(enquo(filter), optional = TRUE)
  assert_s3_class(summary_fun, "function")
    required_vars = quo_c(by_vars, analysis_var)
  if (!is.null(set_values_to)) {
    assert_varval_list(set_values_to, optional = TRUE)

  # Apply filter
  if (!quo_is_null(filter)) {
    subset_ds <- dataset %>%
      group_by(!!!by_vars) %>%
      filter(!!filter) %>%
  } else {
    subset_ds <- dataset

  # Summarise the analysis value and bind to the original dataset
    subset_ds %>%
      group_by(!!!by_vars) %>%
      summarise(!!analysis_var := summary_fun(!!analysis_var)) %>%
epijim/admiral documentation built on Feb. 13, 2022, 12:15 a.m.