
Analyze bullet striations using nonparametric methods

CRAN Status CRAN RStudio mirror downloads


  1. Load Libraries

    library(dplyr) library(readr) library(bulletr) library(randomForest)

  2. Read in the bullet file data, and convert to the appropriate x3p format (if necessary):

    h44_g1 <- read_dat("~/Downloads/H44-G-1.dat") h44_gx1 <- read_dat("~/Downloads/H44-GX-1.dat")

  3. Get the ideal cross sections

    ``` cc_g1 <- bulletCheckCrossCut(path = "~/Downloads/H44-G-1.dat", bullet = h44_g1) cc_gx1 <- bulletCheckCrossCut(path = "~/Downloads/H44-GX-1.dat", bullet = h44_gx1)

    ccdata_g1 <- get_crosscut(bullet = h44_g1, x = cc_g1) ccdata_gx1 <- get_crosscut(bullet = h44_gx1, x = cc_gx1) ```

  4. Get the groove locations

    grooves_g1 <- get_grooves(bullet = ccdata_g1) grooves_gx1 <- get_grooves(bullet = ccdata_gx1)

  5. Process the bullets to extract LOESS residuals

    ``` g1_processed <- processBullets(bullet = ccdata_g1, name = "g1", x = ccdata_g1$x[1], span = 0.75, grooves = grooves_g1$groove)

    gx1_processed <- processBullets(bullet = ccdata_gx1, name = "gx1", x = ccdata_gx1$x[1], span = 0.75, grooves = grooves_gx1$groove) ```

  6. Smooth the processed bullet profiles

    all_smoothed <- g1_processed %>% rbind(gx1_processed) %>% bulletSmooth(span = 0.03) %>% filter(!

  7. Detect peaks and valleys in the aligned signatures

    res <- bulletGetMaxCMS(filter(all_smoothed, bullet == "g1"), filter(all_smoothed, bullet == "gx1"), column = "l30", span = 25)

  8. Extract Features

    ``` lofX <- res$bullets b12 <- unique(lofX$bullet)

    subLOFx1 <- subset(lofX, bullet==b12[1]) subLOFx2 <- subset(lofX, bullet==b12[2])

    ys <- dplyr::intersect(round(subLOFx1$y, digits = 3), round(subLOFx2$y, digits = 3))

    idx1 <- which(round(subLOFx1$y, digits = 3) %in% ys) idx2 <- which(round(subLOFx2$y, digits = 3) %in% ys)

    g1_inc_x <- h44_g1$$profile_inc

    distr.dist <- sqrt(mean(((subLOFx1$val[idx1] - subLOFx2$val[idx2]) * g1_inc_x / 1000)^2, na.rm=TRUE)) <- sd(subLOFx1$val * g1_inc_x / 1000, na.rm=TRUE) + sd(subLOFx2$val * g1_inc_x / 1000, na.rm=TRUE)

    km <- which(res$lines$match) knm <- which(!res$lines$match) if (length(km) == 0) km <- c(length(knm)+1,0) if (length(knm) == 0) knm <- c(length(km)+1,0)

    signature.length <- min(nrow(subLOFx1), nrow(subLOFx2))

    doublesmoothed <- lofX %>% group_by(y) %>% mutate(avgl30 = mean(l30, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(smoothavgl30 = smoothloess(x = y, y = avgl30, span = 0.3), l50 = l30 - smoothavgl30)

    final_doublesmoothed <- doublesmoothed %>% filter(round(y, digits = 3) %in% ys)

    rough_cor <- cor(na.omit(final_doublesmoothed$l50[final_doublesmoothed$bullet == b12[1]]), na.omit(final_doublesmoothed$l50[final_doublesmoothed$bullet == b12[2]]), use = "pairwise.complete.obs")

    ccf_temp <- c(ccf=res$ccf, rough_cor = rough_cor, lag=res$lag / 1000, D=distr.dist, sd_D =, b1=b12[1], b2=b12[2], signature_length = signature.length * g1_inc_x / 1000, overlap = length(ys) / signature.length, matches = sum(res$lines$match) * (1000 / g1_inc_x) / length(ys), mismatches = sum(!res$lines$match) * 1000 / abs(diff(range(c(subLOFx1$y, subLOFx2$y)))), cms = res$maxCMS * (1000 / g1_inc_x) / length(ys), cms2 = bulletr::maxCMS(subset(res$lines, type==1 |$match) * (1000 / g1_inc_x) / length(ys), non_cms = bulletr::maxCMS(!res$lines$match) * 1000 / abs(diff(range(c(subLOFx1$y, subLOFx2$y)))), left_cms = max(knm[1] - km[1], 0) * (1000 / g1_inc_x) / length(ys), right_cms = max(km[length(km)] - knm[length(knm)],0) * (1000 / g1_inc_x) / length(ys), left_noncms = max(km[1] - knm[1], 0) * 1000 / abs(diff(range(c(subLOFx1$y, subLOFx2$y)))), right_noncms = max(knm[length(knm)]-km[length(km)],0) * 1000 / abs(diff(range(c(subLOFx1$y, subLOFx2$y)))), sum_peaks = sum(abs(res$lines$heights[res$lines$match])) * (1000 / g1_inc_x) / length(ys) )

    ccf <- t( %>% %>% dplyr::select(profile1_id = b1, profile2_id = b2, ccf, rough_cor, lag, D, sd_D, signature_length, overlap, matches, mismatches, cms, non_cms, sum_peaks) ccf[,-2] <- lapply(ccf[,-(1:2)], function(x) { as.numeric(as.character(x)) }) ```

  9. Get Predicted Probability of Match

    ccf$forest <- predict(rtrees, newdata = CCFs_withlands, type = "prob")[,2]

erichare/bulletr documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:26 a.m.