knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE)
start_time <- Sys.time()

Anne found quite a large number of discrepancies between her previous results and what she got from the HatcheryPedAgree workflow. I am going to try to understand those differences here.

I ran my own HatcheryPedAgree workflow in typical-analysis-RR.Rmd, and I stored various outputs in an Unsynced directory.

(base) /HatcheryPedAgreeOutputs/--% ls -R RussianRiver-July-6-2020/
Anne_prior_results/ for_read.rds        reorg.rds           snppit-run-dir/


BigSmax_Input                           snppit_output_ChosenSMAXes.txt
BigSmax_Output.txt                      snppit_output_FDR_Summary.txt
PurePop_Input                           snppit_output_ParentageAssignments.txt
PurePop_Output.txt                      snppit_output_PopSizesAnPiVectors.txt
snppit_input.txt                        snppit_output_TrioPosteriors.txt
snppit_output_BasicDataSummary.txt      snppit_seeds

That includes Anne_prior_results, which has Anne's previous results, and also snppit-run-dir, which has all the snppit output from my HatcheryPedAgree run, and also the for_read.rds (which is the for_real variable, and reorg.rds which is the reorg variable).



Get anne's previous results

apr <- read_csv(
  guess_max = 20000)

Get the noSAD results that I computed

Might as well go straight to the noSAD results...

sex_and_date <- read_rds("private/rrsh_metadata.rds")
my_nosad <- slurp_snppit(
  DIR = "~/Documents/UnsyncedData/HatcheryPedAgreeOutputs/RussianRiver-July-6-2020/snppit-run-noSAD",
  S = sex_and_date
reorg <- read_rds("~/Documents/UnsyncedData/HatcheryPedAgreeOutputs/RussianRiver-July-6-2020/reorg.rds")

Now, the first thing I want to investigate are those instances where Anne found a parent pair and the HPA workflow did not. We have the wrinkle that we use only a single name for each individual, even if they were genotyped multiple times (as a "matching" sample).

In other words, the individual might be called something different in Anne's data set than in the HPA data set. So, to get around this, I want to augment the no_sad results I got, by including rows in it that represent all the different ways a trio (kid, pa, and ma) could have been named (that are different from the canonical way that HPA used), so that we can left join them (as kids), and also properly find them as parents.

So, for each canonical name, we need to get all the other, different names that might be used in Anne's results. At first, we just deal with getting all the extra names for the kids. We deal with ma and pa later.

aliases <- reorg$matchers_metadata %>%
  filter(new_id != original_id) %>%
  select(original_id, new_id)
kid_additions <- aliases %>%
  left_join(my_nosad, by = c("new_id" = "kid")) %>%
  rename(kid = original_id) %>%

my_nosad2 <- bind_rows(my_nosad, kid_additions)

join anne's results

For now, I just want to focus on what anne found, so we left join:

aprLJ <- left_join(
  by = c("Kid_ID" = "kid"),
  suffix = c("_apr", "_hpa")

Now, quickly look at the FDRs here:

ggplot(aprLJ, aes(x = FDR_apr, y = FDR_hpa)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.1) +
aprLJ %>%
  filter(Kid_ID %in% aliases$original_id ) %>%
looksie <- aprLJ %>%
  select(Kid_ID, Ma_ID, ma, Pa_ID, pa, FDR_apr, FDR_hpa, Pvalue_apr, 
         Pvalue_hpa, Kid_Year, Ma_SpawnYear, Kid_Hatchery, MaxP.Pr.Relat_apr, MaxP.Pr.Relat_hpa) %>%
  mutate(correct = (ma == Ma_ID & pa == Pa_ID) | (pa == Ma_ID & ma == Pa_ID) )
ggplot(looksie %>% filter(correct == TRUE), aes(x = Pvalue_apr, y = Pvalue_hpa, colour = MaxP.Pr.Relat_hpa)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) + 
  theme_bw() +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0) +
  facet_grid(Kid_Hatchery ~ Ma_SpawnYear)# +
  #ylim(0, 0.15)

OK, that is interesting. I think it might have to do with using pooled allele frequencies. Let's look at those allele freqs. We can do that here, in R.

Allele freqs

Here we can look at the allele frequencies that SNPPIT is using to compute likelihoods. I think HPA uses all the fish except for those in the last year.

genos <- read_rds("private/rrsh_genotypes.rds")
meta <- read_rds("private/rrsh_metadata.rds")

gmeto <- genos %>%
  left_join(meta, by = "indiv")

grand_mean <- gmeto %>%
  filter(! %>%
  count(locus, allele_int) %>%
  group_by(locus) %>%
  mutate(gm_freq = n / sum(n))

hatchery_means <- gmeto %>%
  filter(! %>%
  group_by(hatchery, locus, allele_int) %>%
  tally() %>%
  mutate(freq = n / sum(n)) %>%
  left_join(grand_mean, by = c("locus", "allele_int"))

Let's plot those and see what it looks like:

ggplot(hatchery_means, aes(x = gm_freq, y = freq)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
  facet_wrap(~ hatchery, nrow = 1)

OK, now what I would like to do is see how things compare over kid return years from 2007 to 2016.
We will make a function for that. I want to compare the frequencies that Anne used (aggregated over hatcheries, but only including the parents from 1 to 7 years previous) to the means (over all years) for each of the hatcheries. And I also want to get the actual frequencies in each of the hatcheries with just those 7 years included each time.

agg_freqs_by_kidyear <- function(D, kyear) {
  D %>%
    filter(year >= kyear - 7, year <= kyear - 1) %>%
    filter(! %>%
    group_by(locus, allele_int) %>%
    tally() %>%
      agg_freq = n / sum(n),
      kidyear =  kyear
hatch_freqs_by_kidyear <- function(D, kyear) {
  D %>%
    filter(year >= kyear - 7, year <= kyear - 1) %>%
    filter(! %>%
    group_by(hatchery, locus, allele_int) %>%
    tally() %>%
      hatch_freq = n / sum(n),
      kidyear =  kyear

hatch_freqs <- lapply(2007:2016, function(x) hatch_freqs_by_kidyear(gmeto, x) ) %>%
agg_freqs <- lapply(2007:2016, function(x) agg_freqs_by_kidyear(gmeto, x) ) %>%

Now, we can plot some of these things. First, let's plot the aggregated freqs Anne used against the overall hatchery freqs:

agg_freqs %>%
  left_join(hatchery_means, by = c("locus", "allele_int")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = freq, y = agg_freq)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(kidyear ~ hatchery)

Nothing super revealing there. It does show that the variability in Coyote Valley is a little higher and that might account for what look like more FDR discrepancies between HPA and the pooled allele freqs approach in Coyote Valley (at least, looking at the the figures a few sections up.)

eriqande/HatcheryPedAgree documentation built on Sept. 21, 2023, 7:24 p.m.