
# I am going to use the RR stuff
sex_and_date <- read_rds("../private/rrsh_metadata.rds")

#my_nosad <- slurp_snppit(
#  DIR = "~/Documents/UnsyncedData/HatcheryPedAgreeOutputs/RussianRiver-July-6-2020/snppit-run-noSAD",
#  S = sex_and_date
#write_rds(my_nosad, path = "../private/rr-results/nosad.rds", compress = "xz")

#my_sad <- slurp_snppit(
#  DIR = "~/Documents/UnsyncedData/HatcheryPedAgreeOutputs/RussianRiver-July-6-2020/snppit-run-dir",
#  S = sex_and_date
#write_rds(my_sad, path = "../private/rr-results/sad.rds", compress = "xz")

#reorg <- read_rds("~/Documents/UnsyncedData/HatcheryPedAgreeOutputs/RussianRiver-July-6-2020/reorg.rds")

my_nosad <- read_rds("../private/rr-results/nosad.rds")
my_sad <- read_rds("../private/rr-results/sad.rds")

# now, put in a list to prep_to_compare:
L <- list(
  nosad = my_nosad,
  sad = my_sad

Now, we can create a data frame that compares the two. This will be useful for filtering:

D3 <- prep_to_compare_snppit_runs(L)

Make a plot:

ggplot(D3 %>% filter(!, aes(x = idx_by_year_and_hatchery, y = FDR + 0.05 * (as.integer(type_f) - 1), colour = type_f)) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05, colour = "white") +
    geom_point(shape = 21, stroke = 0.2, size = 1.2) +
    facet_grid(kid_min_year ~ kid_hatchery) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("blue", "red"))

Quick Check of some numbers

D3 %>%
  group_by(kid_hatchery, kid_min_year) %>%
    tot = n(),
    lt01 = sum(FDR < 0.01, na.rm = TRUE),
    lt05 = sum(FDR <= 0.05, na.rm = TRUE)

And, we could also see how many total fish we think we get wrong when we apply rules like FDR < 0.05 for unconstrained or FDR < 0.02 for constrained.

First, do just the constraineds....

all_good_sads <- D3 %>%
    type_of_analysis == "sad",
    FDR < 0.02,
    MaxP.Pr.Relat == "C_Se_Se"
) %>%
  arrange(FDR) %>%
  select(kid, FDR)

# that yields 10,550 assignments
# and then the number we think we might have gotten wrong that way is about 15.

# so, less than 2 out of 1,000 are expected to be incorrect

Now, we remove those from the data set, and get the noSADs that still look good.

additional_no_sads_05 <- D3 %>%
  filter(type_of_analysis == "nosad") %>%
  anti_join(all_good_sads, by = "kid") %>%
    FDR < 0.05,
    MaxP.Pr.Relat == "C_Se_Se"
    ) %>%
  select(kid, FDR) %>%

# there are 386 of those.  
# And how many do we think we got wrong?

# About 7 of those...
# so, that is about 2% of those.  But the overall expected rate of errors is still
22 / (10550 + 386)

# which is about 2 in 1000.  

eriqande/HatcheryPedAgree documentation built on Sept. 21, 2023, 7:24 p.m.