
#' The food web of the marsh at Grande Cari\c{c}aie at Lake Neuch\^{a}tel,
#' Switzerland.
#' @format An adjacency matrix with 163 rows and 163 columns.
#' @references Cattin Blandenier, M.-F. Food web ecology: models and
#' application to conservation. PhD thesis, (2004).
#' @name caricaie

#' The food web of Flensburg Fjord in the Baltic Sea, between Germany and Denmark.
#' @format An adjacency matrix with 180 rows and 180 columns.
#' @references Zander, C. D., Josten, N., Detloff, K. C., Poulin, R.,
#' McLaughlin, J. P., and Thieltges, D. W. Food web including metazoan
#' parasites for a brackish shallow water ecosystem in Germany and Denmark:
#' Ecological Archives E092-174. Ecology 92(10), 2007–2007 (2011).
#' @name flensburg

#' The food web of the intertidal mudflat in Otago Harbour, New Zealand.
#' @format An adjacency matrix with 180 rows and 180 columns.
#' @references Mouritsen, K. N., Poulin, R., McLaughlin, J. P., and
#' Thieltges, D. W. Food web including metazoan parasites for an intertidal
#' ecosystem in New Zealand: Ecological Archives E092-173. Ecology 92(10),
#' 2006–2006 (2011).
#' @name otago

#' The food web for the Caribbean reef on the American Virgin Islands.
#' @format An adjacency matrix with 249 rows and 249 columns.
#' @references Opitz, S. Trophic interactions in Caribbean coral reefs.
#' Number 1085. WorldFish, (1996).
#' @name reef

#' The terrestrial food web of the Serengeti grassland in Tanzania.
#' @format An adjacency matrix with 170 rows and 170 columns.
#' @references Baskerville, E. B., Dobson, A. P., Bedford, T., Allesina, S.,
#' Anderson, T. M., and Pascual, M. Spatial guilds in the Serengeti food web
#' revealed by a Bayesian group model. PLoS Computational Biology 7(12),
#' e1002321 (2011).
#' @name serengeti

#' The food web for the seagrass community at Goose Creek By in St. Marks
#' National Wildlife Refuge, Florida.
#' @format An adjacency matrix with 143 rows and 143 columns.
#' @references Christian, R. R. and Luczkovich, J. J. Organizing and
#' understanding a winter’s sea-grass foodweb network through effective
#' trophic levels. Ecological Modelling 117(1), 99–124 (1999).
#' @name stmarks

#' The food web for the North Sea Sylt tidal basin between Germany and
#' Denmark.
#' @format An adjacency matrix with 230 rows and 230 columns.
#' @references Thieltges, D. W., Reise, K., Mouritsen, K. N., McLaughlin,
#' J. P., and Poulin, R. Food web including metazoan parasites for a tidal
#' basin in Germany and Denmark: Ecological Archives E092-172. Ecology 92(10),
#' 2005–2005 (2011).
#' @name sylt

#' Food web for the mussel bed at the Tatoosh intertidal in Tatoosh Island,
#' Washington.
#' @format An adjacency matrix with 110 rows and 110 columns.
#' @source \url{}
#' @name tatoosh

#' The food web for Ythan Estuary in Scotland.
#' @format An adjacency matrix with 92 rows and 92 columns.
#' @references Cohen, J. E., Schittler, D. N., Raffaelli, D. G., and Reuman, D. C.
#' Food webs are more than the sum of their tritrophic parts. Proceedings of the
#' National Academy of Sciences 106(52), 22335–22340 (2009).
#' @name ythan
esander91/PredictImportance documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:51 a.m.