Contributor Guidelines

1. External Contributors

If you would like to propose an update or report a bug to RealEstateR, please check out the repo's issues to see if it's in our backlog. You can create a new issue to report the bug (use bug label), to ask a question (use question label), or to propose an update to enhance the code (use enhancement label).

To contribute to RealEstateR, you must fork the repo and make changes in the forked version:

Please follow the Google style guide for R syntax and documentation.

Once you have made all of your proposed updates, submit a pull request and reference the appropriate issue that you have tackled.

Note: As a contributor, you must adhere to the terms outlined in our Contributor Code of Conduct.

2. Core Contributors

estebanangelm/RealEstateR documentation built on May 29, 2019, 10:37 a.m.