
#' @title Set Number of Threads
#' @description set the maximum number of available threads for parallel execution
#' @param max.threads an integer, number of threads to speed up computing, \strong{openmp} should be supported.
#' @usage fm.set_threads(max.threads = 1)
fm.set_threads <- function(max.threads = 1)
  actual.max.threads <- parallel::detectCores()
  if (max.threads > actual.max.threads) {
    warning(paste0("max number of available threads is ", actual.max.threads, " which is less than max.threads\nmax.threads will be set as ", actual.max.threads))
    max.threads <- actual.max.threads
  options("FM.threads" = max.threads)

fm.get_threads <- function()
  getOption("FM.threads", 1)
evanwang1990/FMwR documentation built on May 16, 2019, 9:38 a.m.