Man pages for exoplanetX/greyforecasting
A package for grey systems forecasting methods

abGIabsolute grey incidence
abgradaptive buffered grey rolling model
abrgmadaptive buffered grey rolling model
agoAGO operator
background1multi-projection backaground values...
basicGIbasic grey incidence analysis formula
coef.greyforecastingfetch the parameters in grey forecasting object
combinecombine multi-graphs based on matrix "layoutset" matrix...
compareseqcompare errors according to data point's name absolute...
conplotcombination plot function
dgmdiscrete grey prediction model by Xie Naiming
ghgEnergy-related greenhouse emission data from China Statistics...
ghg2Energy-related greenhouse emission data from China Statistcs...
gmclassic grey forecasting model, GM(1,1)
gm_1Improved grey forecasting model with optimal background...
gm_2optimal gm model with background and response formula
gmprocessa integral GM(1,1) process using the tool functions defaut...
gsplotplot fitting graph of grey models based on ggplot2 plot...
iagoIAGO operator
logiscostAnnual cost of Chinese food cold logistics demand
logisquantityAnnual quantity of Chinese food cold logistics demand
mimagemean imaage operator
normsdistance norm computation
oimageoriginal image operator
operatorclassical buffer operator
ownersQuantity of annual vehicle ownership
pgmgrey power model
plot.greyforecastinggenerate fitting graph of grey forecasting model
projectProgject file for grey prediction application
rimagereverse image operator
rolladaptive buffered grey rolling model
smthfull information buffer operator
summary.greyforecastingmake the summary of greyforecasting object
svwbosmooth buffer operator with variable weight
verhulstgrey verhulst model
yA dataset containing the emissions from China
yrDeclining sequential test data Test data generated from y by...
ysStatistic data of annual accident death of China land traffic
zimageoriginal image operator
exoplanetX/greyforecasting documentation built on Jan. 17, 2022, 6:46 a.m.