
Defines functions rextendr_version update_description update_sys_reqs update_rextendr_version rextendr_setup

rextendr_setup <- function(path = ".", cur_version = NULL) {
  desc_path <- rprojroot::find_package_root_file("DESCRIPTION", path = path)
  if (!file.exists(desc_path)) {
      "{.arg path} ({.path {path}}) does not contain a DESCRIPTION",
      class = "rextendr_error"

  is_first <- is.na(rextendr_version(desc_path = desc_path))

  if (is_first) {
    cli::cli_alert_info("First time using rextendr. Upgrading automatically...")

  update_rextendr_version(desc_path = desc_path, cur_version = cur_version)
  update_sys_reqs(desc_path = desc_path)


update_rextendr_version <- function(desc_path, cur_version = NULL) {
  cur <- cur_version %||% as.character(utils::packageVersion("rextendr"))
  prev <- rextendr_version(desc_path = desc_path)

  if (!is.na(cur) && !is.na(prev) && package_version(cur) < package_version(prev)) {
      "Installed rextendr is older than the version used with this package",
      "You have {.str {cur}} but you need {.str {prev}}"
  } else if (!identical(cur, prev)) {
    update_description("Config/rextendr/version", cur, desc_path = desc_path)

update_sys_reqs <- function(desc_path) {
  cur <- "Cargo (Rust's package manager), rustc"
  prev <- stringi::stri_trim_both(desc::desc_get("SystemRequirements", file = desc_path)[[1]])

  if (is.na(prev)) {
    update_description("SystemRequirements", cur, desc_path = desc_path)
  } else if (!identical(cur, prev)) {
        "The SystemRequirements field in the {.file DESCRIPTION} file is already set.",
        "Please update it manually if needed."

update_description <- function(field, value, desc_path) {
  cli::cli_alert_info("Setting {.var {field}} to {.str {value}} in the {.file DESCRIPTION} file.")
  desc::desc_set(field, value, file = desc_path)

rextendr_version <- function(desc_path = ".") {
  stringi::stri_trim_both(desc::desc_get("Config/rextendr/version", desc_path)[[1]])
extendr/rextendr documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 9:44 p.m.