#' Spectral Coordinates for Graph Drawing
#' Calculates the spectral coordinates of a graph using the two smallest non-zero eigenvalues of the graph Laplacian.
#' @export spectral_coords
#' @importFrom RSpectra eigs_sym
#' @param adj_mat A symmetric adjacency matrix or sparse matrix representing an undirected graph.
#' @return A matrix where each row represents the spectral coordinates of a node in the graph.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_graph}}, \code{\link{plot_signal}}
#' @details
#' The \code{spectral_coords} function implements a 2-dimensional spectral graph drawing method based on the eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian associated with its two smallest non-zero eigenvalues. Given a graph with adjacency matrix \code{adj_mat}, the graph Laplacian \code{L} is computed, which is a matrix representation that encodes the graph's topology. The Laplacian's eigenvalues and eigenvectors are calculated, and the eigenvectors corresponding to the second and third non-zero smallest eigenvalues are used to determine the coordinates of the graph's vertices in the plane.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' matrixname <- "bcspwr02"
#' groupname <- "HB"
#' download_graph(matrixname,groupname)
#' xy <- spectral_coords(bcspwr02$sA)
#' bcspwr02$xy <- xy
#' plot_graph(bcspwr02)
#' }
#' @references
#' Chung, F. R. K. (1997). Spectral Graph Theory. American Mathematical Soc.
#' Hall, K. M. (1970). An r-dimensional quadratic placement algorithm. Management science, 17(3), 219-229.
#- todo add test to deal with eigenvalues with algebraic multiplicity>1 particulary for 0
# non_zero_eig_vals <- eig_dec$evalues[eig_dec$evalues > 1e-10]
# smallest_indices <- which(eig_dec$evalues %in% non_zero_eig_vals)[1:2]
# u2 <- eig_dec$evectors[, smallest_indices[1]]
# u3 <- eig_dec$evectors[, smallest_indices[2]]
spectral_coords <- function(adj_mat) {
L <- laplacian_mat(adj_mat)
if (max(dim(adj_mat)) > 3000) {
# Use Rspectra::eigs_sym for larger matrices
adj_mat <- as(adj_mat, "dgCMatrix")
u <- eigs_sym(L, 3, which = "SM")$vectors
u <- u[,nrow(u):2]
} else {
eig_dec <- eigensort(L)
u2 <- eig_dec$evectors[, 2]
u3 <- eig_dec$evectors[, 3]
#non_zero_eig_vals <- eig_dec$evalues[eig_dec$evalues > 1e-10]
#smallest_indices <- which(eig_dec$evalues %in% non_zero_eig_vals)[1:2]
#u2 <- eig_dec$evectors[, smallest_indices[1]]
#u3 <- eig_dec$evectors[, smallest_indices[2]]
u <- cbind(u2, u3)
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