## Required packages
library(lme4)     # for reproducing the reference model
library(lattice)  # some lme4 plotting functions
library(boot)     # nonparametric bootstrap confidence intervals
library(tidyr)    # data manipulation
library(plyr)     # data manipulation
library(dplyr)    # data manipulation
library(ggplot2)  # plotting
library(viridis)  # color palette
library(knitr)    # kable()
library(INLA)     # Bayesian Inference

## knitr options
opts_chunk$set(echo       = FALSE,
               message    = FALSE,
               warning    = FALSE,
               comment    = NA,
               fig.dpi    = 96,
               fig.width  = 5,
               fig.height = 3,
               fig.caption= FALSE,
               cache      = FALSE)

## ggplot2 options
## Applies an square-root transform to CD (creating variables CDT)
## Buils object mdat in long format (with variables: Year; Variable; Value)
## Open with:
# file.show(file=system.file('vignettes/cleanup.R',
#                            package = 'RisingAshes'))
# Object for storing data, models and solutions
ml <- list()

## Base dataset for analyzing the CD variable (transformed)
ml$dat <- droplevels(
    subset(mdat, variable == 'CDT'),
    variable = NULL,
    BLC = factor(BLC),
    PROVxBLC = factor(PROV:factor(BLC)),
    FAMxBLC = factor(FAM:factor(BLC))

Firstly, we reproduce the methodology of [@Pliura11] in order to have a reference for comparison. We derive conclusions from the model fit, although we show that the model does not pass the most basic diagnostics.

Our second model substitutes the genetic effect at a family level by an additive effect at individual level. We show that this model improves significantly the fit, and allows to estimate the heritability more accurately.

Finaly, we fit a third model with a spatio-temporal effect in replacement of the blocks effects and their interactions.

Exploratory plots

This plot uses the variable CD in its original scale.

pdat <- mdat %>% 
  filter(variable == 'CD', !is.na(value)) %>% 
  droplevels() %>% 
  group_by(Year, value) %>% 
  summarise(N = n()) %>% 
  transform(Year = as.numeric(levels(Year))[Year],
            CD_status = as.factor(value))
levels(pdat$CD_status) <- sub("1", "1 (dead)", levels(pdat$CD_status))

ggplot(pdat, aes(Year, N, fill = CD_status)) +
  geom_area(na.rm = TRUE, colour = 'white') +
  scale_fill_grey(start = 0.9, end = 0) +
  theme(legend.title=element_blank()) +
  guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE,
                             override.aes = list(colour = NULL))) +
  ylab('Number of trees')

Reproducing the methodology of [@Pliura11]

For the analysis of data from one trial, they use a fixed block effect $b_j$, a random family effect $s_l$ and a fixed population effect $p_m$. Furthermore, they include the interactions between the population and the family with the block.

As they did not have several measurements in different points in time, we will also include a fixed Year effect, to account for global differences from year to year.

ml$ref$res1 <- lmer(
  value ~ Year + PROV + BLC + PROVxBLC + (1|FAM) + (1|FAMxBLC),

# for computation of confidence intervals
ml$ref$prof <- profile(ml$ref$res1)
## Load into ml$ref$prof the cached result of the previous chunk
ml$ref$prof <- RisingAshes:::Pliura_profile
## The fact that all plots show an almost linear shape
## is a sign that a normal approximation would work fine
## Douglas M. Bates (2014). lme4: Mixed-effects modeling with R. Sec. 1.5.

Note that the estimates of variance components are quite small in comparison with the Residual variance (an order of magnitude smaller). However, they are both significant, according to the Confidence Intervals on the Standard Deviations, as shown below.

These CIs are computed by likelihood profiling. This is why the REML point estimate of the first SD is near the right extreme of the CI. The ML point estimate is much more centered in the CI.

By the way, do not confound the Std.Dev. with the Standard Error of the estimates. Standard Errors (and p-values of Z tests) are not shown because most of the times (e.g. unbalanced or partially crossed designs) are inadequate.

confint(ml$ref$prof, 1:3)

Model diagnostics

Check residuals

     sqrt(abs(resid(.)))~fitted(.), ## scale-location
qqmath(ml$ref$res1, id=0.05)

As a consequence of the discrete response, these residuals are obviously not independent and normally distributed, in contrast to the results of [@Pliura11] (not reported) who claimed that the residuals showed no problems.

Therefore, the following results are to be taken with skepticism.


Note that this method can give estimates above 1, as a consequence of estimating the additive-genetic variance as $4\sigma^2_f$.

## Function giving the point estimate of the (narrow sense) heritability
## given the model fit
h2.fun <- function(., exclude.interaction = FALSE) {
  v.hat.reml <- with(as.data.frame(VarCorr(.)),
                               names = grp))
  phe.var <- ifelse(exclude.interaction,
                    v.hat.reml["FAM"] + v.hat.reml["Residual"],
  ## Additive-genetic variance estimate
  sigma2_a <- 4*v.hat.reml["FAM"]
            names = 'h^2')
ml$ref$boot.h2 <- bootMer(ml$ref$res1,
                          nsim = 500,
                          parallel = 'multicore',
                          ncpus = 8L)
## Load into ml$ref$boot.h2 the cached result of the previous chunk
ml$ref$boot.h2 <- RisingAshes:::Pliura_heritability

These results give an heritability estimate of r unname(round(h2.fun(ml$ref$res1), 2)) with a 95% bootstrap Confidence Interval of r round(boot.ci(ml$ref$boot.h2, type = 'norm')$normal[-1], 2).

Here we computed the heritability considering the interaction between Family and Block as part of the Phenotypic variance, since this is recommended practice for a GxE component like this one [@Visscher08].

However, this was not the approach of [@Pliura11]. They excluded the variance of the interaction in the denominator. In fact, they also excluded the environmental variability of the blocks by modeling them as fixed effects.

Regardless of whether this approach is correct or not, its consequence is an increase on the heritability, whose point estimate becomes r unname(round(h2.fun(ml$ref$res1, exclude.interaction = TRUE), 2))

However, it must be noted the huge sampling variability of this estimation procedure!!!

Other effects

According to the (profile) confidence intervals, we don't observe a significant effect of the population.

confint(ml$ref$prof, c('PROVc', 'PROVv'))
year.params <- paste0('Year', c('.L', '.Q', '.C', '^4'))
confint(ml$ref$prof, year.params)
year.effects <- contr.poly(5) %*% fixef(ml$ref$res1)[year.params]

We have confidence intervals for the parameters. Let's compute bootstrap-based CIs for the specific effect of each year.

year.eff.fun <- function(.) contr.poly(5) %*% fixef(.)[year.params]
ml$ref$boot1 <- bootMer(
  nsim = 500,
  parallel = 'multicore',
  ncpus = 8L
## Load into ml$ref$boot1 the cached result of the previous chunk
ml$ref$boot1 <- RisingAshes:::Pliura_year

The following figure shows the effect of the years, with 95% confidence intervals estimated by bootstrapping.

ml$ref$bootCI <- t(sapply(
  function(ind) boot.ci(
    type = 'norm',
    index = ind)$normal[-1])
colnames(ml$ref$bootCI) <- c('ymin', 'ymax')

ggplot(data.frame(year = factor(2010:2014),
                  effect = year.effects,
       aes(year, effect)) + 
  geom_pointrange(aes(x = year, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax))

If we removed the Provenance effect (and its interaction), we loose some goodnes of fit, but the difference is not significant.

ml$ref$res2 <- lmer(value ~ Year + BLC + (1|FAM) + (1|FAMxBLC),
confint(ml$ref$res2, method = 'Wald')
anova(ml$ref$res1, ml$ref$res2)

However, since the families are nested within provenances, we should take into account the provenances when comparing families. So we use this latter model to produce the following Figure, which shows the predicted family effects with their corresponding prediction intervals, with the model without explicit provenances. We see that families c09 and a10 are clearly more affected by the disease, while families a03, a09and c01 seem to be the most resistant ones.

dotplot(ranef(ml$ref$res2, condVar = TRUE, whichel = 'FAM'))

The method from [@Pliura11] in a Bayesian setting

We now develop an analog model in a Bayesian framework, in order to compare the improvement in marginal likelihood and DIC with more complex models. Note that the variance estimates (inverse of precisions) are similar, and the family point estimates are also aligned. The slight shift absorbed in some other effect.

ml$ref$res.inla <- 
    formula = value ~ 
      Year + BLC + f(FAM, model = 'iid') + f(FAMxBLC, model = 'iid'),
    data = ml$dat,
    control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE),
    control.fixed = list(
      expand.factor.strategy = 'inla'), # account for NAs in factor
    control.compute = list(
      dic = TRUE,
      waic = TRUE,
      cpo = TRUE,
      po = TRUE,
      config = TRUE)
    #, inla.call = 'submit'


## Compare Family point estimates
ggplot(data.frame(lme4 = ranef(ml$ref$res2)$FAM$'(Intercept)',
                  INLA = ml$ref$res.inla$summary.random$FAM$mean),
       aes(lme4, INLA)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, col = 'darkgray')

Posterior heritability:

# summary(ml$add$res)
N.samples <- 5e3
hyperpar.sample <- inla.hyperpar.sample(N.samples, ml$ref$res.inla)

var.sample <- structure(1/hyperpar.sample,
                        dimnames = list(NULL, c('sigma2', 'sigma2_f', 'sigma2_fb')))

h2.fun <- function(x, exclude.interaction = FALSE) {
  sigma2_a <- 4*x["sigma2_f"]
  phe.var <- ifelse(exclude.interaction,
                    x["sigma2"] + x["sigma2_f"],
  ## Additive-genetic variance estimate
  structure(min(sigma2_a/phe.var, 1),
            names = 'h^2')

ml$ref$post.h2 <- apply(var.sample, 1, h2.fun, exclude.interaction = FALSE)
quantile(ml$ref$post.h2, probs = c(.025, .975))
# ggplot(data.frame(h2 = ml$ref$post.h2), aes(x = h2)) + geom_density()

Substituting the Family effect by an additive-genetic effect at individual level

We also removed the Family-Block interaction, because it gets absorbed completely by the individual effect.

## Creates objects:
##   gen_str
##     $Ainv
##     $recoding
##     $contraint.matrix
##   prec.A
## Open with:
# file.show(file=system.file('vignettes/genetic_structure',
#                            package = 'RisingAshes'))
## Recoding individuals in data!
ml$add$dat <- transform(
  Y11 = as.numeric(Year == '2011'),
  Y12 = as.numeric(Year == '2012'),
  Y13 = as.numeric(Year == '2013'),
  Y14 = as.numeric(Year == '2014'),
  recode = gen_str$recoding

## Model formula
ml$add$fml <- 
  value ~ 0 + Year + BLC + 
  f(recode, model = "generic0", hyper = list(theta = prec.A),
    constr = TRUE, Cmatrix = gen_str$Ainv)

ml$add$res <- inla(
  formula = ml$add$fml,
  data = ml$add$dat,
  control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE),
  control.fixed = list(
    expand.factor.strategy = 'inla'  # account for NAs in factor
  control.compute = list(
    dic = TRUE,
    waic = TRUE,
    cpo = TRUE,
    po = TRUE,
    config = TRUE
  control.family = list(hyper = list(prec = prec.A))
  #, inla.call = 'submit'

There is a hughe improvement both in DIC and in marginal likelihood. Which is natural, as this model fits individuals, rather than families, and therefore explains part of what was residual variability before. The appeal of this approach is that it gives a direct estimate of the additive-genetic variance, from where we can derive the heritability. Moreover, by using the Bayesian approach, we get a posterior density distribution, which is directly interpretable.


In order to compute the posterior density of the heritability, we sample from the posterior distributions of the hyperparameters of the model, and build a posterior sample of heritabilities with the formula $$ h^2 = \frac{\sigma^2_a}{\sigma^2_a + \sigma^2} $$

# summary(ml$add$res)

N.samples <- 5e3
hyperpar.sample <- inla.hyperpar.sample(N.samples, ml$add$res)
var.sample <- structure(1/hyperpar.sample[, grep('Gaussian|recode',
                        dimnames = list(NULL, c('sigma2', 'sigma2_a')))
ml$add$h2.sample <- apply(var.sample, 1, 
                          function(x) x['sigma2_a']/(x['sigma2_a'] + x['sigma2']))
ggplot(data.frame(h2 = ml$add$h2.sample), aes(x = h2)) + geom_density()

These results give a heritability esimate of about r round(mean(ml$add$h2.sample), 2) with a 95% Credible Interval of r paste(unname(round(quantile(ml$add$h2.sample, probs = c(.025, .975)), 2)), collapse = ' -- ')

Spatio-temporal model with family and additive genetic effects

The following model substitutes the Blocks effects by a continuously varying non-separable spatiotemporal effect $\Theta_{ij}$ that accounts for the pattern of spread of the disease in time.

[ \begin{aligned} y_{ijk} = & Year_i + \Theta_{ij} + a_k + \varepsilon_{ijk}\ \boldsymbol\Theta \sim & N\big(\boldsymbol0, \tau_\Theta^2 \mathbf{Q}(\rho)\big) \ \boldsymbol{a} \sim & N\big(\boldsymbol0, \tau_a^2 \mathbf{A}^{-1}\big) \ \boldsymbol\varepsilon \sim & N\big(\boldsymbol0, \mathbf{I}\big), \end{aligned} ]

We keep a separate main effect of the Year to acocunt for the sustained increase in the global intensity of the disease, while the spatiotemporal effect account only for deviations from the Year's global mean.

Note that the individual additive-genetic effect $a_k$ accounts implicitly for differences between families. However, we can make this effect explicit by including a random family effect, while introducing sum-to-zero constrains in the genetic effect for each family. The models are equivalent and give complementary information. We use this alterative paramterization of the model to compare the variabilities within-between families.

Another complementary model that we fitted is one with a fixed effect of Provenance. Only to prove that this effect is negligible.

Finally, we fit a further model removing the effect of the Families (or, rather, imposing a sum-to-zero constraint in the additive effect for each family). This allows us to test the hypothesis that there are significant differences between families.

For numerical reasons, I had to remove 100 observations with missing BF in order to take this variable into account.

## Generates an object
## sp_str
##   $loc
##   $mesh
##   $spde
sp_str <- Devecey_spde()
## mesh space (mesh$n * nYears = 942 * 5 = 4710 rows)
st.index <- inla.spde.make.index(
  name = 'theta',
  n.spde = sp_str$spde$n.spde,
  n.group = nlevels(ml$dat$Year)

## Maps from the observation to the prediction space
st.Amat <- inla.spde.make.A(
  sp_str$mesh, loc = sp_str$loc, 
  index = rep(1:nrow(sp_str$loc), nlevels(ml$dat$Year)),
  group = as.numeric(ml$dat$Year)

Model summary

## I changed a bit the priors of the spatial effect
## See src/stmodel.R
ml$st$dat <- transform(
  ml$dat[!is.na(ml$dat$BF), c('Seq', 'FAM', 'PROV', 'BF98', 'Year', 'value')],
  mu = 1,
  recode = gen_str$recoding[Seq],
  FAM = as.numeric(FAM),
  BF  = BF98,
  Y11 = as.numeric(Year == '2011'),
  Y12 = as.numeric(Year == '2012'),
  Y13 = as.numeric(Year == '2013'),
  Y14 = as.numeric(Year == '2014')

ml$st$stack <-
  inla.stack(data    = list(y = ml$st$dat$value),
             A       = list(st.Amat[!is.na(ml$dat$BF),], 1),
             effects = list(st.index, ml$st$dat),
             tag     = 'est')

ml$st$stack.idx <- inla.stack.index(ml$st$stack, 'est')
## Competing models
ml$st$var <- list(
  wif = list(desc = 'Family integrated into blups',
             fml  = y ~ 0 + Year +
               f(theta, model=sp_str$spde,
                 group = theta.group,  # variable in the mesh space
                 control.group = list(model = 'exchangeable')) +
               f(recode, model = "generic0", hyper = list(theta = prec.A),
                 constr = TRUE, Cmatrix = gen_str$Ainv),
             res = NULL),
  wpe = list(desc = 'Model with Provenance fixed effect',
             fml  = y ~ 0 + Year + PROV +
               f(theta, model=sp_str$spde,
                 group = theta.group,  # variable in the mesh space
                 control.group = list(model = 'exchangeable')) +
               f(recode, model = "generic0", hyper = list(theta = prec.A),
                 constr = TRUE, Cmatrix = gen_str$Ainv),
             res = NULL),
  wbf = list(desc = 'Model with Bud-flush effect',
             fml  = y ~ 0 + BF + Y11 + Y12 + Y13 + Y14 +
               f(theta, model=sp_str$spde,
                 group = theta.group,  # variable in the mesh space
                 control.group = list(model = 'exchangeable')) +
               f(recode, model = "generic0", hyper = list(theta = prec.A),
                 constr = TRUE, Cmatrix = gen_str$Ainv),
             res = NULL),
  wef = list(desc = 'Explicit Family effect and centered blups',
             fml  = y ~ 0 + BF + Y11 + Y12 + Y13 + Y14 +
               f(FAM, model = 'iid', constr = TRUE) +
               f(theta, model=sp_str$spde,
                 group = theta.group,  # variable in the mesh space
                 control.group = list(model = 'exchangeable')) +
               f(recode, model = "generic0", hyper = list(theta = prec.A), constr = FALSE,
                 extraconstr = list(A=const.mat, e=rep(0, n.fam + 1)), Cmatrix = gen_str$Ainv),
             res = NULL),
  wof = list(desc = 'Without differences between families',
             fml  = y ~ 0 + BF + Y11 + Y12 + Y13 + Y14 +
               f(theta, model=sp_str$spde,
                 group = theta.group,  # variable in the mesh space
                 control.group = list(model = 'exchangeable')) +
               f(recode, model = "generic0", hyper = list(theta = prec.A), constr = FALSE,
                 extraconstr = list(A=const.mat, e=rep(0, n.fam + 1)), Cmatrix = gen_str$Ainv),
             res = NULL))

## Send jobs
## This takes a while. Commented lines allow sending jobs to a server.
## control.comput$config = TRUE allows simulating from the posterior distributions
## in order to compute the posterior density for the heritability
for(x in seq_along(ml$st$var)) {
  ml$st$var[[x]]$res <- inla(
    formula = ml$st$var[[x]]$fml,
    data = inla.stack.data(ml$st$stack),
    control.predictor = list(
      A = inla.stack.A(ml$st$stack),
      compute = TRUE),
    control.fixed = list(
      expand.factor.strategy = 'inla'), # account for NAs in factor
    control.compute = list(
      dic = TRUE,
      waic = TRUE,
      cpo = TRUE,
      po = TRUE,
      config = TRUE),
    control.family = list(
      hyper = list(prec = prec.A))
    # , inla.call = 'submit'
## Retrieve jobs from server in due case
for(x in seq_along(ml$st$var)) {
  ## Wait while the job is running
  #   inla.qstat()
  #   while(inla.qstat(ml$st$var[[x]]$res)[[1]]$status == "Running") {
  #     Sys.sleep(60)
  #     }
  ml$st$var[[x]]$res <- inla.qget(ml$st$var[[x]]$res)
  ml$st$var[[x]]$spde <- inla.spde2.result(ml$st$var[[x]]$res, 'theta', sp_str$spde)
## Load into ml$st$var the cached version of the two previous chunks
ml$st$var <- RisingAshes:::stmodels_CD
## An AR1 model for the temporal evolution seems more natural
## however, the model badly overfits the observations
## Look at the effective number of paramters, and the high precisions

fml  = y ~ 0 + Year +
  f(theta, model=sp_str$spde,
    group = theta.group,  # variable in the mesh space
    control.group = list(model = 'ar1')) +
  f(recode, model = "generic0", hyper = list(theta = prec.A),
    constr = TRUE, Cmatrix = gen_str$Ainv)
tr <- inla(formula = fml,
           data = inla.stack.data(ml$st$stack),
           control.predictor = list(A = inla.stack.A(ml$st$stack),
                                    compute = TRUE),
           control.fixed = list(expand.factor.strategy = 'inla'), # account for NAs in factor
           control.compute = list(dic = TRUE,
                                  waic = TRUE,
                                  cpo = TRUE,
                                  po = TRUE,
                                  config = TRUE),
           control.family = list(hyper = list(prec = prec.A))
           , inla.call = 'submit'


R-INLA package version r ml$st$var$wbf$res$version$R.INLA

There is significantly more variance within families than between families. Part of this intra-family variance might be due to the interaction GxE which is not included in this model. Note also that the posterior variance of the family is around the value estimated with REML.

# Marginals of the variances (inverse precisions)
ml$st$marginal.variances <- 
    c(wef$res$marginals.hyperpar[c('Precision for recode',
                                   'Precision for FAM')],
      wbf$res$marginals.hyperpar[c('Precision for the Gaussian observations',
                                   'Precision for recode')])) %>% 
  lapply(function(y) inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/x, y)) %>% 
  structure(names = c('Within Family',
                      'Between Families',
                      'Additive-genetic')) %>% 
    list('Spatio-temporal' =

ggplot(ldply(ml$st$marginal.variances[1:2], identity), aes(x, y)) + 
  geom_line(aes(col = .id))
## Mode and 95% HPD Credible Intervals

ml$st$summary.variances <- 
    sapply(ml$st$marginal.variances, inla.mmarginal),
    sapply(ml$st$marginal.variances, function(x) inla.hpdmarginal(.95, x))
  ) %>% 
  structure(dimnames = list(c('mode', 'lo', 'hi'),

print_estimate <- function(x) 
  paste0(unname(round(ml$st$summary.variances[1, x], 3)),
        ' (', paste(round(ml$st$summary.variances[2:3, x], 3), collapse = ', '), ')')

Posterior modes and 95% HPD Credible Intervals are r print_estimate('Between Families') for the variance between families and r print_estimate('Within Family') for the variance within families

Variance components

## improved estimates of hyperparamters
# ml$st$wif$res <- inla.hyperpar(ml$st$var$wbf$res)

ml$st$summary.variances %>% 
  adply(2, .id = 'Component') %>% 
  rename(Variance = mode) %>% 
  arrange(desc(Variance)) %>% 
  mutate(Component = factor(Component, levels = Component)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(Component, Variance)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lo, ymax = hi)) +
  coord_flip() +
  expand_limits(y = 0)

Posterior modes and 95% HPD Credible Intervals are r print_estimate('Residual') for the residual variance and r print_estimate('Additive-genetic') for the Additive-genetic variance.

kable(ml$st$summary.variances, digits = 3)

Effect of the Year

The following figure shows the mean posterior effect of the years, with 95% credible intervals for a reference value of BF of 3. Transformed scale.

  Year = 2010:2014,
  rbind(ml$st$var$wbf$res$summary.fixed[3, ],
        ml$st$var$wbf$res$summary.fixed[3, 'mean'] +
          ml$st$var$wbf$res$summary.fixed[6:9, ])
) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(Year, mean, ymin = X0.025quant, ymax = X0.975quant)) + 
  geom_pointrange() + 
  geom_line() +

Effect of the Budflush

The following figure shows the mean posterior effect of the Budflush, with 95% credible intervals, in the latent scale.

ggplot(data.frame(BF = 1:5,
       aes(BF, mean, ymin = X0.025quant, ymax = X0.975quant)) + 
  geom_pointrange() + 
  geom_line(col = 'darkgray') +
inverse_transf <- function(x) 1/x**2 - 0.1

BFmar_latent <- 
  sapply(c(0, ml$st$var$wbf$res$summary.fixed[6:9, 'mean']),
         function(x) shift_marginal(

BFmar <- lapply(BFmar_latent,
                function(x) inla.tmarginal(inverse_transf, x))
BFhpd <- rbind(
         function(x) inla.hpdmarginal(.95, x)),
         function(x) inla.emarginal(identity, x))

plotdat <- 
  BFhpd %>% 
  t() %>% 
  as.data.frame() %>% 
  rename(ymin = V1, ymax = V2, mean = V3) %>% 
  mutate(BF = rep(1:5, 5),
         Year = factor(rep(2010:2014, each = 5)))

plotdat %>% 
  ggplot(aes(BF, mean, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax)) + 
  geom_ribbon(aes(group = Year), alpha = 0.3) + 
  geom_line(aes(linetype = Year)) +
  labs(y='CD') +
  scale_linetype_discrete(guide = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE))

The following table gives the mean predicted CD by Year and BF.

kable(addmargins(xtabs(mean~Year+BF, data = plotdat), 
                 FUN = mean, 
                 quiet = TRUE),
      caption = 'mean predicted CD by Year and BF.',
      digits = 3)


We get the posterior additive variance from the model with implicit family effect. In order to compute the posterior density of the heritability, we sample from the joint posterior distribution of the hyperparameters of the model, and build a posterior sample of heritabilities with the formula $$ h^2 = \frac{\sigma^2_a}{\sigma^2_a + \sigma^2} $$

# summary(ml$st$var$wbf$res)

N.samples <- 5e3
hyperpar.sample <- inla.hyperpar.sample(N.samples, ml$st$var$wbf$res)
var.sample <- structure(
  cbind(1/hyperpar.sample[, grep('Gaussian|recode',
        inla.rmarginal(N.samples, ml$st$marginal.variances$`Spatio-temporal`)),
  dimnames = list(NULL, c('sigma2', 'sigma2_a', 'sigma2_st')))

sample_h2 <- function(fun)
  apply(var.sample, 1, fun)

ml$st$var$wbf$h2.sample <-
  c(with_ST = function(x)
    wout_ST = function(x)
      x['sigma2_a']/(x['sigma2_a']+x['sigma2'])) %>% 
  sapply(sample_h2) %>% 

ggplot(gather(ml$st$var$wbf$h2.sample, key, h2), aes(h2, colour = key)) +
  geom_density() +
  ylab(NULL) +
  theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y = element_blank())
# Return the mean and the centered 95% credible interval
# for a sample x
mean_ci <- function(x) {
  c(mean = mean(x), quantile(x, probs = c(.025, .975)))

plotdat <- 
  sapply(ml$st$var$wbf$h2.sample, mean_ci) %>% 
  t() %>% 

ggplot(mutate(plotdat, key = rownames(plotdat)), aes(key, y=mean)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = `2.5%`, ymax = `97.5%`)) +
  coord_flip() +
  ylim(c(0, 1)) +
  ylab('Heritability') +
kable(plotdat, digits = 2)

Fitted vs. Observations

Note that the fact that the prediction is not centered around the observed values is a consequence of the discrete nature of the response variable. It would be unlikely to predict a value under 1 or above 3.16, when these are the extreme observed values.

plotdat <- data.frame(
  Observed = ml$st$dat$value,
  Predicted = ml$st$var$wbf$res$summary.fitted.values$mean[ml$st$stack.idx$data],
  Year = ml$st$dat$Year) 

ggplot(plotdat, aes(Observed, Predicted)) +
  geom_jitter(aes(color = Year), alpha = .5) +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, colour = 'darkgray')
data.frame(Year = plotdat$Year,
           mutate_each(plotdat[,1:2], funs(inverse_transf))) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(Observed, Predicted)) +
  geom_jitter(aes(color = Year), alpha = .5) +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, colour = 'darkgray')

Family effects

There are no extreme differences between families, but rather a continuous range of effects. However, most families have significant effects, and differences between the most extreme families are remarkable.

# # Identify the most distinguishable families at the extremes
# fam.idx <- order(ml$st$var$wef$res$summary.random$FAM$mean)[c(1:2,22:23)]
# message(paste('Two leftmost and two rightmost families: ',
#               paste(levels(dat$FAM)[fam.idx], collapse = ', ')))
# sizes <- rep(1, 23)
# sizes[fam.idx] <- 2
# ggplot(transform(ldply(ml$st$var$wef$res$marginals.random$FAM, data.frame),
#                  .id = factor(.id, levels = unique(.id), labels = levels(dat$FAM))),
#        aes(x, y, col = .id)) +
#   geom_line(aes(size = sizes[.id])) +
#   scale_size(range = c(.3, 1), guide = FALSE) +
#   guides(color = guide_legend(keyheight = 0.5))
# dotplot(ranef(ml$ref$res2, condVar = TRUE, whichel = 'FAM'))

## Rankings from low to high from M1 and M3
## Not used
rank_change.idx <- which(order(ranef(ml$ref$res2,
                                     condVar = TRUE, whichel = 'FAM')$FAM) !=
lwd <- rep(0.5, length(levels(dat$FAM)))
lwd[rank_change.idx] <- 1

                 Family = reorder(factor(levels(dat$FAM)), mean, 'mean')),
       aes(x = Family, y = mean)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = X0.025quant, ymax = X0.975quant)) + 
  coord_flip() +

We can double-check the relevance of the family effect, by fitting a model assuming that this effect is null. This implies imposing sum-to-zero constraints within each family for the additive genetic effect. We computed the Bayes Factor for both models and found that the model including a family effect is about r round(ml$st$var$wbf$res$mlik[1,1] - ml$st$var$wof$res$mlik[1,1], 0) times more likely than the model without family effect.

Note: not sure about this last interpretation.

Genetic effects

Here we plot the posterior distribution for the individual breeding values. Family effect included implicitly.

hpds <- sapply(ml$st$var$wbf$res$marginals.random$recode, 
               function(x) inla.hpdmarginal(.95, x))
recode.idx <- gen_str$recoding

ml$st$blups <- data.frame(
 Seq  = dat$Seq,
 Family = dat$FAM,
 CD14 = dat$CD_2014,
 mean = ml$st$var$wbf$res$summary.random$recode$mean[recode.idx],
 ymin = hpds[1, recode.idx],
 ymax = hpds[2, recode.idx])

ggplot(ml$st$blups, aes(x = mean, y = mean, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax)) + 
  geom_pointrange() + 
  facet_wrap(~ Family) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(x=NULL, y=NULL)
ggplot(ml$st$blups, aes(CD14, mean)) + 

Posterior distributions of spatial field's characteristics

The spatial autocorrelation extends over a range of about 20 rows/columns, with a significant variability.

## Spatial-temporal field hyperparameters
stopifnot(exists('spde', ml$st$var$wbf))
res.spde.marginals <- ldply(
  tail(ml$st$var$wbf$spde, 2),
  function(x) data.frame(x[[1]])
res.spde.marginals <- transform(
             labels = c('Range', 'Variance'))
res.spde.marginals <- rbind(
  cbind(type = 'Posterior', res.spde.marginals),
  cbind(type = 'Prior', .id = 'Range', as.data.frame(sp_str$priors$rho)),
  cbind(type = 'Prior', .id = 'Variance', as.data.frame(sp_str$priors$sigma))
# qplot(x, y, data=res.spde.marginals, geom='line', col = type) + facet_wrap(~.id, scales='free')

ggplot(res.spde.marginals, aes(x, y, lty = type)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~.id, scales='free', ncol=1) + 
  labs(x=NULL, y=NULL) +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank())

Posterior spatiotemporal field

proj.vec = inla.mesh.projector(sp_str$mesh, loc=sp_str$loc)
sp.f <- function(x) inla.mesh.project(proj.vec, field = x)

ml$st$post_spat <- ldply(1:5, function(x) 
    X = dat$X,
    Y = dat$Y,
    Year = (2010:2014)[x],
    PostMean= sp.f(ml$st$var$wbf$spde$summary.values$mean[st.index$theta.group == x])))

ggplot(ml$st$post_spat, aes(X, Y)) +
  geom_tile(aes(fill = PostMean, color = PostMean)) +
  coord_fixed() +
  labs(x='Field column', y='Field row') +
  facet_wrap(~ Year) +
  scale_fill_gradient2(low='#832424FF', high='#3A3A98FF', name = 'Posterior\nmean') +
  scale_color_gradient2(low='#832424FF', high='#3A3A98FF', name = 'Posterior\nmean') 

# ggplot(transform(dat, theta.mean = ss.mean), aes(X, Y)) + geom_tile(aes(fill=theta.mean)) + coord_fixed()
# ggplot(transform(dat, theta.sd = ss.sd), aes(X, Y)) + geom_tile(aes(fill=theta.sd)) + coord_fixed()

# # sample some points in the trial
# ggplot(ldply(sample(nrow(dat), 30), function(x) {
#   idx <- which(ml$st$post_spat$X == dat[x, 'X'] & ml$st$post_spat$Y == dat[x, 'Y'])
#   data.frame(Tree = paste(dat[x, c('X', 'Y')], collapse = '_'),
#              ml$st$post_spat[idx, c('Year', 'PostMean')])
#   }
#   ),
#   aes(Year, PostMean, group = Tree)) + 
#   geom_point() + 
#   geom_line(color = 'darkgray')
spmar <- ml$st$var$wbf$spde$marginals.values

## mean values of linear predictor for BF=3 and for each Year
latent_means <- with(ml$st$var$wbf$res, 
                     summary.fixed[3, 'mean'] + 
                       c(0, summary.fixed[6:9, 'mean']))
spmar.oscale <- 
    mapply(shift_marginal, spmar, latent_means[st.index$theta.group],
           SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
    function(x) inla.tmarginal(inverse_transf, x))

spmeans.oscale <- sapply(spmar.oscale, 
                         function(x) inla.emarginal(identity, x))

ml$st$post_spat_oscale <- ldply(
  1:5, function(x) 
      X = dat$X,
      Y = dat$Y,
      Year = (2010:2014)[x],
      PostMean= sp.f(spmeans.oscale[st.index$theta.group == x])))

ggplot(ml$st$post_spat_oscale, aes(X, Y)) +
  geom_tile(aes(fill = PostMean, color = PostMean)) +
  coord_fixed() +
  labs(x='Field column', y='Field row') +
  facet_wrap(~ Year) +
  scale_fill_viridis(name = 'Posterior\nmean') +
  scale_color_viridis(name = 'Posterior\nmean') 

Model diagnostics

resid <- ml$st$dat$value - ml$st$var$wbf$res$summary.fitted.values$mean[ml$st$stack.idx$data]
qqmath(resid, xlab = "Standard normal quantiles",
       prepanel = prepanel.qqmathline,
       panel = function(x, subscripts, ...) {
         panel.qqmathline(x, ...)
         panel.qqmath(x, ...)

The problem with the residuals persists. Although it does not seem that bad: the test statistic is very close to 1, and the qqplot looks fine except perhaps the most extreme couple of observations. The low p-value can be a consequence of the many observations (N=3840), and of the Gaussian approximation to the discrete outcome. I think the results are reliable anyways.


We fitted three main models, starting from a basic model from [@Pliura11] as a reference, and pregresively adding more complexity. The replacement of the Family effect by the additive genetic effect at individual level produces a great improvement in the model according to all criteria. Furthermore, the replacement of the Blocks effect by the continuous spatio-temporal effect produces an additional significant improvement.

st <- data.frame(Model = c(paste0('M', 1:5), paste(' M5', 1:2, sep = '.')),
                 Description = c("Pliūra et al. 2011",
                                 "Individual genetic effect",
                                 "Spatio-temporal effect",
                                 "Fixed provenance effect",
                                 "Fixed Budflush effect",
                                 "    explicit family effect",
                                 "    null variance between families"),
                 `Linear predictor` = c("Year + Block + _Fam_ + _Fam:Block_",
                                        "Year + Block + _BV_",
                                        "Year + _ST_ + _BV_",
                                        "Year + Prov + _ST_ + _BV_",
                                        "Year + BF + _ST_ + _BV_",
                                        "  Year + BF + _ST_ + _Fam_ + _BV_",
                                        "  Year + BF + _ST_ + (_Fam_=0) + _BV_"),
                 DIC = c(ml$ref$res.inla$dic$dic,
                 p_D = c(ml$ref$res.inla$dic$p.eff,
                 WAIC = c(ml$ref$res.inla$waic$waic,
                 p_W = c(ml$ref$res.inla$waic$p.eff,
                 `-2log-lik` = -2*c(ml$ref$res.inla$mlik[1],
kable(st, digits = 0)
ggplot(st, aes(DIC, X.2log.lik, label = Model)) +
  geom_text() +
  labs(y = "-2*Marginal likelihood")

Regarding the estimation of the heritability, the first model provides very little information about it, leading to a very wide credible interval, and to unreliable estimations due to the approximation of the additive variance by four times the variance of the family. Models 2 and 3, on the other hand, provide similar answers, while model 3 being a little bit more precise.

dat.h2 <- rbind(data.frame(model = 'M1',
                           h2 = ml$ref$post.h2),
                data.frame(model = 'M2',
                           h2 = ml$add$h2.sample),
                data.frame(model = 'M3',
                           h2 = ml$st$var$wbf$h2.sample$wout_ST))

dat.h2 %<>%
  group_by(model) %>%
  summarise(mean.h2 = mean(h2),
            h.min = quantile(h2, .025),
            h.max = quantile(h2, .975))

ggplot(dat.h2, aes(x = model, y = mean.h2)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = h.min, ymax = h.max)) +
  coord_flip() + 
  scale_x_discrete(limits = c('M3', 'M2', 'M1')) + 
  ylab('Posterior heritability') + 
  ylim(0, 1)

Furthermore, slight variations around the latter to gather some additional results on the relevance of certain effects.

Specifically, the model $M3.1$ includes an explicit Family effect, to separate the inter-family genetic variance from the intra-family genetic variance. The posterior variance between families is only slightly higher to that of the reference model, while the posterior means of the family effects are very similar except some particular cases (notably, family a04).

ggplot(rbind(data.frame(Model = 'M1',
                        inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/x,
                                       ml$ref$res.inla$marginals.hyperpar[['Precision for FAM']])),
             data.frame(Model = 'M3.1',
                        inla.tmarginal(function(x) 1/x,
                                       ml$st$var$wef$res$marginals.hyperpar[['Precision for FAM']]))),
       aes(x, y, col = Model)) + 
ggplot(data.frame(M1 = ml$ref$res.inla$summary.random$FAM$mean,
                 M3.1 = ml$st$var$wef$res$summary.random$FAM$mean,
                 Family = levels(mdat$FAM)),
       aes(x = M1, y = M3.1, label = Family)) +
  geom_text(hjust = -1) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, col = 'darkgray')

Although the credible intervals of the family effects are telling, we tested the hipothesis of null family effect by fitting the model $M3.2$ which forces all family effects to be equal to zero by imposing a sum-to-zero constraint in the breeding values for each family. This forces $M3.2$ to overfit the data as it turns out from the (almost double) effective number of parameters, which is comparable in magnitude with the total number of observations. Under this conditions the DIC criterion is not reliable [@Plummer08]. On the other hand, the marginal likelihood is significantly smaller resulting in that the model $M3$ is r round(ml$st$var$wbf$res$mlik[1,1] - ml$st$var$wof$res$mlik[1,1], 0) times more likely than the model which imposes a null variance between families.

Finally, we checked the irrelevance of the Provenance again by fitting the model $M3.3$ with the fixed effects of the provenances. While we see that the DIC is practically the same, the model including Provenances is somewhat more unlikely.


famuvie/2016_RisingAshes documentation built on May 16, 2019, 10:02 a.m.