
Defines functions annual_agg.default annual_agg

Documented in annual_agg annual_agg.default

#' Create annual aggregations of WRTDS output
#' Create annual aggregations of WRTDS output
#' @param dat_in input tidal or tidalmean object
#' @param mo_strt numeric indicating month to start aggregation years, defaults to October for USGS water year from October to September
#' @param min_mo numeric value from one to twelve indicating the minimum number of months with observations for averaging by years
#' @param logspace logical indicating if aggregated data are to be shown in log-space or not
#' @param ... arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @details WRTDS output is averaged by year for both predictions and flow-normalized predictions. Years are averaged only if one observation is contained in each of the minimum number of months specified by \code{min_mo} averaging, otherwise results are not returned for the given year.  Note that setting \code{min_mo} to values smaller than the default can produce inaccurate trends for years with very few results. 
#' The function is used internally within \code{\link{prdnrmplot}} and \code{\link{fitplot}}.
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @return An aggregated data object for plotting, returns only model output and response variable.  
#' @examples
#' ## tidal object
#' annual_agg(tidfit)
#' ## tidalmean object
#' annual_agg(tidfitmean)
annual_agg <- function(dat_in, ...) UseMethod('annual_agg')

#' @rdname annual_agg
#' @export
#' @method annual_agg default
annual_agg.default <- function(dat_in, mo_strt = 10, min_mo = 9, logspace = TRUE, ...){
  # put data in long format by response, fits, norms
  # split by response variable
  # create new year column based on mo_strt
  # average by new year column only if minimum number of months are present
  dat_agg <- select(dat_in, matches('date|fit|norm|res')) 
  # this has to be back-transformed before average if values are not shown in logspace
    dat_agg <- mutate(dat_agg, res = exp(res))
  # take annual averages
  dat_agg <- tidyr::gather(dat_agg, 'var', 'val', -date) %>% 
    split(.$var) %>% 
    lapply(., function(x){

      out <- na.omit(x) %>% 
          yr = lubridate::year(date),
          mo = lubridate::month(date)
        ) %>% 
          yrchg = ifelse(mo < mo_strt, yr, yr + 1)
        ) %>% 
        group_by(yrchg, var) %>% 
        summarise(val = ifelse(length(unique(mo)) < min_mo, NA, mean(val)))
    }) %>% 
    do.call('rbind', .) %>% 
    tidyr::spread(var, val) %>%
    ungroup %>% 
    rename(date = yrchg) %>% 
      date = as.Date(paste0(mo_strt, '-01-', date), format = '%m-%d-%Y')
  # transform back to log if values not shown in logspace
    dat_agg <- mutate(dat_agg, res = log(res))
fawda123/WRTDStidal documentation built on Oct. 22, 2023, 11:28 p.m.