Man pages for fcampelo/PPGEECred
PPGEECred - Calculo de credenciamentos para o PPGEE-UFMG

apply_filtersApply filters
calculate_scoresFunction to calculate the accreditation scores
filter_by_qualis_or_JCRFilter a lattes.list by qualis extract / impact factor
filter_by_yearFilter a lattes.list by year
find_coauthorshipsFunction to find and tag duplicated entries (coauthorships)
get_accepted_papersExtract accepted journal papers
get_journal_papersExtract published journal papers
set_JCRObtain JCR information
set_qualisObtain QUALIS information
set_yearSet ValidYear flags
fcampelo/PPGEECred documentation built on May 8, 2019, 12:55 p.m.