Man pages for fchamroukhi/MRHLP
Multiple Regression Model with a Hidden Logistic Process ('MRHLP') for Joint Segmentation of Multivariate Time Series

emMRHLPemMRHLP implemens the EM algorithm to fit a MRHLP model.
MData-classA Reference Class which represents multivariate data.
ModelMRHLP-classA Reference Class which represents a fitted MRHLP model.
ParamMRHLP-classA Reference Class which contains the parameters of a MRHLP...
realdatasetTime series representing the three acceleration components...
selectMRHLPselecMRHLP implements a model selection procedure to select...
StatMRHLP-classA Reference Class which contains statistics of a MRHLP model.
toydatasetA simulated non-stationary multidimensional time series with...
fchamroukhi/MRHLP documentation built on Sept. 23, 2019, 4:17 a.m.