
#' birds
#' birds dataset.
#' @format An mldr object with 645 instances, 279 attributes and 19 labels
#' @source F. Briggs, Yonghong Huang, R. Raich, K. Eftaxias, Zhong Lei, W. Cukierski, S. Hadley, A. Hadley, M. Betts, X. Fern, J. Irvine, L. Neal, A. Thomas, G. Fodor, G. Tsoumakas, Hong Wei Ng, Thi Ngoc Tho Nguyen, H. Huttunen, P. Ruusuvuori, T. Manninen, A. Diment, T. Virtanen, J. Marzat, J. Defretin, D. Callender, C. Hurlburt, K. Larrey, M. Milakov. "The 9th annual MLSP competition: New methods for acoustic classification of multiple simultaneous bird species in a noisy environment", in proc. 2013 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP)
#' @examples
#' summary(birds)
#' birds$labels

#' emotions
#' emotions dataset.
#' @format An mldr object with 593 instances, 78 attributes and 6 labels
#' @source K. Trohidis, G. Tsoumakas, G. Kalliris, I. Vlahavas. "Multilabel Classification of Music into Emotions". Proc. 2008 International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2008), pp. 325-330, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2008
#' @examples
#' summary(emotions)
#' emotions$labels

#' genbase
#' genbase dataset.
#' @format An mldr object with 662 instances, 1213 attributes and 27 labels
#' @source S. Diplaris, G. Tsoumakas, P. Mitkas and I. Vlahavas. Protein Classification with Multiple Algorithms, Proc. 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2005), pp. 448-456, Volos, Greece, November 2005
#' @examples
#' summary(genbase)
#' genbase$labels
fcharte/mldr documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 12:56 p.m.