
# Shows how to implement a filter over a MLD to decouple highly imbalanced labels

# Process instances with .SCUMBLE > Scumble (mean)
dilMean <- function(mld) decoupleImbalancedLabels(mld, mld$measures$scumble)

# Process instances with .SCUMBLE > ThirdQuartile(Scumble)
dilThirdQ <- function(mld) decoupleImbalancedLabels(mld, summary(mld$dataset$.SCUMBLE)["3rd Qu."])

# Process instances with .SCUMBLE > atkLevel
decoupleImbalancedLabels <- function(mld, atkLevel) {
  mldbase <- mld[.SCUMBLE <= atkLevel]
  mldhigh <- mld[.SCUMBLE > atkLevel]  # Samples with coocurrence of highly imbalanced labels

  # Indexes of minority and majority labels
  minIndexes <- mld$labels[mld$labels$IRLbl > mld$measures$meanIR,"index"]
  majIndexes <- mld$labels[mld$labels$IRLbl <= mld$measures$meanIR,"index"]

  # Duplicate rows affected by coocurrence of highly imbalanced labels
  ninstances <- mldhigh$measures$num.instances
  mldhigh$dataset[(ninstances+1):(ninstances*2),] <- mldhigh$dataset

  # Decouple majority and minority labels
  mldhigh$dataset[1:ninstances, minIndexes] <- 0
  mldhigh$dataset[(ninstances+1):(ninstances*2), majIndexes] <- 0

  mldbase + mldhigh # Join the instances without changes with the filtered ones

# Shows how to implement a filter over a MLD to deactivate majority labels
deactivateMajorityLabels <- function(mld) {
  mldbase <- mld[.SCUMBLE <= mld$measures$scumble]
  mldhigh <- mld[.SCUMBLE > mld$measures$scumble]  # Samples with coocurrence of highly imbalanced labels

  majIndexes <- mld$labels[mld$labels$IRLbl < mld$measures$meanIR,"index"]

  # Deactivate majority  labels
  mldhigh$dataset[, majIndexes] <- 0

  mldbase + mldhigh # Join the instances without changes with the filtered ones

# Test the function with emotions multilabel dataset
decoupled.emotions <- dilMean(emotions)
decoupled2.emotions <- dilThirdQ(emotions)

summary(decoupled.emotions) # Reduced number of labelsets and lower cardinality, density and scumble

deactivated.emotions <- deactivateMajorityLabels(emotions)
fcharte/mldr documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 12:56 p.m.